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ATWA: ALL The Way Alive!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

To Manson Hater Zack McQuaid!

I don't normally do this, but I feel it's necessary to post a personal message here since you want to start some shit with me on "FB" now. Zack, I want you to read this LOUD AND CLEAR! BACK THE HELL OFF AND TAKE YOUR INFANTILE SHIT BACK TO YOUR PLAYPEN! While I'm mildly amused by your childish antics, I haven't the time to deal with it so I would appreciate you just going your own way and letting me go mine. I also advise the other Manson haters to heed this as well. Think whatever you want but just don't bring it to MY doorstep. In other words, stay on YOUR OWN side of the fence! That being said, I'll not acknowledge any more of your nonsense Zack so it will be senseless for you to continue on with it. Thanks a heap:)

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Update! Zack McQuaid Has A Little Helper!

I just figured something out today and thought I would share this new info with my loyal readers. It seems this girl who based on past discussions I had with her appears to be considerably unbalanced mentally, decided to come to the aid of her beloved Zack who is a blatant Manson hater. Last night, we got into a discussion which later led to a personal level. This girl who goes by the aliases "Amethyst Azure", "Altra Lee", and "Devilina Hellisback" began bizarrely interrogating me about my gender of all things which I found a bit troubling since that shouldn't even be a major concern of hers. When I tried telling her that I prefer to remain as anonymous as possible, she took offense to it. A bit later on, she asked me if I knew a "Zack Atwa" and I told her I wasn't sure. That's when the shit hit the fan! She had the audacity to call ME a liar when in fact I was only trying to be honest with her. I don't go for ANY disrespect like that EVER! I told her I converse with many people online and it's hard to keep track of them all. Well, that didn't sit too well with her. I did admit to knowing a "Zack McQuaid" because I only know him by that name and NOT "Zack Atwa" like what "Amethyst Azure" aka "Altra Lee" aka "Devilina Hellisback" was referring to him as. So, I wasn't wrong here. I honestly at the time had no idea who the hell she was talking about. Now however, all the pieces have come together and I'm aware of what her motives were for attacking me. She was just trying to defend the honor of her baby boy Zack and pulled whatever pathetic stunts she needed to in order to achieve her goal. She failed miserably though because I'm much smarter and stronger than SHE could EVER be in a million years hehehe:) I ended up placing her on blocked status after telling her off and leaving her miserable "ATWA Earth recent news on activities involving Earth Balance" group. Bottom line, the BOTH of them have SERIOUS issues and I want NOTHING to do with their petty little drama anymore. In my opinion, they BOTH need to be locked up where they can't harm themselves or anyone else for that matter.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Manson Hater Zack McQuaid's Strangeness Continues!

Here's more strange behavior from Zack that went down yesterday:

@ATWA13X Hey no problem. I guess it's not, you're obviously called that a lot. I heard you weigh 20,000? you all wanna mess with me? cause I’ll go toe-to-toe with you basterds. I’ll go water-wiggle on your ass. Tell ya what tub-a-goo, freak of nature…why dont you guys run home, pee your pants, cry your eyes out, spank eachothers chubby little butts, get up, have an eggo, come back here and we’ll do it all again. cause I like working out on you puke-stain little punching bags!! Ha (Bitches!)
LOL:) You're making yourself look more ridiculous with each nonsensical remark you make Zack hehehe:) I'm assuming all those nasty little things you mentioned are activities that YOU enjoy on a daily basis. In my opinion, I think you should go back to that institution you were in before. There's no shame in being in a place like that and with time, you might grow up to be a nice guy. You really need some help kid.
I have some questions for you Zack. Do some deep soul searching before answering. Do you think this infantile behavior you're displaying makes you look good? Would it be so hard agreeing to disagree with those who don't share your point of view? Can't you see you're outnumbered here being the only Manson hater among Manson supporters? What exactly do YOU get out of all this name-calling crap? Think hard and let me know.
Gee, I was expecting some answers to my questions. You know Zack, I don't have you blocked at the moment so you could always write me privately and maybe I can help you free your mind. I was your age once too;)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

More Lunacy From Manson Hater Zack McQuaid!

