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ATWA: ALL The Way Alive!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Manson Hater Zack McQuaid Strikes Again!

It seems Zack McQuaid just can't stop stepping in his own shit! I truly feel sorry for him because it's clear the poor soul has some SERIOUS mental issues as you will soon see in this recent exchange. I'm going to re-post a recent comment I made to Zack's "YouTube" channel just so everyone can see what he's replying to. Here we go:

Zack, I think you need to chill out! I will NOT shut my mouth and I'm going to continue speaking out against the Manson sensationalism whenever I damn well feel like it! YOUR word is NOT law! Another thing, I'm NOT a hacker either! Do yourself a favor and get some help for your issues Zack. All this negative crap you're displaying isn't very productive. Try doing something for your Mother Earth and you might feel better.
LOL:) You are quite a character Zack. Why don't you take your meds, lay down for a while, and think about how you can make a POSITIVE difference in the world around you. Making ridiculous videos isn't the way to make anything good out of yourself.

It's nice to see I'm not the only 1 who is opposed to Zack's nonsense:) Check out this strange reply Zack made to HIMSELF:

@ZackMcquaid I'm wondering if you will understand that...