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ATWA: ALL The Way Alive!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Third Update: Wikipedia Follies.

Every picture tells a story so I'm going to let the following tell theirs. My comments will be at the bottom:

 It looks like I'm not the only victim of this "Wikipedia" conspiracy. Here's another innocent victim on their list:

Basically, this whole thing is bullshit perpetrated by ignorant "Wikipedia" administrators who simply don't want to accept reality. In my own defense, I NEVER made any "disruptive" edits nor did I "vandalize" any page! The "Wikipedia" admin puppets just conveniently slapped that label on my edits in a feeble attempt to justify their unjust and inexcusable actions perpetrated against me. Bottom line, EVERYONE has a right to their own opinions but NOBODY has the right to deny someone else theirs! This is what these "Wikipedia" cretins have done and I'm NOT going  to tolerate it! They can try blocking me out until the cows come home but it WON'T stop me from completing my mission. Anything THEY can do, I can do better;) By the way, my last remarks to "Sparthorse" on the mediation page was removed which just goes to prove "Wikipedia" can't get enough of censoring people. They want to stifle the opposition by any means necessary and it doesn't matter if the method is ethical or not. Here's the proof:

See what I mean? I doubt this is going to be the last of their censorship bullshit because it appears to be an obsession with them. This blatant disregard for the equal rights of others and the free flow of opinions further demonstrates why my "Wikipedia" protest is necessary. I want to get as many supporters as possible and promote this cause to the fullest so I'll be including the link to my "Protest Wikipedia Censorship" page at the end of every update here. Stay tuned.

 Join the "Protest Wikipedia Censorship" movement by clicking this text!