Just as I figured would happen, Zack began spewing more ridiculous shit yesterday. Here is Zack's nonsensical reply to the last message I posted:

@ATWA13X I know. Why don't you lose some weight.
LOL:) WTF is that supposed to mean? hehehe:) Is that all you got? Try a little harder because that last crack didn't phase me in the least:)
Oh, I forgot to mention that each nonsensical thing that you post makes great material for my blog so many thanks for that:)
Fat ass huh? LOL:) Is that supposed to offend me? Try again because that doesn't work:) I got some advice for you, perhaps YOU should get off your POMPOUS ass and do something besides dishing out lame insults to those who don't think on YOUR level. By the way, it sounds like these people you mentioned have just as many personal issues as you. I think you ALL need some help. Thanks for the blog material, I appreciate it:)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Manson Hater Zack McQuaid Strikes Again!

It seems Zack McQuaid just can't stop stepping in his own shit! I truly feel sorry for him because it's clear the poor soul has some SERIOUS mental issues as you will soon see in this recent exchange. I'm going to re-post a recent comment I made to Zack's "YouTube" channel just so everyone can see what he's replying to. Here we go:

Zack, I think you need to chill out! I will NOT shut my mouth and I'm going to continue speaking out against the Manson sensationalism whenever I damn well feel like it! YOUR word is NOT law! Another thing, I'm NOT a hacker either! Do yourself a favor and get some help for your issues Zack. All this negative crap you're displaying isn't very productive. Try doing something for your Mother Earth and you might feel better.
LOL:) You are quite a character Zack. Why don't you take your meds, lay down for a while, and think about how you can make a POSITIVE difference in the world around you. Making ridiculous videos isn't the way to make anything good out of yourself.

It's nice to see I'm not the only 1 who is opposed to Zack's nonsense:) Check out this strange reply Zack made to HIMSELF:

@ZackMcquaid I'm wondering if you will understand that...

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Another Manson Hater Revealed: IwshIcldstrtover.

Well, it seems yet ANOTHER Manson hater has crossed my path. For whatever reason, they're all crawling out of the woodwork LOL:) For the record, this recent Manson hater responded to a video comment I made 6 months ago which had NOTHING to do with him/her. Anyway, here's the latest "YouTube" exchange that took place between me and this other individual:

All the little negative comments about Charlie are sickening!
@ATWA13X And all of the support that you give Manson is disgusting and insane. Seek help, you foolish kid.

@ATWA13X "NOT as grisly as BUGliosi made things out to be!" You stupid foolish idiot. Have you ever looked at the actual crime scene photographs and the autopsy photographs of the people killed? Vincent Bugliosi was unable to reveal exactly how grisly the crimes actually were, because they are beyond words of description. You are nothing but a fool.
I suppose you think name-calling makes YOU bigger huh? Well, in reality it only shows your lack of intelligence and inability to communicate like an ADULT! Grow up, do something positive for Mother Earth, and find someone else to get your cheap thrills off of besides ME!
@ATWA13X Well, one thing is certain. *YOU* are not playing with a full deck!
Speak for yourself. You don't appear to have anything but rocks rolling around in your head LOL:)
@ATWA13X You would know. Anyone stupid enough to defend Charles Manson, whose hero was Adolph Hitler, among other things, *DOES* have rocks in their head!
Whatever! I personally don't care what you think of me. I'm entitled to my opinions same as YOU are but the difference between ME and YOU is I'M the 1 communicating like a civil ADULT here and YOU are NOT! Tell me, why do you have a problem expressing your point of view without all the childish name-calling? I'll wait for your answer.
@ATWA13X Because you act like a child. I've read many of your childish posts in other videos here on YT. You talk a child defending his long, lost hero. In this case, your hero happens to be a psycho.
LOL:) Oh really now? The way I see it, YOU and 1 other unmentionable individual here has acted like a child! Your reply this time may have been more on the adult level but other times you resorted to name-calling which is CHILDISH. What does that say about YOU? Another thing, how are you aware of any other posts I have made? Do tell. FYI, I support Charlie because I don't believe he's responsible for those murders. If I thought he was, I wouldn't support him at all.
Hey, I have a proposition for you. Let's bring this to private messages so we don't bore all these people with our debate. I don't have you blocked right now so you can write to me personally. I'm just curious as to what your deal is. Here is really not the place for any long winded chatter.
@ATWA13X  Well, the fact of the matter is, is that I have you blocked. I'm not going to carry on a discussion with a lunatic who supports another lunatic named Charles Manson.
No big deal then, it doesn't bother me if you have me blocked:) I don't even care if you call me a lunatic because I know better. No offense but it seems to me that's all just classic projection on your part once again. You don't really know me so therefore your "lunatic" statement has no merit. Anyway, perhaps we should just agree to disagree and leave it at that. I can do that. Can you?

