Sunday, October 25, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Announcement! This Is To All Of CG's Puppets. (Especially the "NELLIEOLSEON" Troll.)
At this time, I have decided to disable the comments feature on this blog thanks to all of the nonsense from CG's Trolls. It's actually not that big a deal for me though because I was getting rather bored with moderating every comment anyway. So, the Trolls will have to be more clever if they want to make any snide remarks towards me. FYI, e-mailing me directly will get you reported for a TOS (Terms Of Service) violation for harassment so choose your actions wisely and just slither away back into your hole if you know what's good for you. To that Troll going by the name of "NELLIEOLESON" who tried to leave a comment asking me how Dennis is doing, perhaps YOU should tell ME that since it's obvious you're a fan of his. The name is quite fitting for you by the way;) For the record folks, Dennis is another twisted soul who tried everything in his power to destroy me in the past but failed miserably. As a matter of fact, that experience with him helped to mold me into the strong person I am now. It may sound crazy but it's true. CG already threatened to bring Dennis back from the dead and now she's getting her little Troll army to taunt me about it in a feeble attempt to break me. Well, I will NOT be broken nor will I be cowering in fear simply because CG sees fit to issue empty threats. The taunts from her puppets are nothing to worry about either since I know better than to take anything the Trolls say seriously. However, they're more than welcome to unleash Dennis back onto me if they want to because I'm no longer in fear of HIM or and I certainly don't fear THEM either for that matter. In fact, I welcome the opportunity to come up against Dennis again if necessary because I know how to handle him now. It would give me a chance to show off all my inner strength that I didn't have before hehehe:) I actually thought about thanking Dennis a long time ago for making me strong but my attorney at the time advised against it so I listened to him. However if Dennis ever reads this, he has my thanks:) I learned a lot from that experience and I'm able to use the wisdom I gained now for my own purpose. Dennis sure would be a fool to side with the Trolls because it wouldn't be all fun and games for them even though they may think otherwise. I'm just going to rest easy and see what happens next with this because I certainly won't be making the first move. I'm a defender and NOT an offender after all. Enough about that though since this blog has NOTHING to do with Dennis. Bottom line, the Trolls can go on living in their little fantasy world if they wish and they can bash me all they want to because I won't let it bother me 1 bit. To all of the Trolls reading this now, please feel free to bash away if that's what makes you feel all warm and cuddly inside. It's YOUR trip after all and I don't have to be a part of it. Now, it's back to business as usual.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
More Ugly Truth.
Here's some more ugliness that occurred in the "charlesmanson_and_family" group:
I never said any such thing. I never said they were all innocent
as you have said about Manson. Of course they were adults and
they are all being punished for the crimes they committed. Manson
also was guilty of a crime and he is being punished for the crime
as well. I have no more use for Tex Watson than I do for Charles
Manson. I have always said they all need to stay right where they are
with the
exception of LVH. They should all have been dead by now except for
a fluke that allowed them to live permanently at the expense of the people
of California.
Manson was involved in a criminal conspiracy to commit murder. He is
exactly where he is supposed to be and his treatment there has had more
review than probably any other inmate that is in the hands of the Dept. of
Corrections in the history of the state. His treatment has been too
good by my standards.
But, of course I don't believe he is innocent so I can see how you
believe that
his treatment is wholly unfair. And by the way since Eran is the only
support I have here
he and I strongly disagree regarding Atkins. He tells me what he thinks
and doesn't hold back and I do likewise. We still don't agree afterward
but such is the way things go. So I am not trying to talk down to you
and I am sorry if you saw it that way.
Again, I never said they were innocent, any of them. My point was that
was the leader and master of the group and of the murders.
X wrote:
> Whatever man! Believe what you want just like all the others who are
> on BUGliosi's side. Are you possibly related to him or something? You
> seem to be taken in by his crap so much and it makes me wonder why.
> Like I said in a previous post, the killers were ADULTS but you make
> them sound like helpless little children who played the game "follow
> the leader" when in reality, the killings were THEIR idea! I have a
> biography of Sharon Tate on VHS and it even says right there that the
> girls planned the killings. Then however, it comes back after a
> commercial break and lays it all down at Charlie's feet again. Seems
> pretty damn convenient if you ask me! Anyway, it sounds like you're
> talking down to me and belittling my words which is not a fair thing
> to do. You talk about how supposedly for me, it's "anybody but Manson"
> but at the same time for YOU, it's all HIM and NOBODY else. How can
> you say 1 thing about ME when YOU are believing 1 side of the story
> yourself?
> X (aka Noel)
> --- In charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com
>, Davd Paschal
> wrote:
> >
> > Maybe Pat was the mastermind! I am falling down laughing. Sorry, but
> > please it is insulting to state that Pat Krenwinkle was smarter than
> Manson.
> > She wouldn't have known shit about Helter Skelter unless Manson
> hadn't been
> > preaching it for weeks or months. Maybe Leslie van Houtoun was the
> driving
> > force! For you Noel, it is anybody but Manson. You simply have no facts
> > to support your theory that it was everybody *except* Manson that was
> > running
> > this thing.
> >
> > I can't say that I respect an opinion as out in left field as that. As
> > I am also
> > sure you are not going to think my opinion is worth the time of day
> > either.
> > Charlie got Charlie locked up and his rights ripped away.
> >
> > dp
(This thread the way I see it shows just how ignorant the haters can be when it comes to Charlie and his rights. Perhaps someday, David's rights will be ripped away from HIM and then he will see what Charlie goes through on a daily basis. He just has no idea about how rough things truly are. It's interesting to see how David tries to play the "nice guy" role when based on what I have seen from him so far, he's no better than the rest of the Trolls in that damn group. He just likes to pretend like CG and "White Rabbitt" do.)
Aaron, I think ATWA is just a cynical excuse to justify the existance of the pro-Manson sites and legacy. I entered their websites (the older ones and the current one) and never found anything concerning real debates or discussion about the environment or how to save it (only a lip servicing general slogans written int he familiar pro-Manson jargon). Nearly everything there is dedicated to Manson and th "injustice" done to him, plus external links to well-known environmental groups (like Greenpeace and others, which I'm certain won't be happy to be thought as connected to ATWA in any way).
--- In charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com, "Aaron" wrote:
> in his defense I see his point. It's hard to think someone is really behind saving the earth when they are tearing up a state park with dunebuggies.
> It's almost the same when you see protesters screaming against oil usuage and things like that when they are screaming through a plastic megaphone.
> It's very possible that they were concerned about the enviornment, a lot of people were back then, do we hear much about it? No, so it's very easy to say one of that came out until the 70's. Could be. ATWA came about after the order of the rainbow which was in the 70's. Is it possible that it was a front to change public opinion on Charlie, or does he really care? It's hard to say. It's also very easy to bi*ch about it and point fingers, like he does, when he is locked away and can't do anything about it apart from spreading the word.
> but when the saying that the murders were done in the name of ATWA (which I have heard before) is a bit silly cause it makes no sense. Charlie didn't seem to have a problem riding around in expensive cars that used a lot of gas.
(Here is my reply.)
Re: The unexpected environmental thread in the group
I thought it was the desert that they were riding around in the dune buggies. Regarding Charlie not having a problem with riding around in what you consider expensive cars that used a lot of gas, perhaps it wasn't something he thought about at that time. I think he got more serious about the environment later on because he became more open to it and aware of all the problems that exist in our world. Certain individuals can bash ATWA all they want but in reality, it's an important concept and without clean air, trees, or fresh water, the animals as well as the rest of us will perish. When we're young, we take all of our natural resources for granted. It's only when we grow and realize the importance of environmental protection and preservation that we can truly understand what it would mean to do without all that we currently have at this moment.
X (aka Noel)
(Yet more ignorance from another Manson hater)
I think CM started his ATWA thing to give his minions something to do after he was put in prison.
(Another reply from me.)
No, I disagree with you there. I believe he had a passion for the environment and wanted to project something positive.
X (aka Noel)
(Eran's lame and rather delayed reply to me. It's funny how it took him a whole day (Jul 15) to conjure up this stupid little gem in his crippled mind.)
