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ATWA: ALL The Way Alive!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

More CG (aka Candygramma70) Insanity.

Well, it appears ol' CG (aka Candygramma70) is at it again. Check out her latest nonsense rant in the most recent Charles Manson group she decided to infect with her sickness:

Re: How vengeful and pathetic you are CG. LOL:)

--- In, "cg" wrote:
> Oh Noel I feel so sorry for you-- poor little misunderstood POS
> YOU werenot abused in Manson group and no matter what you post in your dreary little blog all it is going to do is show others how really pathetic you really are.
> and those that did side with you? well hun. From what i have now been told they hope that Chjarlie never finds out something like YOU is FOR him becasuse HE wouldnot want you to even utter his name.
> THIS from a TRUE Manson supporter and not a wild obession like you have.
> Now as for the forged headers? If that is what make syou feel better. Have at it hun because one day Karma WILl bite you in th ebutt
> as for Dennis? to think I actually believed you over him>? and now I see he was 100% correct.
> day your wife is going to wake up and see you for qwhat you are.
> But yes you are right YOU reap what you sow-- and when it reaps you will be the one that wishes you wouldnot have gone a sfar as you do.

(How does CG or anyone else for that matter possibly know what Charlie would think about me? Obviously, this is CG's delusions speaking for themselves again. At least, this is what I see so far. For all CG and her cohorts know, Charlie might slap them all clean across the room because of the way THEY'RE acting. Speaking on my own behalf, I have no obsession with anybody or anything and it's clearly the other way around on CG's part. As far as I'm concerned regarding these others who supposedly sided with me in the past, I don't really need or want them in my life since they're obviously on the side of all the lies being spewed about me. I would actually prefer that these Trolls stay as far away from me as possible. Another thing, I have NOTHING to do with this so-called forged headers issue. I'm WAY above any sort of immature pettiness like that. However, I wouldn't put it past certain others to set me up for such a thing. I suspect that CG is behind this mess but nothing is confirmed as of yet unfortunately. It's just a thought. Regarding what CG said about my wife/partner, that right there is nothing more than wishful thinking on her part. As a matter of fact, my wife/partner thinks CG is nuttier than a fruitcake LOL:) Unfortunately, it looks like CG's antics are getting increasingly worse.)

Re: Looking for Charles Manson supporters. Please reply!

--- In, "cg" wrote:
> Oh fer gawds sake ar eyou mentally ill or what. well wait you did tell me about you once. so yes I so understand but still you need to accept responsibilites for your actions.
> My group was NOT cruel to you ./ YOU only see what you see. There were actually some that tried to get along with you . *I* never said anything against you excpet use the word Bugliosi and be respectful of him as I was for you with manson.
> At least my conscience is clear *I* never sh*t on you. BUT boy you sure did to me. You are worse then pathetic. I am just so sorry trhat I ever took your side about things .. all of it was lies wasnt it Noel.. Dennis was right . boy was I wrong.
> you do remember that I did talk to the pwerson you told me to talk to or was it Dennis that told me to talk to law enforcement about you. all I know is I got an earful
> Well Noel you do your worst-- remember what goes around comes around and I wil not feel one bit of sympathy for you.
> all it will do is make you look nasty. Just like these forged names - what is the matter with you?

LOL:) Well now, isn't that calling the kettle black. Poor widdle CG:( She's passing the buck onto ME yet again all because she simply can't handle the truth. Oh well! That's the way the ol' cookie crumbles! I may have had some issues in the past but CG's tirade here is ridiculous to say the very least. CG and Dennis can make mad passionate monkey love all night under the stars for all I care because the way I see it, they're 2 of a kind and deserve each other. What truly amazes me about this whole mess is the fact that CG thinks she can STILL bully me around like she did before in the "charlesmanson_and_family" group before I left. That was the reason I left in the first place. She didn't simply ask me not to refer to BUGliosi the way I was before. It was more of a command as I will prove at some point here in this blog. Back to this forged headers issue, you can see what's going on in the group where the above posts generated from. Of course, CG is trying to railroad me for it all but I know I'm innocent so I have nothing to worry about. Like I have said before, the truth speaks for itself and once I'm through posting all the evidence I have against "charlesmanson_and_family" here, the truth will speak in volumes. All CG knows how to do is shift the blame onto others by judging a reflection of herself as you can plainly see here. Charlie has said in the past about these types that: "They judge what they can't stand to look at in themselves." I agree 100%. Now, this is the final time I will be focusing specifically on CG because her twisted behavior in the" Manson_and_the_Family-free-for-all" group she's Trolling around in now is not worth wasting any more of my precious time on. Also, I think focusing on just her crazy antics alone will divert from the more important facts that I intend to expose here about her "charlesmanson_and_family" group. 1 final thing I would like to mention is the fact that the "Manson_and_the_Family-free-for-all" group has been literally taken over by Spammers. So, CG is basically posting messages to herself and the Spammers now because there's obviously no REAL people left in the group who gives a damn what she has to say LOL:)


It appears there actually may be someone in the "
Manson_and_the_Family-free-for-all" group tending to things which I didn't know about before. The group was previously taken over my Spammers and I know this because I saw messages there from them advertising various things. Apparently, whomever is in charge removed those messages from the group. However, there are still no other REAL people in there anymore aside from whomever deleted the Spam and the group for the most part is deader than a doornail with the exception of the most recent drama. Just thought I would let all the readers know about this.

Second Update!

I just found out there is a moderator in the "Manson_and_the_Family-free-for-all" group but unfortunately, it's a dumb Troll who is letting CG and her butt buddy White Rabbitt get away with talking trash about me behind my back. Of course, this is typical of cowards like them. Well, they can relax in all their glory for now but I intend to report the group and do whatever else is necessary to make certain "Manson_and_the_Family-free-for-all" does NOT get away with any wrong doing. I suspect the group is being run by 1 of CG's many lovers but I don't have any confirmation as of yet. The time has come for all these Trolls to be put in their place.

Third Update!

Well, CG's lame messages against me have been removed from the "Manson_and_the_Family-free-for-all" group which is a good thing. In view of this new information, that group is no longer of any concern to me. The only thing that would make the group come back into focus on this end is if CG is permitted to spew her nasty garbage about me in there again. I figure the reason for the messages being tossed into oblivion is because either the moderator decided to be smart and finally shut CG up for the greater good of the group or is quite possibly trying to protect HER individually by removing the offensive messages she posted. The other possibility is that CG finally saw the light and deleted the messages herself after realizing just how foolishly she was behaving. Of course, my second theory could just be wishful thinking on my part but it sure would be nice if CG actually did see the error of her ways and decided that it would be in her best interest to make a positive change in her life same as I have. My positive change led me to become the strong, secure person I am today. I think CG could learn a few things from me;)


Anonymous said...


X said...

Yeah, I know she hates this blog but I don't really give a damn how she feels at this point. She followed me to another Manson group as I have stated here with the sole purpose of causing trouble for me all because she can't handle the truth. Well, she can rest easy for now but I know her happiness won't last;) You see, I'm not going away and this fact alone will make her VERY unhappy I think LOL:)