Just as I figured would happen, Zack began spewing more ridiculous shit yesterday. Here is Zack's nonsensical reply to the last message I posted:
@ATWA13X I know. Why don't you lose some weight.
ZackMcquaid 18 hours ago
Now, my reply:
ATWA13X 18 hours ago
ATWA13X 18 hours ago
Zack of course added HIS 2 cents worth:
@ATWA13X That's what I mean. Get up off your fat ass and live life, don't just sit around blogging all day about other people. That's cool though I guess, hey, include this in the blog: I was talking to some people last night because they heard about all that is going on with these Manson Nuts, we got talking and I told them "Man if I was in Corcoran California I would Tp Star's house and throw eggs at it and it would be a popualr video on Youtube." Just some random shit but I would Soo do it.
ZackMcquaid 18 hours ago
My last reply:
ATWA13X 17 hours ago
Now, if I was fat and weight conscience, this shit may have effected me a bit but since I'm neither, Zack's words are like dust in the wind hehehe:) It should be interesting to see what he spews out next:) Someone told me Zack is only 18 years old so compared to me, he's just a kid. I guess it all makes sense now why he would behave in this adolescent manner. He's young and has no idea about the REAL world yet but he will learn eventually. Whether he learns the hard way or not is up to HIM. It's a shame he's chosen to make himself look foolish by letting his personal problems get in the way of better judgment:( I'm hoping he will see the error of his ways and stop all this nonsense but only time will tell if that's going to happen. Stay tuned for further updates.