Yeah, like the Aztecs, to shed blood on the earth so it'll flourish...
(On and on the ATWA bashing goes.)
yeah but sadly, for earth's sake, to the general public, ATWA is coming from CHARLES MANSON, therefor it's crazy-evil and should be dismissed as insanity or fraud.
--- In charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com, "X" wrote:
> I agree and it's a shame that nobody is willing to commit to saving the planet. I think Charlie actually has taken some pretty good action for ATWA in spite of the fact he's locked up. Just by him spreading the word and getting the truth out there is enough to get the ball rolling in my opinion.
> X (aka Noel)
(I think it's really pathetic how they can bash ATWA like this! Perhaps if they got off their high horse and started doing good things for Mother Earth, they might actually see the benefits of the ATWA concept. Unfortunately, they just don't care and I doubt they ever will because they're so locked up in their minds. Charlie is actually more free behind those bars than Eran and the rest of the ignorant haters are in their own mental prisons.)
Wondering who gave her that Belladona? Perhaps "Supersrar" Charlie?
--- In charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com, "X" wrote:
> She was also on "Belladonna" and from what I understand, that's an extremely intense form of LSD. Based on what I have learned so far, that crap really blew her mind. She was baked a great deal of the time on this garbage as far as I know.
> X (aka Noel)
(Isn't it convenient how Eran tries to blame Charlie for the "Belladonna" haze that Susan Atkins put HER OWN self in? Sure, Charlie must have shoved the junk down her throat! LOL:) Eran is obviously so deluded he can't tell fact from fiction.)
Really? He SAID he admired Hitler, all his reading material at Barker was booklets and magazines about Hitler, he referred his dune buggies to the Rommel "African Corps", so as hard as ou tryto twist it, Manson admired Hitler and his attidute towards blacks and Jews were (and are) racist.
--- In charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com, "X" wrote:
> I have to disagree about Charlie being a neo-Nazi. Yes, he was interested in Hitler but at the same time, a person should never be judged by what they read. For example, not all people who read the Bible are Christians. I have known plenty who are hypocrites.
> X (aka Noel)
(Naturally Eran would use the old Hitler angle just like his hero BUGliosi did before. I still stand by what I said before that NOBODY should be judged by what they read. For example, Eran could read a book about world peace but that doesn't necessarily make HIM a peaceful individual. Obviously, he knows NOTHING about peace as you can see from his posts. In my opinion, a book on toilets would be more fitting for his type to read LOL:) After all, everything he spews amounts to nothing but crap.)
i wish i could say that it was not true, but i cant i was there in the haight in 66, i met manson at my commune 532 clayton when he came over to get acid in 67, i did leave san francisco when hard drugs came in in 68 and moved to la,i wish i could say i did not live at the log cabin with zappa but i cant, i wish i could say i never was at spahn but i cant, i wish i could say that sandra good and squeaky did not track me down in tennessee at a commune called the farm run by stephen gaskin when they were in sacramento and said on the phone to me and stepen that they wanted me to come to sacramento and for me to leave that day, if i loved charlie, when stephen told them no that they were not letting me leave, sanda and squeaky threatend stepen who told them to not call back,
and 5 days later squeaky met presedent ford, thats all facts, ever since sandra good and squeaky have been spining a new lie about me, so i cant pretend it never happened, it did
--- On Tue, 7/14/09, eran.gafni <eran.gafni@XXXXX. com> wrote:
From: eran.gafni <eran.gafni@XXXXX. com>
Subject: [charlesmanson_ and_family] Re: The Spiral Staircase House
To: charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Tuesday, July 14, 2009, 9:11 AM
Well, he himslef just said here yesterday that there wasn't any Manson Family so ther wasn't any White Rabbit among the non-Family so if he claims otherwise he will contradict himself twice...
I know that many people say he is a fraud and also he is not mentioned in any book of the Family, besides "The Family" of Ed Sanders where he also doesn't emntioned by his nickname or real name but been referred to as a "guy who came to the Heights in 1968 from the Mid West." He told Sanders about supposedly snuff films the Family took in 1969 and 1970 (i.e before and even after the big arrests). In other forums, and even here, many people said he's a fraud.
I tried to befreinded him, but it seems his loyalty to Manson still blinds his mind.
(Well, most everyone knows what a fraud "White Rabbitt" is and most everything he spews is based on his own twisted fantasy of being a Manson associate. He's a wannabe plain and simple. Surprisingly enough, Eran is nearly 100% correct about "White Rabbitt" with the minor exception of the last statement regarding his loyalty to Manson blinding his mind. There is certainly NOTHING wrong with being loyal to Charlie but "White Rabbitt" unfortunately takes it to an unrealistic level by claiming that he was part of the so-called "Family" when in fact he was NOT. That delusion is truly all in HIS OWN mind.)
for one thing they are saying they never called me in tennessee, asking to to come to sacramento, but the fact is 3 days after the event with ford the fbi came to the farm to tell me that they found the farms phone number on a call they made to me and asked stepen whaT THEY SAID TO ME, AND DURNING THE TRIAL SQUEAKY AND SANDY WANTED ME TO GO TO berkeley and dupelakate the tate murders
and sandra said that she will send 3 girls with me and after its done tell the cops that u did the tate murders and then charlie would be free, then after a month tell them u did not do the tate murders and join us in death valley, i said ill call u when i get to berkeley, i never did, they held that against me
--- On Tue, 7/14/09, X <atwa13x@XXXXX. com> wrote:
From: X <atwa13x@XXXXX. com>
Subject: [charlesmanson_ and_family] Re: The Spiral Staircase House
To: charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Tuesday, July 14, 2009, 8:17 PM
So, what is this lie that Squeaky and Sandy are spinning about you?
X (aka Noel)
(This is the twisted and most likely bogus reply that "White Rabbitt" gave to me when I questioned him about this alleged lie that Sandy and Squeaky were spinning about him. The only thing I see spinning is his big empty head! I personally doubt that Sandy and Squeaky EVER lied about him. I also don't believe the other things that he claimed about them. I truly believe that all of these statements from "White Rabbitt" are total crap and yet another example of the manic delusions that he has floating around in his burned-out, acid flooded brain. Of course, this is just my view on the situation but I firmly believe that only Sandy and Squeaky truly know what happened.)
WHat disturbs me about him most is that he is the only person of the Family (I intentioanlly don't include Sandy and Squeaky - they are merely Charlie's puppets) who still don't take responsibility to anything that he done - not the rapes, not the car stealings and of course not the killings (either he merely asked them to be carried out or ordered them it doesn't matter - for his followers it was the same and one). He and his current puppets still blame others, and his famlous credo that he is only a reflection of other is the ABSOLUTE shedding of any resoponsibility whatsoever to his deeds or sayings. This thing is disturbing and shows he didn't change and still remained a whining con.
--- In charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com, "Aaron" wrote:
> no Charlie does put on a show in interviews. I have almost every interview and you can tell. He gives what he gets. You can see it with different interviewers, and also it probably depends on when the interview was done and how medicated he was at the time. Charlie is very smart yes. But he tends to avoid answers directly and double speaks other answers. He speaks in riddles and parables, which is a sign of wit and intelligance. (pardon my spelling mistakes)
> He sometimes, it seems, to gladly play the part of Evil, probably because that's what he knows people expect of him. You can see it in the Geraldo interview. Geradlo goes for blood right off the bat, so that's what Charlie gives. Geradlo wants insanity so Charlie delivers. Ron Reagen on the other hand gets a better interview where Charlie is far more lucid and polite. It's like this in Charles Manson Superstar as well. The interviewer doesn't attack him, so Charlie doesn't attack back. It's far more relaxed. Tom Synder is back and forth. Charlie really hedges and babbles when it comes to certain questions, especially the question about tying up the LaBiancas. He beats around the bush and in the end says the reason he doesn't give the answer is that he is an outlaw, this is after telling a few stories that have nothing to do with anything regarding the question.
> It's a show for the most part, but one I think he is happy to be in, and so is the public because they get to see Crazy Charlie in the context they want to see him in. Stark raving mad, but sometimes in handcuffs so it's ok to watch.
