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ATWA: ALL The Way Alive!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Important Announcement!

I just got word from a reliable source who shall remain anonymous that the pathetic "charlesmanson_and_family" list members are trying to find a way to stifle my free speech by getting this blog removed. This just goes to prove they obviously have something to hide. Well, I'm stating for the record here that if their pathetic attempts are successful, I CAN and WILL expose the truth about them no matter what through other means if necessary. The best thing they can do is let it be and allow me to have my right to free speech but if they can't do that because of their wounded egos, then I will be forced to take a more vigilant stance against them by going to any extreme lengths necessary to get the truth out there in spite of all their feeble efforts to silence me. I will break no laws either! Everything I do will be within the boundaries of the law and I want to make that clear right now. No matter what happens, I still have all the proof I need against them and I WILL publish it wherever I need to so they will be wasting their time trying to silence me because I WON'T tolerate it! This is still a free country after all and I do have the right to speak freely. I also have the right to back up my statements with concrete proof which I have done already. Of course, the Manson haters in "charlesmanson_and_family" can't handle that so they think silencing me is going to solve all their little problems. WRONG! They're only going to succeed in making me more determined in my efforts to expose them. That being said, I hope they are able to get on with their own lives and leave me to mine. What truly amazes me the most is the fact they can say whatever they want about ME but God forbid I dare to speak out against THEM. It's a mortal sin in their eyes. Go figure!


Anonymous said...

It's nice to see the truth about that shitpile group. All they ever do is fight fight and fight some more. It's a bashing group disguised as a manson group. I will be reading your updates.

Anonymous said...

want to join a bash group for a certain individual?

invite all who share our total disgust of said individual.