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ATWA: ALL The Way Alive!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

New Manson Hater On The Loose!

His name is Zack McQuaid and although he posed as a Manson supporter to me once, he's in fact NOT what he appeared to be. Recently, he created the following video and even though I support the rights of everyone to think whatever they want, I do NOT feel this was the proper way for Zack to express his point of view. The insults to those who support Charles Manson are childish and uncalled for! See the video and judge for yourself:

The link for this video was actually sent to me by Zack after I saw some sensationalistic dialog on his "Facebook" page in reference to Charlie and because I previously believed him to be a Manson supporter, I naturally was curious as to why he switched gears like that. He claimed he knew some stuff about Charlie that I didn't and of course I requested that he reveal this so-called knowledge to me. All he could do was send me his video link without any further explanation. It became apparent to me that Zack actually DIDN'T have any new found information and had instead played me as he had done to other Manson supporters. In view of his blatant disregard for anyone's feelings besides his own, I wrote back to him and voiced MY thoughts about his actions. Since I believe in complete fairness, I'll include here all of my messages to Zack along with his responses. Here we go:

A couple questions for you.

First, how are you doing? Second, I saw your Facebook page and I have something else to ask. Why did you change your stance about Charlie? It's apparent from the writings on your Facebook page that you're no longer a supporter. I mean, you and everyone else is entitled to think whatever but I was just curious about what changed your mind. Please feel free to reply back anytime. If I don't hear from you, best regards.

X (aka Noel)
Sent to: zackmcquaid

Zack's reply:

I'm doing alright. Charlie is fooling all of you... He was fooling me too. I mean look I was a very very big supporter. Handing out flyers all the time, doing radio interviews, trying to get on Chex News. I don't want to talk to him, Star, Graywolf (Well, Graywolf is a cool guy), or any other Manson Family Idiot. "They're ALL walking dead people, and they don't even know it..." He's no lies he says....Listen to what he says....Listen. Not just that, but see what he's doing. If you want to get deeply involved with them as I did....then you will know what he is up to and what Star is up to too. Star and Graywolf's number BTW is XXX-XXX-XXXX. She is a prisoners Bitch....But there is also some other things going on that she knows I am aware of, and YOU WILL too find it out someday. She says "Don't talk like you know something" She knows that I know a lot more then any of the other walking dead people in ATWA Family. She's scared right now. It's evident. I was talking with Stanton on phone a little over a week ago and Star has even deleted Stanton. She will not even let out her real name. For reasons. There's a lot more going on then " Charlie's in prison, Star and Charlie love each other and are getting married and we want him out" There's reasons for every one on those things I just typed.
Sent to: atwa13x

My reply:

You know, just because some supporters are dark-sided to a degree doesn't mean ALL of us supporters are! Why should the actions of the dark-sided supporters shed negative light on Charlie? Perhaps you should tell me what you supposedly know and let me be the judge for myself. You're not the first who turned against Charlie and I want to know what your reasons are. I'm curious.

X (aka Noel)
Sent to: zackmcquaid

Zack's final reply:

Re: A couple questions for you.

Now, for my final reply to Zack:

Is that all you have? Judge not lest ye be judged:

By the way, don't bother writing to me anymore because it's clear we're not on the same page. I'm sick of all you damn Manson haters having the audacity to spew out childish names simply because us supporters choose to go against the media sensationalism. I feel sorry for you now that you have devoured all that shit:( Your video is a total JOKE!

X (aka Noel)
Sent to: zackmcquaid

Below is my video response to Zack:

This is basically how everything went down and while I can respect Zack's right to his own opinion, the fact that he created such a derogatory video with mean-spirited dialog is appalling. I also don't think it was fair of him to add this "Star" person into the mix by slamming HER beliefs in the clip. If Zack wants to think the way he does about Charlie, so be it but I think he could do much better without the name-calling. Unfortunately, Zack failed miserably to make any kind of valid point with the video clip or in his writings to me:(  To make things abundantly clear, my sole purpose for posting this is because I want other Manson supporters to be aware of how Zack operates so nobody else can get used like I and others did. I definitely don't want to see any other innocent people falling victim to his crap. Another thing I want to mention is my last response to Zack was rather harsh only because of the video and NOT necessarily because of the written messages. Compared to the video, Zack was considerably better at expressing his feelings in the written messages. What I can't understand is WHY these Manson haters feel it necessary to toss out insults at those of us who support Charlie simply because we all don't think on the same level. What's so hard about agreeing to disagree WITHOUT all the childish name-calling? Another thing that really baffles me is how these Manson haters have the audacity to condemn Charlie for the violence they believe he's responsible for but then they spew back the same violence to the Manson supporters. WTF? How the hell can you condemn 1 person for an offense that YOU'RE so willing to inflict onto others? I admit, I used to have a problem expressing myself without using childish names or violent speech but then I learned a better way of dealing with those who refuse to act like an adult. I simply don't sink to their low level by diminishing myself in an adolescent manner! I learned the only way to deal with spiteful or hateful individuals is to allow them to stew in THEIR OWN juices and not give them the reaction they desire from me. Manson haters are among the worst I have EVER encountered online and I refuse to compromise myself or my beliefs for them. In other words, the haters can go on spewing all the derogatory, sensationalistic crap they want about Charlie or others like myself who support him but I will NOT change MY views whatsoever even though the haters desire it! Furthermore, I will continue exposing them when necessary but on a CIVIL level only! That way I can at least keep MY credibility while the haters are running THEMSELVES into the ground.