Friday, August 12, 2011

Manson Hater Zack McQuaid Still Spewing Hate!

Unfortunately, this newly revealed Manson hater Zack McQuaid continues to spew his hate along with false allegations against ME. Below is the exchange that started this most recent incident:

To everyone who has posted in opposition to this video, there's something you need to be told. Zack obviously has something serious going on to make him create such a hideous video. I see it as classic projection on his part but he apparently does not. Thing is, his type will always be out there and we just have to deal with them the best we can. I personally feel sorry for the Manson haters because they have been duped by the media.
Zack, I think you need to chill out! I will NOT shut my mouth and I'm going to continue speaking out against the Manson sensationalism whenever I damn well feel like it! YOUR word is NOT law! Another thing, I'm NOT a hacker either! Do yourself a favor and get some help for your issues Zack. All this negative crap you're displaying isn't very productive. Try doing something for your Mother Earth and you might feel better.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

New Manson Hater On The Loose!

His name is Zack McQuaid and although he posed as a Manson supporter to me once, he's in fact NOT what he appeared to be. Recently, he created the following video and even though I support the rights of everyone to think whatever they want, I do NOT feel this was the proper way for Zack to express his point of view. The insults to those who support Charles Manson are childish and uncalled for! See the video and judge for yourself:

The link for this video was actually sent to me by Zack after I saw some sensationalistic dialog on his "Facebook" page in reference to Charlie and because I previously believed him to be a Manson supporter, I naturally was curious as to why he switched gears like that. He claimed he knew some stuff about Charlie that I didn't and of course I requested that he reveal this so-called knowledge to me. All he could do was send me his video link without any further explanation. It became apparent to me that Zack actually DIDN'T have any new found information and had instead played me as he had done to other Manson supporters. In view of his blatant disregard for anyone's feelings besides his own, I wrote back to him and voiced MY thoughts about his actions. Since I believe in complete fairness, I'll include here all of my messages to Zack along with his responses. Here we go:

A couple questions for you.

First, how are you doing? Second, I saw your Facebook page and I have something else to ask. Why did you change your stance about Charlie? It's apparent from the writings on your Facebook page that you're no longer a supporter. I mean, you and everyone else is entitled to think whatever but I was just curious about what changed your mind. Please feel free to reply back anytime. If I don't hear from you, best regards.