> --- In charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com, "X" wrote:
> >
> > You say that Charlie puts on a show for the interviews but I have to disagree with that. In my opinion, he's about as real as you can get and I believe that he is genuine in his statements to the interviewers. Regarding his intelligence, I think that anyone who is able to surpass their teachers is pretty damn smart. Charlie was able to do that as stated in the "Manson" film.
> >
> > X (aka Noel)
(This is yet another thread where more Charlie bashing is taking place. Eran goes on in his usual repulsive fashion about what disturbs HIM but what disturbs ME is just how ignorant he truly is. Aaron actually made some sense here which is a good thing but I have seen other examples of him siding with Eran before. So, this decent post from Aaron is a real treat.)
The Manson puppets will use only the language Manson uses, so for them everyone who don't agree with them is either a relative of the great Satan (aka Vincent Bugliosi) or someone who wants to be famous, happily ignoring the fact that the only person who actually wanted to be famous (and gained it) was Charlie.
--- In charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com, "Aaron" wrote:
> I read plenty on the Manson case and I don't follow him.
(Here is a perfect example of what I was just talking about. Eran and Aaron side with each other like good butt buddies once again.)
It is only becuase this superstar despise society and laws and thinks his rules and "laws" are the only validate one. His puppets won't admit it, of course, but they all think the same.
--- In charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com, "X" wrote:
> I personally think that Charlie would snap at ANY officer regardless of race. I can understand why after all he has been through with them.
> X (aka Noel)
> --- In charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com, "jlm30260@" wrote:
> >
> > com/watch? v=9ZFKRtwCLog
> > Thanks Jim. I found this on you tube. Listen to the way CM snaps at the black officer. It is a very interesting interview. He calls Squeaky his only girlfriend, and talks in a more rational way than usual. It may be b/c the interviewer is a women.
(This thread here is a real piece of foul work! As you can see, Eran is starting to escalate his attacks on me due to his obvious hatred towards Charlie as well as his own personal insecurities. I still can't understand why Eran is so jealous and intimidated by Charlie. I suppose I never will either because Eran refuses to come clean about his deeply rooted issues regarding his negative feelings towards Charlie. His denial will be his own undoing someday.)
No, you are right about that,this is the reason Linda was taken was because Mary Brunner was arrsted that afternoon and Linda was the only one with a valid driving liscence. She drove to the Tate house, but upon returning, Tex drove (she held the helm while he changed his cloths). I guess Charlie was concerned that the "operation" might be botched if the killers would be caught by traffic patrols because of forged driving licenses.
On the next night, Charlie drove the car. I don't know why the aformentioned fear of been caught left him, I can only guess he thought HE would never been cuaght or that he tried to drive according to the law (as you can recall, the famous told story of him wanting to kill a man in a white sports car happened while bioth cars waited side by side for the lights to change; I guess the traffic wasn't heavy on that intersection, otherwise Charlie wouldn't dare go out and kill someone while everyone's watching). Maybe Linda was taken again just in case.
--- In charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com, Caty Bergman wrote:
> Ok, now we're confused Eran. As the story goes, the reason Linda Kasabian was included in both killing parties was because she was the only one with a Driver's License, and our understanding was that she did all the driving. We may be wrong, but that's nothing new,
> Caty and Dave
(In this lame post, Eran is actually challenging the Troll who tried to stifle me after I decided to leave the group. I'm really surprised they're not on the same side regarding this issue since they both seem to enjoy trampling on the rights of others.)
Well, that's all for today. I will be posting more as usual next weekend. By the way, I posted a brief update on the " New Lame Blog From CG's Crew" thread so be sure to check it out.
Re: The Spiral Staircase House
Posted by: "Davd Paschal"
Mon Jul 13, 2009 6:05 pm (PDT)
I never said any such thing. I never said they were all innocent
as you have said about Manson. Of course they were adults and
they are all being punished for the crimes they committed. Manson
also was guilty of a crime and he is being punished for the crime
as well. I have no more use for Tex Watson than I do for Charles
Manson. I have always said they all need to stay right where they are
with the
exception of LVH. They should all have been dead by now except for
a fluke that allowed them to live permanently at the expense of the people
of California.
Manson was involved in a criminal conspiracy to commit murder. He is
exactly where he is supposed to be and his treatment there has had more
review than probably any other inmate that is in the hands of the Dept. of
Corrections in the history of the state. His treatment has been too
good by my standards.
But, of course I don't believe he is innocent so I can see how you
believe that
his treatment is wholly unfair. And by the way since Eran is the only
support I have here
he and I strongly disagree regarding Atkins. He tells me what he thinks
and doesn't hold back and I do likewise. We still don't agree afterward
but such is the way things go. So I am not trying to talk down to you
and I am sorry if you saw it that way.
Again, I never said they were innocent, any of them. My point was that
was the leader and master of the group and of the murders.
X wrote:
> Whatever man! Believe what you want just like all the others who are
> on BUGliosi's side. Are you possibly related to him or something? You
> seem to be taken in by his crap so much and it makes me wonder why.
> Like I said in a previous post, the killers were ADULTS but you make
> them sound like helpless little children who played the game "follow
> the leader" when in reality, the killings were THEIR idea! I have a
> biography of Sharon Tate on VHS and it even says right there that the
> girls planned the killings. Then however, it comes back after a
> commercial break and lays it all down at Charlie's feet again. Seems
> pretty damn convenient if you ask me! Anyway, it sounds like you're
> talking down to me and belittling my words which is not a fair thing
> to do. You talk about how supposedly for me, it's "anybody but Manson"
> but at the same time for YOU, it's all HIM and NOBODY else. How can
> you say 1 thing about ME when YOU are believing 1 side of the story
> yourself?
> X (aka Noel)
> --- In charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com
> >
> > Maybe Pat was the mastermind! I am falling down laughing. Sorry, but
> > please it is insulting to state that Pat Krenwinkle was smarter than
> Manson.
> > She wouldn't have known shit about Helter Skelter unless Manson
> hadn't been
> > preaching it for weeks or months. Maybe Leslie van Houtoun was the
> driving
> > force! For you Noel, it is anybody but Manson. You simply have no facts
> > to support your theory that it was everybody *except* Manson that was
> > running
> > this thing.
> >
> > I can't say that I respect an opinion as out in left field as that. As
> > I am also
> > sure you are not going to think my opinion is worth the time of day
> > either.
> > Charlie got Charlie locked up and his rights ripped away.
> >
> > dp
(This thread the way I see it shows just how ignorant the haters can be when it comes to Charlie and his rights. Perhaps someday, David's rights will be ripped away from HIM and then he will see what Charlie goes through on a daily basis. He just has no idea about how rough things truly are. It's interesting to see how David tries to play the "nice guy" role when based on what I have seen from him so far, he's no better than the rest of the Trolls in that damn group. He just likes to pretend like CG and "White Rabbitt" do.)
Posted by: "eran.gafni"
Tue Jul 14, 2009 2:54 am (PDT)
Aaron, I think ATWA is just a cynical excuse to justify the existance of the pro-Manson sites and legacy. I entered their websites (the older ones and the current one) and never found anything concerning real debates or discussion about the environment or how to save it (only a lip servicing general slogans written int he familiar pro-Manson jargon). Nearly everything there is dedicated to Manson and th "injustice" done to him, plus external links to well-known environmental groups (like Greenpeace and others, which I'm certain won't be happy to be thought as connected to ATWA in any way).
--- In charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com, "Aaron"
> in his defense I see his point. It's hard to think someone is really behind saving the earth when they are tearing up a state park with dunebuggies.
> It's almost the same when you see protesters screaming against oil usuage and things like that when they are screaming through a plastic megaphone.
> It's very possible that they were concerned about the enviornment, a lot of people were back then, do we hear much about it? No, so it's very easy to say one of that came out until the 70's. Could be. ATWA came about after the order of the rainbow which was in the 70's. Is it possible that it was a front to change public opinion on Charlie, or does he really care? It's hard to say. It's also very easy to bi*ch about it and point fingers, like he does, when he is locked away and can't do anything about it apart from spreading the word.
