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ATWA: ALL The Way Alive!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Second Update: The Wikipedia Protest Is On!

The next step of my mission to expose and protest the unjust censorship of the "Wikipedia" Manson haters has been completed. Check out the new "Facebook" protest page:

This is only the beginning. For the record folks, this protest is NOT just about the anti-Manson crap that "Wikipedia" thrives on. It's about ANYONE who could very well be next on the list of victims "Wikipedia" deems unworthy of fair and ethical treatment. YOU could end up being censored too if you should ever edit a page to reflect additional facts not originally included on article pages or dare to present an opinion which doesn't sit well with the "Wikipedia" Gestapo! YOU could have YOUR rights trampled under the hooves of these horseshit haters! Speaking of these haters, here is a list of the ones who THOUGHT they had the right to engage in unconstitutional behavior against me:


The ignorance of these individuals is pathetic! I personally couldn't care less if these cretins have an opinion different from mine but when they decided to try ripping away MY voice, that's when it became personal. NOBODY has the right to pull a bullshit stunt like this! How DARE they infringe on MY rights! Well, I certainly hope they feel it was all worth it because I won't rest until my mission is fully complete. I plan to launch the biggest campaign against "Wikipedia" that I possibly can and hopefully, nobody else will fall victim to these cretins. If it can happen to ME, it can happen to ANYONE! Please join me in this protest and hold "Wikipedia" accountable for their wrongful actions. Stay tuned for further updates.