X (aka Noel)
Sent to: zackmcquaid

Zack's reply:

I'm doing alright. Charlie is fooling all of you... He was fooling me too. I mean look I was a very very big supporter. Handing out flyers all the time, doing radio interviews, trying to get on Chex News. I don't want to talk to him, Star, Graywolf (Well, Graywolf is a cool guy), or any other Manson Family Idiot. "They're ALL walking dead people, and they don't even know it..." He's no lies he says....Listen to what he says....Listen. Not just that, but see what he's doing. If you want to get deeply involved with them as I did....then you will know what he is up to and what Star is up to too. Star and Graywolf's number BTW is XXX-XXX-XXXX. She is a prisoners Bitch....But there is also some other things going on that she knows I am aware of, and YOU WILL too find it out someday. She says "Don't talk like you know something" She knows that I know a lot more then any of the other walking dead people in ATWA Family. She's scared right now. It's evident. I was talking with Stanton on phone a little over a week ago and Star has even deleted Stanton. She will not even let out her real name. For reasons. There's a lot more going on then " Charlie's in prison, Star and Charlie love each other and are getting married and we want him out" There's reasons for every one on those things I just typed.
Sent to: atwa13x

My reply:

You know, just because some supporters are dark-sided to a degree doesn't mean ALL of us supporters are! Why should the actions of the dark-sided supporters shed negative light on Charlie? Perhaps you should tell me what you supposedly know and let me be the judge for myself. You're not the first who turned against Charlie and I want to know what your reasons are. I'm curious.

X (aka Noel)
Sent to: zackmcquaid

Zack's final reply:

Re: A couple questions for you.

Now, for my final reply to Zack:

Is that all you have? Judge not lest ye be judged:

By the way, don't bother writing to me anymore because it's clear we're not on the same page. I'm sick of all you damn Manson haters having the audacity to spew out childish names simply because us supporters choose to go against the media sensationalism. I feel sorry for you now that you have devoured all that shit:( Your video is a total JOKE!

X (aka Noel)
Sent to: zackmcquaid

Below is my video response to Zack:

This is basically how everything went down and while I can respect Zack's right to his own opinion, the fact that he created such a derogatory video with mean-spirited dialog is appalling. I also don't think it was fair of him to add this "Star" person into the mix by slamming HER beliefs in the clip. If Zack wants to think the way he does about Charlie, so be it but I think he could do much better without the name-calling. Unfortunately, Zack failed miserably to make any kind of valid point with the video clip or in his writings to me:(  To make things abundantly clear, my sole purpose for posting this is because I want other Manson supporters to be aware of how Zack operates so nobody else can get used like I and others did. I definitely don't want to see any other innocent people falling victim to his crap. Another thing I want to mention is my last response to Zack was rather harsh only because of the video and NOT necessarily because of the written messages. Compared to the video, Zack was considerably better at expressing his feelings in the written messages. What I can't understand is WHY these Manson haters feel it necessary to toss out insults at those of us who support Charlie simply because we all don't think on the same level. What's so hard about agreeing to disagree WITHOUT all the childish name-calling? Another thing that really baffles me is how these Manson haters have the audacity to condemn Charlie for the violence they believe he's responsible for but then they spew back the same violence to the Manson supporters. WTF? How the hell can you condemn 1 person for an offense that YOU'RE so willing to inflict onto others? I admit, I used to have a problem expressing myself without using childish names or violent speech but then I learned a better way of dealing with those who refuse to act like an adult. I simply don't sink to their low level by diminishing myself in an adolescent manner! I learned the only way to deal with spiteful or hateful individuals is to allow them to stew in THEIR OWN juices and not give them the reaction they desire from me. Manson haters are among the worst I have EVER encountered online and I refuse to compromise myself or my beliefs for them. In other words, the haters can go on spewing all the derogatory, sensationalistic crap they want about Charlie or others like myself who support him but I will NOT change MY views whatsoever even though the haters desire it! Furthermore, I will continue exposing them when necessary but on a CIVIL level only! That way I can at least keep MY credibility while the haters are running THEMSELVES into the ground.

Monday, June 6, 2011

"Blahblobify" Strikes Again!