> but when the saying that the murders were done in the name of ATWA (which I have heard before) is a bit silly cause it makes no sense. Charlie didn't seem to have a problem riding around in expensive cars that used a lot of gas.
(Here is my reply.)
Re: The unexpected environmental thread in the group
Posted by: "X"
Tue Jul 14, 2009 6:14 am (PDT)
I thought it was the desert that they were riding around in the dune buggies. Regarding Charlie not having a problem with riding around in what you consider expensive cars that used a lot of gas, perhaps it wasn't something he thought about at that time. I think he got more serious about the environment later on because he became more open to it and aware of all the problems that exist in our world. Certain individuals can bash ATWA all they want but in reality, it's an important concept and without clean air, trees, or fresh water, the animals as well as the rest of us will perish. When we're young, we take all of our natural resources for granted. It's only when we grow and realize the importance of environmental protection and preservation that we can truly understand what it would mean to do without all that we currently have at this moment.
X (aka Noel)
(Yet more ignorance from another Manson hater)
Re: The unexpected environmental thread in the group
Posted by: ""
Tue Jul 14, 2009 6:17 am (PDT)
I think CM started his ATWA thing to give his minions something to do after he was put in prison.
(Another reply from me.)
Re: The unexpected environmental thread in the group
Posted by: "X"
Tue Jul 14, 2009 6:25 pm (PDT)
No, I disagree with you there. I believe he had a passion for the environment and wanted to project something positive.
X (aka Noel)
(Eran's lame and rather delayed reply to me. It's funny how it took him a whole day (Jul 15) to conjure up this stupid little gem in his crippled mind.)
Re: The unexpected environmental thread in the group
Posted by: "eran.gafni"
Wed Jul 15, 2009 3:44 am (PDT)
Yeah, like the Aztecs, to shed blood on the earth so it'll flourish...
(On and on the ATWA bashing goes.)
Re: The unexpected environmental thread in the group
Posted by: "Aaron" bredlau3@XXXXXXX
Tue Jul 14, 2009 7:14 pm (PDT)
yeah but sadly, for earth's sake, to the general public, ATWA is coming from CHARLES MANSON, therefor it's crazy-evil and should be dismissed as insanity or fraud.
--- In charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com, "X"
> I agree and it's a shame that nobody is willing to commit to saving the planet. I think Charlie actually has taken some pretty good action for ATWA in spite of the fact he's locked up. Just by him spreading the word and getting the truth out there is enough to get the ball rolling in my opinion.
> X (aka Noel)
(I think it's really pathetic how they can bash ATWA like this! Perhaps if they got off their high horse and started doing good things for Mother Earth, they might actually see the benefits of the ATWA concept. Unfortunately, they just don't care and I doubt they ever will because they're so locked up in their minds. Charlie is actually more free behind those bars than Eran and the rest of the ignorant haters are in their own mental prisons.)
Re: The Spiral Staircase House
Posted by: "eran.gafni"
Tue Jul 14, 2009 7:23 am (PDT)
Wondering who gave her that Belladona? Perhaps "Supersrar" Charlie?
--- In charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com, "X"
> She was also on "Belladonna" and from what I understand, that's an extremely intense form of LSD. Based on what I have learned so far, that crap really blew her mind. She was baked a great deal of the time on this garbage as far as I know.
> X (aka Noel)
(Isn't it convenient how Eran tries to blame Charlie for the "Belladonna" haze that Susan Atkins put HER OWN self in? Sure, Charlie must have shoved the junk down her throat! LOL:) Eran is obviously so deluded he can't tell fact from fiction.)
Re: The Spiral Staircase House
Posted by: "eran.gafni"
Tue Jul 14, 2009 7:25 am (PDT)
Really? He SAID he admired Hitler, all his reading material at Barker was booklets and magazines about Hitler, he referred his dune buggies to the Rommel "African Corps", so as hard as ou tryto twist it, Manson admired Hitler and his attidute towards blacks and Jews were (and are) racist.
--- In charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com, "X"
> I have to disagree about Charlie being a neo-Nazi. Yes, he was interested in Hitler but at the same time, a person should never be judged by what they read. For example, not all people who read the Bible are Christians. I have known plenty who are hypocrites.
> X (aka Noel)
(Naturally Eran would use the old Hitler angle just like his hero BUGliosi did before. I still stand by what I said before that NOBODY should be judged by what they read. For example, Eran could read a book about world peace but that doesn't necessarily make HIM a peaceful individual. Obviously, he knows NOTHING about peace as you can see from his posts. In my opinion, a book on toilets would be more fitting for his type to read LOL:) After all, everything he spews amounts to nothing but crap.)
Posted by: "WHITE RABBITT"
Tue Jul 14, 2009 7:38 am (PDT)
i wish i could say that it was not true, but i cant i was there in the haight in 66, i met manson at my commune 532 clayton when he came over to get acid in 67, i did leave san francisco when hard drugs came in in 68 and moved to la,i wish i could say i did not live at the log cabin with zappa but i cant, i wish i could say i never was at spahn but i cant, i wish i could say that sandra good and squeaky did not track me down in tennessee at a commune called the farm run by stephen gaskin when they were in sacramento and said on the phone to me and stepen that they wanted me to come to sacramento and for me to leave that day, if i loved charlie, when stephen told them no that they were not letting me leave, sanda and squeaky threatend stepen who told them to not call back,
and 5 days later squeaky met presedent ford, thats all facts, ever since sandra good and squeaky have been spining a new lie about me, so i cant pretend it never happened, it did
--- On Tue, 7/14/09, eran.gafni <eran.gafni@XXXXX. com> wrote:
From: eran.gafni <eran.gafni@XXXXX. com>
Subject: [charlesmanson_ and_family] Re: The Spiral Staircase House
To: charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Tuesday, July 14, 2009, 9:11 AM
Well, he himslef just said here yesterday that there wasn't any Manson Family so ther wasn't any White Rabbit among the non-Family so if he claims otherwise he will contradict himself twice...
I know that many people say he is a fraud and also he is not mentioned in any book of the Family, besides "The Family" of Ed Sanders where he also doesn't emntioned by his nickname or real name but been referred to as a "guy who came to the Heights in 1968 from the Mid West." He told Sanders about supposedly snuff films the Family took in 1969 and 1970 (i.e before and even after the big arrests). In other forums, and even here, many people said he's a fraud.
I tried to befreinded him, but it seems his loyalty to Manson still blinds his mind.
(Well, most everyone knows what a fraud "White Rabbitt" is and most everything he spews is based on his own twisted fantasy of being a Manson associate. He's a wannabe plain and simple. Surprisingly enough, Eran is nearly 100% correct about "White Rabbitt" with the minor exception of the last statement regarding his loyalty to Manson blinding his mind. There is certainly NOTHING wrong with being loyal to Charlie but "White Rabbitt" unfortunately takes it to an unrealistic level by claiming that he was part of the so-called "Family" when in fact he was NOT. That delusion is truly all in HIS OWN mind.)
Re: The Spiral Staircase House
Posted by: "WHITE RABBITT"
Tue Jul 14, 2009 7:23 pm (PDT)
for one thing they are saying they never called me in tennessee, asking to to come to sacramento, but the fact is 3 days after the event with ford the fbi came to the farm to tell me that they found the farms phone number on a call they made to me and asked stepen whaT THEY SAID TO ME, AND DURNING THE TRIAL SQUEAKY AND SANDY WANTED ME TO GO TO berkeley and dupelakate the tate murders
and sandra said that she will send 3 girls with me and after its done tell the cops that u did the tate murders and then charlie would be free, then after a month tell them u did not do the tate murders and join us in death valley, i said ill call u when i get to berkeley, i never did, they held that against me
--- On Tue, 7/14/09, X <atwa13x@XXXXX. com> wrote:
From: X <atwa13x@XXXXX. com>
Subject: [charlesmanson_ and_family] Re: The Spiral Staircase House
To: charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Tuesday, July 14, 2009, 8:17 PM
So, what is this lie that Squeaky and Sandy are spinning about you?
X (aka Noel)
(This is the twisted and most likely bogus reply that "White Rabbitt" gave to me when I questioned him about this alleged lie that Sandy and Squeaky were spinning about him. The only thing I see spinning is his big empty head! I personally doubt that Sandy and Squeaky EVER lied about him. I also don't believe the other things that he claimed about them. I truly believe that all of these statements from "White Rabbitt" are total crap and yet another example of the manic delusions that he has floating around in his burned-out, acid flooded brain. Of course, this is just my view on the situation but I firmly believe that only Sandy and Squeaky truly know what happened.)
Re: The Spiral Staircase House
Posted by: "eran.gafni"
Wed Jul 15, 2009 3:05 am (PDT)
WHat disturbs me about him most is that he is the only person of the Family (I intentioanlly don't include Sandy and Squeaky - they are merely Charlie's puppets) who still don't take responsibility to anything that he done - not the rapes, not the car stealings and of course not the killings (either he merely asked them to be carried out or ordered them it doesn't matter - for his followers it was the same and one). He and his current puppets still blame others, and his famlous credo that he is only a reflection of other is the ABSOLUTE shedding of any resoponsibility whatsoever to his deeds or sayings. This thing is disturbing and shows he didn't change and still remained a whining con.
--- In charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com, "Aaron"
> no Charlie does put on a show in interviews. I have almost every interview and you can tell. He gives what he gets. You can see it with different interviewers, and also it probably depends on when the interview was done and how medicated he was at the time. Charlie is very smart yes. But he tends to avoid answers directly and double speaks other answers. He speaks in riddles and parables, which is a sign of wit and intelligance. (pardon my spelling mistakes)
> He sometimes, it seems, to gladly play the part of Evil, probably because that's what he knows people expect of him. You can see it in the Geraldo interview. Geradlo goes for blood right off the bat, so that's what Charlie gives. Geradlo wants insanity so Charlie delivers. Ron Reagen on the other hand gets a better interview where Charlie is far more lucid and polite. It's like this in Charles Manson Superstar as well. The interviewer doesn't attack him, so Charlie doesn't attack back. It's far more relaxed. Tom Synder is back and forth. Charlie really hedges and babbles when it comes to certain questions, especially the question about tying up the LaBiancas. He beats around the bush and in the end says the reason he doesn't give the answer is that he is an outlaw, this is after telling a few stories that have nothing to do with anything regarding the question.
> It's a show for the most part, but one I think he is happy to be in, and so is the public because they get to see Crazy Charlie in the context they want to see him in. Stark raving mad, but sometimes in handcuffs so it's ok to watch.
> --- In charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com, "X"
> >
> > You say that Charlie puts on a show for the interviews but I have to disagree with that. In my opinion, he's about as real as you can get and I believe that he is genuine in his statements to the interviewers. Regarding his intelligence, I think that anyone who is able to surpass their teachers is pretty damn smart. Charlie was able to do that as stated in the "Manson" film.
> >
> > X (aka Noel)
(This is yet another thread where more Charlie bashing is taking place. Eran goes on in his usual repulsive fashion about what disturbs HIM but what disturbs ME is just how ignorant he truly is. Aaron actually made some sense here which is a good thing but I have seen other examples of him siding with Eran before. So, this decent post from Aaron is a real treat.)
Re: The Spiral Staircase House
Posted by: "eran.gafni"
Wed Jul 15, 2009 3:15 am (PDT)
The Manson puppets will use only the language Manson uses, so for them everyone who don't agree with them is either a relative of the great Satan (aka Vincent Bugliosi) or someone who wants to be famous, happily ignoring the fact that the only person who actually wanted to be famous (and gained it) was Charlie.
--- In charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com, "Aaron"
> I read plenty on the Manson case and I don't follow him.
(Here is a perfect example of what I was just talking about. Eran and Aaron side with each other like good butt buddies once again.)
Re: The Spiral Staircase House
Posted by: "eran.gafni"
Wed Jul 15, 2009 3:50 am (PDT)
It is only becuase this superstar despise society and laws and thinks his rules and "laws" are the only validate one. His puppets won't admit it, of course, but they all think the same.
--- In charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com, "X"
> I personally think that Charlie would snap at ANY officer regardless of race. I can understand why after all he has been through with them.
> X (aka Noel)
> --- In charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com, "jlm30260@"
> >
> > com/watch? v=9ZFKRtwCLog
> > Thanks Jim. I found this on you tube. Listen to the way CM snaps at the black officer. It is a very interesting interview. He calls Squeaky his only girlfriend, and talks in a more rational way than usual. It may be b/c the interviewer is a women.
(This thread here is a real piece of foul work! As you can see, Eran is starting to escalate his attacks on me due to his obvious hatred towards Charlie as well as his own personal insecurities. I still can't understand why Eran is so jealous and intimidated by Charlie. I suppose I never will either because Eran refuses to come clean about his deeply rooted issues regarding his negative feelings towards Charlie. His denial will be his own undoing someday.)
Re: The Spiral Staircase House
Posted by: "eran.gafni"
Wed Jul 15, 2009 4:09 am (PDT)
No, you are right about that,this is the reason Linda was taken was because Mary Brunner was arrsted that afternoon and Linda was the only one with a valid driving liscence. She drove to the Tate house, but upon returning, Tex drove (she held the helm while he changed his cloths). I guess Charlie was concerned that the "operation" might be botched if the killers would be caught by traffic patrols because of forged driving licenses.
On the next night, Charlie drove the car. I don't know why the aformentioned fear of been caught left him, I can only guess he thought HE would never been cuaght or that he tried to drive according to the law (as you can recall, the famous told story of him wanting to kill a man in a white sports car happened while bioth cars waited side by side for the lights to change; I guess the traffic wasn't heavy on that intersection, otherwise Charlie wouldn't dare go out and kill someone while everyone's watching). Maybe Linda was taken again just in case.
--- In charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com, Caty Bergman
> Ok, now we're confused Eran. As the story goes, the reason Linda Kasabian was included in both killing parties was because she was the only one with a Driver's License, and our understanding was that she did all the driving. We may be wrong, but that's nothing new,
> Caty and Dave
(In this lame post, Eran is actually challenging the Troll who tried to stifle me after I decided to leave the group. I'm really surprised they're not on the same side regarding this issue since they both seem to enjoy trampling on the rights of others.)
Well, that's all for today. I will be posting more as usual next weekend. By the way, I posted a brief update on the "
Update On CG's Hate Blog.
I just got word from a reliable source that the post from the hate blog I featured here previously was actually written by some Troll named Caryn. However, I believe she's doing CG's dirty work for her like the good little puppet she is. 1 of CG's puppets tried to leave a lame comment regarding this Caryn Troll being responsible for the the writing on the blog in question but of course I rejected it due to the fact I already heard about it from a REAL person earlier today. Another comment came through for moderation but I basically ignored it when I saw that it was written in CAPS. That was a clear indication to me it was just as lame as the first comment. It's funny how these weak Trolls figure they can get to me by attempting to leave lame comments in my blog which by the way I don't pay much attention to in the first place hehehe:) These fools really crack me up LOL:) They should realize by now that I don't give a damn what they say or think about me because I know I'm better than that. I guess they must enjoy wasting their time trying to get at me this way. Otherwise they would find a new hobby. Personally, I think they should stick to worshiping their beloved CG since it appears they're so good at it. They sing CG's praises religiously because they're obviously drawn so deep into her little fantasy world that they can no longer see reality. CG's vendetta has no limits and now she's using others to do her dirty work because she's too cowardly to take on the task herself. How sad that is:( By the way, I'm posting all this here because I know the Trolls read this blog regularly and I feel it's necessary for me to send a clear message letting them ALL know that I'm NOT going away nor am I letting CG and her Troll army get off quite that easily. The truth will be told whether they like it or not and I will NOT allow ANYONE to intimidate me! Later on today, I will be posting more evidence from the "charlesmanson_and_family" group so please be sure to check back often.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
New Lame Blog From CG's Crew. LOL:)
I just got notification of something so funny I nearly fell over in my chair laughing. It appears that CG has decided to ignorantly bash ME in her pathetic blog as well as the group I joined after I left CG's lame "charlesmanson_and_family" group. Gotta love that heading LOL:) Here is the latest screwball post from the blog in question. I have edited out the profanity:

OH, MY GOD! Does the hypocrisy never end? Now that Fist Boy has taken the reins over at KTS, it’s become apparent that we’re going to have LOTS to blog about. Let’s recap this week’s goings-on and point out to the the idiots there exactly where the holes are in Steve’s (and others) posts.