Well, the cretin is STILL spouting off his rants against Charlie and choosing ME to single out simply because as he claims "I'm the most vocal" but whether he realizes it or not, he CAN'T harass or stalk me into submission. I will NEVER change my point of view regardless of how many cretin Trolls decide to target me! This low-life however seems to think he can change me by using tasteless cyber Trolling tactics which are only succeeding in making HIM look like a total ass. What I can't understand is why he doesn't just allow me to have MY opinions while HIS are being respected? So far, I have given this cretin ample respect but of course, it's not getting returned. Nothing new there. I do believe the heart of the problem has been expressed by "Blahblobify" on his channel:

Blahblobify (3 days ago)
I have a deep seated hatred for Charles Manson fans, plus anyone who likes Sandra Good or Squeeky Fromme. I also can't stand people who claim the Apollo moon landings were faked.
They are too stupid to merit having an opinion.

I posted the following after reading what he posted:

ATWA***(2 minutes ago)
Obviously, your deep seated hatred for Charles Manson supporters prompt you to harass and stalk them all over "YouTube" huh?

Now, here is what started things this morning. Once again, this asshole found a post I made on another video and he just HAD to get his 2-cents worth in there. This is the full exchange between us:

It stuns me how Gypsy can turn on Charlie like that..
Yeah she lied at the trial and claimed Linda Kasabian was The MasterMind behind the murders, then she tried to steal 150 rifles at a gun store, intending to hijack a 747 and kill all the passengers if manson wasn't released.
THEN she wised up and realized what a toatl fuckheaded idiot she'd been and turned on Manson.
When are YOU going to wise up?
 Blahblobify 22 hours ago 

When are YOU going to stop following me around on "YouTube" and acting like a total ass? Am I the only 1 you can find to mess with? Really, you need to get a new routine and grow up!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

New Manson Hater: Blahblobify

There's a new Manson hater on the loose who goes by the "YouTube" user name "Blahblobify" and he's among the most ignorant individuals I have encountered in a while. This cretin has been making an ass out of himself for the past week but today's exchange really takes the cake. I responded to a comment made by another user previously and "Blahblobify" decided to impose himself onto me after reading what I posted. Here's how it went down. I edited my user name as a precaution in case other Trolls get any demented ideas. The video in question that I was commenting on had to do with Catherine "Gypsy" Share:

  • god damn female version of that psycho!
  • @oblivionzzzmike
    The media made Charlie into a "psycho" and of course, the fear most people carry around makes them believe in everything negative that gets said about him.
  • @ATWA***
    Yeah right "the media" lied all about manson whereas YOU know the truth because you were there and personally knew him.
    Or are you just making up shit about about him that's contrary to the news because it makes you feel *kewl* and countercultural/anti-establish­ment?
    Just WTF do you know ?
  • @Blahblobify
    I know enough and I do wish you would stop singling ME out for your attacks. I'm not the only 1 here who supports Charlie. Obviously, you have some sort of issue and I want no part of that.

  • @ATWA***
    You're right, I do have issues with Manson supporters, they're idiots and don't have the right to an opinion on the matter.
    I'm not singling you out, you're just very active in your support of the demented midget and I respond to your stupid claims.
    You don't "know enough" about manson, you know nothing that others with an agenda haven't spoon fed you and you naively believe it like a gullible fool.
  • @Blahblobify
    Whoa! You just hold it right there! EVERYONE has the right to express their own opinions regardless of how much you may not like it! If you can't handle that, then don't read any comments from Manson supporters. Say what you will about us but I personally think you're afraid of learning something different about Charlie because it will remove you from that comfort zone you wallow in. Here's a novel idea, let's simply agree to disagree and move on.

Now, "Blahblobify" had no damn business claiming that Manson supporters don't have a right to an opinion about this matter because we most certainly DO have a right regardless of how distasteful the cretin thinks what we have to say is! Even HE has a right to spout off against Manson regardless of who doesn't like it but us Manson supporters also have a right to disagree. I haven't received a response to my last message yet but I'll be sure to update you all on the outcome. I think I handled the situation quite well despite the fact "Blahblobify" was so rude to me and I'm damn proud of myself:)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Update For February 19, 2011.

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Brief Update For February 17, 2011.