Turns out that there’s a Manson supporter there who fled CG’s group because…well, I’m not really sure why she left …
From: atwa13x
> To: KILLEDTHESIXTIES@ yahoogroups. com
> Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 2:21 AM
> Subject: [KILLEDTHESIXTIES] Re: Welcome new member
Thanks for the welcome Heaven:) I would like to start off by saying that I just got out of a really bad situation in another group and I'm hoping to find something better here. I can't go into any specific details here but if anyone wants to know more, please feel free to e-mail me offlist…
You went to KTS to find something better? Have you fallen and hit your head? Noel, honey, I’m going to be watching your KTS demise VERY closely. You are SERIOUSLY mistaken if you think for a second that you’re going to find anyone who’s going to sincerely commiserate with you. Oh, they’ll pretend for a bit, but as soon as you start espousing the virtues of Charles Manson, you’re going to be like a lamb to the slaughter. I’m eagerly looking forward to this unfolding drama.
Here’s the JEWEL posts right here, folks:
Tue Oct 6, 2009 3:26 pm
Steve sebring_1969
Re: [KILLEDTHESIXTIES] Re: Welcome new member
Hi Noel,
I sent the comments from Squeaky, I will send you the pdf of his book as soon as I find where I have it.
I am anti-Manson, but I don't put people down for their opinions or beliefs. None of us were there, so we only have what we have read and heard to base our opinions on.
F**k me silly! Steve doesn’t put people down for their opinions or beliefs? See, people, this is another shining example of what happens to men who like the fists of other men rammed up their a*s. He has become completely delusional! We’ve seen example after example after example of Stevil and his bunch eviscerating those who don’t think EXACTLY like they do. Oh, Noel, what have you gotten yourself into? I know already and you will find out. This is getting SO GOOD!
And then the village idiot, Neesy, chimed in:
--- On Wed, 10/7/09, Neesy wrote:
From: Neesy
Subject: Re: [KILLEDTHESIXTIES] Re: Welcome new member
To: KILLEDTHESIXTIES@ yahoogroups. com
… i think anybody who thinks manson is innocent is also a uninformed idiot...
And is then reprimanded by … WHO ELSE?
--- On Wed, 10/7/09, Steve wrote:
From: Steve
Subject: Re: [KILLEDTHESIXTIES] Re: Welcome new member
To: KILLEDTHESIXTIES@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Wednesday, October 7, 2009, 10:57 AM
People are entitled to voice their opinion without being called names, that is what makes it a discussion …
YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME??????? Let me tell you, as someone who was the target of vicious, malicious KTS tongue-lashings , this is the HYPOCRITICAL STATEMENT OF THE CENTURY!!!!!!!!!!! Steve, you incorrigible, dissembling, phony piece of garbage, it’s really too bad that you didn’t feel this way back in August 2008 when I spoke my opinion and was then devitalized (only temporarily) by you and your KTS cronies. You put me on moderation, emailed me to tell me so, and then continued to let your fellow members slander and malign me. Go sound yourself!
And then what does Neesy do but apologize for expressing her opinion:
----- Original Message -----
From: Neesy
To: KILLEDTHESIXTIES@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2009 11:07 AM
Subject: Re: [KILLEDTHESIXTIES] Re: Welcome new member
you're right. i apologize to noel.
She did owe Noel an apology. However, to date Neesy has never received an apology from Brenda Crowder or Angela Holdersby for the horrible way they bad-mouthed her after he daughter was injured in a car accident and Neesy didn’t have the time (and maybe not even the desire) to thank them publicly for their bogus prayers. F**king bunch of hypocrites! Neesy, you need a nice, healthy dose of self-esteem so that you’ll stop allowing yourself to be walked all over by those a*sholes.
And then the abortion queen throws her two cents in:
--- On Wed, 10/7/09, Heaven wrote:
From: Heaven
Subject: Re: [KILLEDTHESIXTIES] Re: Welcome new member
Date: Wednesday, October 7, 2009, 11:52 AM
Thank you Neesy!
I know that these convos can get heated but we just have to remember that everyone has an opinion and it's not personal...
Two words: B**CH, PLEASE!
STAY TUNED, FOLKS! These people are going to CHEW Noel up. I’m extra-excited ‘cause I have a front-row seat! This is going to be better than Shevil’s favorite TV show, WWE.
Well now, it's plain to see that CG (aka Candygramma70) is at the core of this madness. What she and the rest of her lame bunch fail to realize is that I could care less what they think about me. If I cared, I would be in worse shape than THEY are right now. You see, I'm sitting here cool and sane while CG in particular along with the rest of them are being brought to the brink of insanity. Regarding KTS, everything has been going fine in there so far and if for some reason things start to go sour, I always have the option to leave with dignity same as I did to the"charlesmanson_and_family" group. CG is just jealous because I joined her rival group and this is why she chose to mention me in her pathetic little blog. Her obvious jealousy is also what motivates her to spy on KTS and what prompted her to create a blog directed towards that group in the first place. Pretty lame if you ask me. I heard from a reliable source recently that CG created a hate blog directed towards KTS so I'm assuming the blog in question is it. At least MY blog is legitimate unlike HERS which is only a hateful mess and yet more proof of her deeply rooted insanity. NOBODY is going to chew ME up as CG so ignorantly stated in the blog because I won't allow that to happen. This is only the Internet after all and NOTHING that happens out here can phase me in any sort of big way unless of course I let it happen. If something goes wrong in KTS, so be it. It's NOT going to be the end of the world for me. It wasn't the end of the world when I left "charlesmanson_and_family" so it definitely won't bother me at all if I should feel compelled to leave KTS for whatever reason. However, I'm enjoying myself there at the moment and I'm just going to continue riding it out on this positive wave for as long as it lasts. I'm a lot stronger than CG or her lame crew give me credit for but as you can see, THEY'RE not quite as high up on the scale as I am. I can take whatever disappointment that comes my way with dignity unlike CG's Troll army. It's clear from the latest drama fest on CG's blog that she has bad feelings towards those at KTS because they saw her as the Troll she truly is. Her blog in general clearly proves what she is. She's coming apart at the seams so I'm just going to sit back, relax, and watch as she digs a deeper hole for herself. I'm sure the KTS group owners will be interested in seeing what new junk CG has conjured up about them in her crippled mind. It should be good for a few laughs LOL:) In the future, I won't be posting anything more here from that pathetic blog nor will I even look at it again because it's a waste of my precious time. I already know all I need to about CG and her sickness. Whatever hell comes down in her direction is going to be brought on by HER OWN hand. She's showing her true colors every single day that she indulges in her own twisted fantasy world and it's only a matter of time before she sinks into oblivion. By the way, check out the "Team Players" that are listed in CG's pathetic blog:
For the record, "White Rabbitt" is a wannabe Manson associate who claims that he lived with the family on the ranch during the end of the 60's. Furthermore, he claims to be friends with Manson and others from that circle. In reality, "White Rabbitt" was at the ranch for only a day and he didn't leave a very good impression on anyone who was there. The way I heard it, they were trying to get rid of him all day. Fortunately, they got lucky at the end of the day when the jerk left. Everyone who is truly educated about Manson and his circle know that "White Rabbitt" is a fraud. I did correspond with "White Rabbitt" on several occasions but that's only because he had positive things to say about Manson. However, I NEVER believed for 1 moment that he was a member of Manson's circle. I always knew he was a fake but I humored the guy anyway. I have severed ties with "White Rabbitt" completely. Unfortunately, CG actually believes that "White Rabbitt" (aka Loser Larry) was 1 of the Manson family which is most likely the reason he's listed as a "Team Player" on the dumb blog. Now, if this doesn't blow CG's credibilty out of the water, I don't know what does. The rest of the names are most likely figments of CG's imagination. Either that or they're all just a bunch of misguided Trolls who are basically as sad and deluded as she is. If she truly wants to be taken seriously, she needs to get out of that fantasy world and come to reality. Unfortunately, I doubt that will EVER happen because she's so convinced in her crippled mind that everything she says and does is correct. Too bad she's fooling herself so badly with her delusions and dragging other blind souls in with her. I truly feel sorry for CG and anyone else who has been sucked into her nasty web of lies. Perhaps they will all wake up before it's too late. 1 can only hope.