Well, it seems another Manson hating IDIOT has crossed my path once again. Here is what the unfortunate cretin had to say about a comment I made to someone's "YouTube" video:

@ATWA13X You ... are a moron. Anyone defending Manson or supporting him is an idot. If you are one of those eco-terrorists or were "into" Manson back in the day, now you are just an old, pathetic loser burn-out. I wish I could find all you 'family' jackasses and beat the living crap out of you, one by one.


I guess talking all that trash makes you a BIG person right? Do you honestly think you can threaten or intimidate ANY of us supporters into converting to YOUR weak side? Honestly, what is all this bullshit you spew supposed to prove anyway? The only morons I see are the Manson haters who are so scared of the truth that they will say and do anything to avoid having to face it. ALL of you need to get over yourselves and realize other opinions count too besides YOUR OWN.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Urgent Update! February 6, 2011.

What I had originally planned to post here today is going to have to wait because there's something significantly more important that I would like to bring to everyone's attention instead. The other day, I received a threatening message which was posted by an ignorant Manson hater to my "YouTube" page. All this happened because I responded favorably to someone else's video and this clown didn't agree with me. Now, all that would have been well and good if the JERK hadn't resorted to such low levels of idiocy. If only he had expressed his difference of opinion CIVILLY, that would have been fine with me. Unfortunately, the bastard couldn't do that. Below is the message I received. While I'm for the most part against censorship, I felt that I should sanitize only 2 of the harshest cuss words because I don't want an adult content warning being tacked onto this blog:

Kelebrinlith has posted a comment on your profile:

Do your seriously think that schizophrenic bitch was sane or rational. Not even mildly intelligent. She was nothing more than whiny c*nt who is too f**ked up emotionally to do more than eat her own shit. Psycho paths defending psychopaths. Man I wish they would open a season on you people. I would love to skin a few of you.

See how rude this prick was to me? He had NO damn good reason for spewing this crap because I was 100% civil to HIM! If ANYONE is a psychopath, it's HIM! Here is the link for the video I was responding to:

If you look at all the comments made by myself and the bastard, you can see how this mess got started. There was NO damn need for his behavior but at least I have the option of reporting him to "YouTube" which will happen first thing Monday when I call them and thanks to freedom of speech, I can expose the idiot on this blog. So, I feel quite good knowing that everyone who reads this will see just how asinine that bastard is and at the same time, I'm able to give a "heads up" to all the other Manson supporters so they can avoid this NASTY creature:) Hopefully, the report I file against the prick will be just as successful. I'll keep everyone posted.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Special Update! New Manson Haters On The Loose!

I was going to post those individual messages that I mentioned last week but I just discovered some fresh meat and felt it was my duty to expose the most recent batch of Manson haters here in this update. It all started when I posted innocently enough to an article regarding Charlie being caught with a second cell phone which I firmly believe was planted on him just so the piggies could nail him for yet another violation. Unfortunately, all those rotten Manson haters felt only THEIR opinion was important and MINE was meaningless! They need a lesson in diversity and I also feel they need to STOP slamming others who have an opinion different from theirs. Here's the nonsense I was subjected to earlier right after I made my original post:

Feb. 2, 2011 10:10am PST
Some individuals are completely clueless! The second cell phone could very well have been planted on Charlie so he would get nailed for a second violation. I wouldn't put it past ANY of them in that blasted prison to pull such a stunt.

(This is my original post which was not kindly received.)

Feb. 1, 2011 11:29pm PST
I have heard that cellphones go for hundreds of dollars in the prison system, and they found that prison employees are the main supplier of them. HA HA.....he lost 30 days credit ? Its not like he has a pending release date LOL ....I have a friend who is a correction office at this prison, he says Manson still gets a lot of fan mail from around the country. So I am sure that he has a lot ppl he could call and talk with. Bunch of sickos..

(The only sickos I see are the ones carrying on the Manson myth and condemning those who won't bow down and kiss ass.)