Brief Update!
It appears that "White Rabbitt" has been removed from the "Team Players" list on the foul blog in question. A reliable source notified me of this fact and it has been verified. I assume either the blog creator removed him from the list in a feeble attempt to save her sinking reputation or "White Rabbitt" himself did it because he finally decided to go back into the hole he originally crawled out of. For the sake of all the innocent, decent people on the Internet who may have the misfortune of getting infected by this diseased animal in the future, I certainly hope he's hopped away into oblivion. If not, everyone best make sure they have some damn potent "Rabbitt" repellent LOL:)
Saturday, October 17, 2009
HERE, NOEL, NOEL, NOEL...
OH, MY GOD! Does the hypocrisy never end? Now that Fist Boy has taken the reins over at KTS, it’s become apparent that we’re going to have LOTS to blog about. Let’s recap this week’s goings-on and point out to the the idiots there exactly where the holes are in Steve’s (and others) posts.
Turns out that there’s a Manson supporter there who fled CG’s group because…well, I’m not really sure why she left …
From: atwa13x
> To: KILLEDTHESIXTIES@ yahoogroups. com
> Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 2:21 AM
> Subject: [KILLEDTHESIXTIES] Re: Welcome new member
Thanks for the welcome Heaven:) I would like to start off by saying that I just got out of a really bad situation in another group and I'm hoping to find something better here. I can't go into any specific details here but if anyone wants to know more, please feel free to e-mail me offlist…
You went to KTS to find something better? Have you fallen and hit your head? Noel, honey, I’m going to be watching your KTS demise VERY closely. You are SERIOUSLY mistaken if you think for a second that you’re going to find anyone who’s going to sincerely commiserate with you. Oh, they’ll pretend for a bit, but as soon as you start espousing the virtues of Charles Manson, you’re going to be like a lamb to the slaughter. I’m eagerly looking forward to this unfolding drama.
Here’s the JEWEL posts right here, folks:
Tue Oct 6, 2009 3:26 pm
Steve sebring_1969
Re: [KILLEDTHESIXTIES] Re: Welcome new member
Hi Noel,
I sent the comments from Squeaky, I will send you the pdf of his book as soon as I find where I have it.
I am anti-Manson, but I don't put people down for their opinions or beliefs. None of us were there, so we only have what we have read and heard to base our opinions on.
F**k me silly! Steve doesn’t put people down for their opinions or beliefs? See, people, this is another shining example of what happens to men who like the fists of other men rammed up their a*s. He has become completely delusional! We’ve seen example after example after example of Stevil and his bunch eviscerating those who don’t think EXACTLY like they do. Oh, Noel, what have you gotten yourself into? I know already and you will find out. This is getting SO GOOD!
And then the village idiot, Neesy, chimed in:
--- On Wed, 10/7/09, Neesy wrote:
From: Neesy
Subject: Re: [KILLEDTHESIXTIES] Re: Welcome new member
To: KILLEDTHESIXTIES@ yahoogroups. com
… i think anybody who thinks manson is innocent is also a uninformed idiot...
And is then reprimanded by … WHO ELSE?
--- On Wed, 10/7/09, Steve wrote:
From: Steve
Subject: Re: [KILLEDTHESIXTIES] Re: Welcome new member
To: KILLEDTHESIXTIES@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Wednesday, October 7, 2009, 10:57 AM
People are entitled to voice their opinion without being called names, that is what makes it a discussion …
YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME??????? Let me tell you, as someone who was the target of vicious, malicious KTS tongue-lashings , this is the HYPOCRITICAL STATEMENT OF THE CENTURY!!!!!!!!!!! Steve, you incorrigible, dissembling, phony piece of garbage, it’s really too bad that you didn’t feel this way back in August 2008 when I spoke my opinion and was then devitalized (only temporarily) by you and your KTS cronies. You put me on moderation, emailed me to tell me so, and then continued to let your fellow members slander and malign me. Go sound yourself!
And then what does Neesy do but apologize for expressing her opinion:
----- Original Message -----
From: Neesy
To: KILLEDTHESIXTIES@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2009 11:07 AM
Subject: Re: [KILLEDTHESIXTIES] Re: Welcome new member
you're right. i apologize to noel.
She did owe Noel an apology. However, to date Neesy has never received an apology from Brenda Crowder or Angela Holdersby for the horrible way they bad-mouthed her after he daughter was injured in a car accident and Neesy didn’t have the time (and maybe not even the desire) to thank them publicly for their bogus prayers. F**king bunch of hypocrites! Neesy, you need a nice, healthy dose of self-esteem so that you’ll stop allowing yourself to be walked all over by those a*sholes.
And then the abortion queen throws her two cents in:
--- On Wed, 10/7/09, Heaven wrote:
From: Heaven
Subject: Re: [KILLEDTHESIXTIES] Re: Welcome new member
Date: Wednesday, October 7, 2009, 11:52 AM
Thank you Neesy!
I know that these convos can get heated but we just have to remember that everyone has an opinion and it's not personal...
Two words: B**CH, PLEASE!
STAY TUNED, FOLKS! These people are going to CHEW Noel up. I’m extra-excited ‘cause I have a front-row seat! This is going to be better than Shevil’s favorite TV show, WWE.
Posted by Caryn at 10/17/2009 0 comments (CG's puppet)
Well now, it's plain to see that CG (aka Candygramma70) is at the core of this madness. What she and the rest of her lame bunch fail to realize is that I could care less what they think about me. If I cared, I would be in worse shape than THEY are right now. You see, I'm sitting here cool and sane while CG in particular along with the rest of them are being brought to the brink of insanity. Regarding KTS, everything has been going fine in there so far and if for some reason things start to go sour, I always have the option to leave with dignity same as I did to the"charlesmanson_and_family" group. CG is just jealous because I joined her rival group and this is why she chose to mention me in her pathetic little blog. Her obvious jealousy is also what motivates her to spy on KTS and what prompted her to create a blog directed towards that group in the first place. Pretty lame if you ask me. I heard from a reliable source recently that CG created a hate blog directed towards KTS so I'm assuming the blog in question is it. At least MY blog is legitimate unlike HERS which is only a hateful mess and yet more proof of her deeply rooted insanity. NOBODY is going to chew ME up as CG so ignorantly stated in the blog because I won't allow that to happen. This is only the Internet after all and NOTHING that happens out here can phase me in any sort of big way unless of course I let it happen. If something goes wrong in KTS, so be it. It's NOT going to be the end of the world for me. It wasn't the end of the world when I left "charlesmanson_and_family" so it definitely won't bother me at all if I should feel compelled to leave KTS for whatever reason. However, I'm enjoying myself there at the moment and I'm just going to continue riding it out on this positive wave for as long as it lasts. I'm a lot stronger than CG or her lame crew give me credit for but as you can see, THEY'RE not quite as high up on the scale as I am. I can take whatever disappointment that comes my way with dignity unlike CG's Troll army. It's clear from the latest drama fest on CG's blog that she has bad feelings towards those at KTS because they saw her as the Troll she truly is. Her blog in general clearly proves what she is. She's coming apart at the seams so I'm just going to sit back, relax, and watch as she digs a deeper hole for herself. I'm sure the KTS group owners will be interested in seeing what new junk CG has conjured up about them in her crippled mind. It should be good for a few laughs LOL:) In the future, I won't be posting anything more here from that pathetic blog nor will I even look at it again because it's a waste of my precious time. I already know all I need to about CG and her sickness. Whatever hell comes down in her direction is going to be brought on by HER OWN hand. She's showing her true colors every single day that she indulges in her own twisted fantasy world and it's only a matter of time before she sinks into oblivion. By the way, check out the "Team Players" that are listed in CG's pathetic blog:
Team Players
- * Nevaeh17
* Daisy
* dstamper666
* Benjamin Lester
* Skullz
* ooznpustuleohate
* Dirt2Diamonds
* revengeisweet
* daleburnzjr
* Poche
* h8mongr69
* grannycougar
* Heavenly81969
* LilHellfire
* Caryn
* momngrama
* augustninth69
* Mz. GG
* Smoochy
* SusanMaySuckButSteveBlows
For the record, "White Rabbitt" is a wannabe Manson associate who claims that he lived with the family on the ranch during the end of the 60's. Furthermore, he claims to be friends with Manson and others from that circle. In reality, "White Rabbitt" was at the ranch for only a day and he didn't leave a very good impression on anyone who was there. The way I heard it, they were trying to get rid of him all day. Fortunately, they got lucky at the end of the day when the jerk left. Everyone who is truly educated about Manson and his circle know that "White Rabbitt" is a fraud. I did correspond with "White Rabbitt" on several occasions but that's only because he had positive things to say about Manson. However, I NEVER believed for 1 moment that he was a member of Manson's circle. I always knew he was a fake but I humored the guy anyway. I have severed ties with "White Rabbitt" completely. Unfortunately, CG actually believes that "White Rabbitt" (aka Loser Larry) was 1 of the Manson family which is most likely the reason he's listed as a "Team Player" on the dumb blog. Now, if this doesn't blow CG's credibilty out of the water, I don't know what does. The rest of the names are most likely figments of CG's imagination. Either that or they're all just a bunch of misguided Trolls who are basically as sad and deluded as she is. If she truly wants to be taken seriously, she needs to get out of that fantasy world and come to reality. Unfortunately, I doubt that will EVER happen because she's so convinced in her crippled mind that everything she says and does is correct. Too bad she's fooling herself so badly with her delusions and dragging other blind souls in with her. I truly feel sorry for CG and anyone else who has been sucked into her nasty web of lies. Perhaps they will all wake up before it's too late. 1 can only hope.