Feb. 2, 2011 6:57am PST
Why in God's name are we still paying for this dirt bag to live he gets 3 hots and a cot a shower a cell phone a TV and we have homeless vets out there that deserve this. Take that SOB out and shoot his A$$

(Sure, violent speech is ALWAYS the perfect solution for the Manson haters. It's obvious they can only talk trash anyway.)

Feb. 2, 2011 8:18am PST
he must be so scared that he has another rules violation , I guess this means he won't be getting out next week after all. WHY IS HE STILL ALIVE ????

(Charlie is still alive because he is ALL THE WAY ALIVE! Too bad the Manson haters can't say the same for THEMSELVES.)

Feb. 2, 2011 8:27am PST
Cut his te$ticle$ off but dont stop the bleeding....let nature take its course.

(This character should have been aborted at birth!)

Feb. 2, 2011 11:15am PST
He lost 30 days 'credit' for his prior infraction? BOY, I'm sure he's losing sleep over THAT one!! This P-O-S has been nothing but a leech on the taxpayers for forty years. The ONLY way HE'S leaving prison is DEAD. If Governor Brown truly wants to save the state money, may I suggest one well placed bullet for ol' Charlie? I'll happily underwrite the cost, myself. In the interim; find whoever got him that cell phone and give HIM a 'cell' of his own!

(More violent speech from another Manson hating asshole. My response to the cretin follows.)

Feb. 2, 2011 11:20am PST
Bikerguy, what do you hope to gain by posting violent comments about Charlie? Does this make YOU any bigger?

(I didn't really get a response from the asshole but 1 of his whores decided to jump in with her petty crap as you will see in the post that follows.)

Feb. 2, 2011 11:21am PST

(Not a very intelligent response but I suppose not much better can be expected from a whore. Another response from me follows.)

Feb. 2, 2011 11:29am PST
To all those individuals who feel that posting hateful and violent comments about Charlie is productive, think again. You people obviously frown on Charlie based on your belief that he killed or told others to commit murder but yet here YOU are making death comments about HIM. Does this make YOU any better than the man you believe to be so evil? Obviously, there are ALWAYS going to be individuals out there who feel it's necessary to spew negative stuff about Charlie but it solves NOTHING!

(I feel I delivered a logical rebuttal to all the negative comments but unfortunately, the Manson haters are incapable of understanding anything reasonable.)

Feb. 2, 2011 11:31am PST

(Same tired old reply from the whore. I have a hunch she may be suffering from "Tourette Syndrome" as the following post appears to show.)

Feb. 2, 2011 11:32am PST
Please excuse my outbursts.

(Yeah sure! I bet those outbursts just came out of nowhere same as the condoms from her top dresser drawer LOL:) This whore is about as clueless as the rest of them.)

Feb. 2, 2011 11:34am PST
@Noel you are a complete joke. If you are doing this for attention, you need help. If you are doing this because you believe in his innocence, then you are a fool. This guy is BAD NEWS....the world will be a better place when he and his followers are all gone. Have a nice day!

(Actually, Charlie NEVER had any "followers" and this idiot is a complete JOKE! It's sad these types of ignorant fools exist in the world only to spread hate and lies to others.)

Feb. 2, 2011 11:34am PST

(I can't imagine why this cretin would post TWICE like that but I can only assume the bitch was having a manic episode which rendered her unable to have any self control. A reply from me follows.)

Feb. 2, 2011 11:40am PST
I could sit here all day with the ignorant saps and keep feeding into the negative garbage being posted here by the Manson haters but in the end, that would be a total waste of MY precious time. Everyone will be judged in the end accordingly;) I sure have some great material to use for my blog now hehehe:)

(Yes, I definitely gained some interesting new material for this blog and I have the ignorant Manson haters to thank for it all:) Thank you morons!)