Brief Update!
It appears that "White Rabbitt" has been removed from the "Team Players" list on the foul blog in question. A reliable source notified me of this fact and it has been verified. I assume either the blog creator removed him from the list in a feeble attempt to save her sinking reputation or "White Rabbitt" himself did it because he finally decided to go back into the hole he originally crawled out of. For the sake of all the innocent, decent people on the Internet who may have the misfortune of getting infected by this diseased animal in the future, I certainly hope he's hopped away into oblivion. If not, everyone best make sure they have some damn potent "Rabbitt" repellent LOL:)
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Announcement #2. Attention CG (aka Candygramma70) Supporters!
I don't have much time to post today but I feel this brief announcement is necessary. I apologize for steering away from the original subject matter but this needs to be said. As most already know, all comments to this blog are moderated so that any Trolls from the "charlesmanson_and_family" group who try and spew their garbage here will be unable to. Well, I received an e-mail notification this morning alerting me that there was a pending comment from a CG (aka Candygramma70) fan. I want to say to that weak individual and to anyone else who tries pleading her case, don't even bother trying to leave your lame comments in the future because they will be rejected and ignored. I will only accept legitimate comments period! The main focus of this blog is the "charlesmanson_and"family" group and NOT specifically CG herself. As you can plainly see, the only time I have mentioned her exclusively is when I discovered evidence that she has burned others besides myself or when I caught her doing other foul activities outside of her pathetic group. This does NOT mean the entire blog is about HER and I certainly didn't mean to give anyone else that impression. That being said, I will resume my regular posting of the facts regarding the "charlesmanson_and_family" group sometime this weekend.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
There is a third update on the post titled: "More CG (aka Candygramma70) Insanity." If you scroll down to the bottom of that post, you will see it. If I happen to discover anything else new concerning that issue specifically, it will be posted in the same section.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Important Update Regarding CG! (aka Candygramma70)
I posted recently stating that I would not focus so much on CG (aka Candygramma70) but that was before I learned some additional information which I'm going to post here right now. I have discovered there is yet ANOTHER person besides myself and the other guy who runs the "CharlesMansonGroupOwnersAndPiggies" Yahoo group that has been exposed to CG's dark side. Here is an excerpt from the man's website. I have edited out the mild profanity:
"Been getting more familiar with the Twitter thing. Navigation’s a bit easier, jumping to the sidebar and other options are more familiar, etc. But I do see where the netkooks are already f**king things up. You see folks trying to post three paragraph tweets, which you need to read backwards in order to make any sense out of them, or they tweet a hundred times a day about their obsessions and such, or they just tweet bizarro-world stuff, likely to get followers. But I imagine it’s a pretty good tool for getting out the equivalent of personal sound bites in a concise manner (at least, for the folks who don’t try to break War and Peace into 140 character snippets). I’ve been checking in on one netkook in particular, and the thing I’m reminded of most is popular net troll Candygramma70, who was unceremoniously banned from my true crime groups a while back after exhibiting strikingly similar behavior in too many Yahoo groups to count. You read this person’s updates, and if you were unfortunate enough to be on a group with Candygramma70, you can see the same pattern. Somewhere, I’m sure somebody’s got a Net Victim of the Month page or award. If so, somebody should certainly nominate this ‘net nutter for a slot. She’d probably do great in the year-end review, as well."
The complete text can be found here:
Since CG is 1 of the "charlesmanson_and_family" group leaders, it's only fitting that I publish information about her to go along with the rest of the evidence I have on her group itself. However, I'll still try not to focus on her specifically unless of course I come across additional information that can help to give my claims about her more credibility. You have already seen proof here from 2 others besides myself who have had negative dealings with her. Now it's up to you to decide for yourself based on all the evidence you see here what to believe. There are a couple others but unless they give me permission to reveal their identity, I'm sworn to confidentiality. While it's true she may be well behaved with certain individuals, she's not so nice to those who disappoint her. When I left her group, that's when I saw her dark side simply because I disappointed her. Sad but true. So, this is the latest news and if I should hear of any more, I will be sure to post it here. I do however want to make it clear that my main focus is the bad experience I had in the "charlesmanson_and_family" group and it will remain as such even though I have posts here regarding CG specifically.
"Been getting more familiar with the Twitter thing. Navigation’s a bit easier, jumping to the sidebar and other options are more familiar, etc. But I do see where the netkooks are already f**king things up. You see folks trying to post three paragraph tweets, which you need to read backwards in order to make any sense out of them, or they tweet a hundred times a day about their obsessions and such, or they just tweet bizarro-world stuff, likely to get followers. But I imagine it’s a pretty good tool for getting out the equivalent of personal sound bites in a concise manner (at least, for the folks who don’t try to break War and Peace into 140 character snippets). I’ve been checking in on one netkook in particular, and the thing I’m reminded of most is popular net troll Candygramma70, who was unceremoniously banned from my true crime groups a while back after exhibiting strikingly similar behavior in too many Yahoo groups to count. You read this person’s updates, and if you were unfortunate enough to be on a group with Candygramma70, you can see the same pattern. Somewhere, I’m sure somebody’s got a Net Victim of the Month page or award. If so, somebody should certainly nominate this ‘net nutter for a slot. She’d probably do great in the year-end review, as well."
The complete text can be found here:
Since CG is 1 of the "charlesmanson_and_family" group leaders, it's only fitting that I publish information about her to go along with the rest of the evidence I have on her group itself. However, I'll still try not to focus on her specifically unless of course I come across additional information that can help to give my claims about her more credibility. You have already seen proof here from 2 others besides myself who have had negative dealings with her. Now it's up to you to decide for yourself based on all the evidence you see here what to believe. There are a couple others but unless they give me permission to reveal their identity, I'm sworn to confidentiality. While it's true she may be well behaved with certain individuals, she's not so nice to those who disappoint her. When I left her group, that's when I saw her dark side simply because I disappointed her. Sad but true. So, this is the latest news and if I should hear of any more, I will be sure to post it here. I do however want to make it clear that my main focus is the bad experience I had in the "charlesmanson_and_family" group and it will remain as such even though I have posts here regarding CG specifically.