Feb. 2, 2011 11:47am PST
I can't even begin to imagine what a sick-twist mind it takes to believe in Manson's innocence or 'basic goodness.' Anyone who followed his case knows he has a warped and evil mind. People who believe in his twisted philosophies are exactly the types he needs so he can enjoy manipulating their weak little minds and feed his sense of omnipotence. So Noel, have you carved a swastika into your forehead yet to show your loyalty to him?

(I can't even begin to imagine what an ignorant individual like this hopes to gain by slamming Charlie and those who support him. This fool's question for me is equally as ridiculous as the misguided comments. I did however have a good response for this moron but first the whore had to chime in with her nonsense.)

Feb. 2, 2011 11:49am PST
Noel - don't forget to include "GET OFF THE STAGE" in your blog!

(Old, tired, and boring. She must have had the day off from her prostitution activities today.)

Feb. 2, 2011 11:53am PST
That's getting a bit old Jules.

(At this point, I became BORED with all the crap and decided to leave some parting words.)

Feb. 2, 2011 11:59am PST
Before I go, I have a few more thoughts. I realize you people don't really care but neither do I about you so we're even. I personally think you and others alike who believe in the Manson myth spout off all this negative garbage in a feeble attempt to enrage those of us who support Charlie. I think it makes you feel good inside putting down someone who is not here to defend himself while slamming his supporters at the same time. In reality, it's very OLD and UNBECOMING!

(I was unable to finish in this post so I had to complete my thoughts in a separate post. The "opinionated73" bitch couldn't resist getting in another cheap shot before I got the chance to post my final set of comments though.)

Feb. 2, 2011 12:01pm PST
Haha....we say what we do in the event that there is a "believer" in our midst. Nope, sorry to burst your bubble....

(Yeah, it's REALLY funny how this stupid bitch makes all these snide comments but yet posts something entirely different in her profile. I will be posting the content of her profile at the end of this update.)

Feb. 2, 2011 12:02pm PST
You're a Manson Truther.

(The nasty whore posted also before I could finish my final thoughts but at least this time, she spoke some TRUTH for a change. My final thoughts follow.)

Feb. 2, 2011 12:03pm PST
I couldn't finish in my previous post so I'm going to do that now. Diversity is important in life and without it, all you have is a 1-sided world with no variety. Charlie once said: "As long as there is hate in your heart, there will be hate in the world." I feel that is a very profound statement and I agree with it. Well, I think my work is done here. Anything further from the peanut gallery will not be read by me and you will all be reduced to judging yourselves. See ya:)

(This is the last thing I posted before I left all that rotten anti-Manson crap in the dust. I'm sure the idiots are still talking about me but I don't really give a damn at this point. They're ALL completely lost inside the prisons within their own minds and they will remain that way until they open their minds to the TRUTH.)

Now, I would like to show what a pathetic hypocrite "opinionated73" truly is. Check out this statement in her profile:

About Me

I am a very socially-liberal mother of two. I am not very religious, but God loves me and I love him, so I am set. I don't like people who are disrespectful. I have fought hard for everything I have and in my short time on the planet have accomplished more than most, but not as much as I would like. I am currently a student, both of the world and Sac State, but consider the former to be more important. My motto to live by is so cliche, but words to live by none-the-less, do unto know the rest.

Yeah right! She claims not to like people who are disrespectful but yet this mean-spirited bitch who's kids are most likely retarded same as HER saw fit to disrespect ME and my opinions at every turn as the above posts from her clearly show! Do unto others my ass! This bitch is among the most hypocritical I have EVER encountered next to CG (aka Crusty Groaner) who has about as much brain activity as a half dead ant. I feel sorry for them both and I also pity the other Manson haters who feel THEIR opinion is LAW and EVERYONE else be damned. Too bad NONE of them have the guts to spew all of their negative crap to Charlie's face. Don't get me wrong, I STILL believe in diversity but when the comments reach disrespectful proportions, that's where I draw the line. These idiots could learn some important things from Charlie's wisdom if only they would open up their crippled minds and LISTEN for a change! Unfortunately, these types will forever exist because they refuse to face the TRUTH.