Well, it's 2012 and unfortunately NOTHING has really changed a whole lot in the world of the Manson haters. I have to laugh at this most recent finding though because despite the fact it's basically the same old tired Manson hating crap in general, the statements made are on a significantly higher absurdity level in content than anything else I have read so far. The only exception of this are comments made by "Lone Wolf" in response to the top hater. Check it out:
LOL:) See what I mean? This "DamianKnight" creature is definitely living in a state of delusion because he/she/it has unfortunately swallowed up the media sensationalism like "bull chowder" (cattle cum) and obviously feels content in doing so. Regarding "catholic engineer", well the name pretty much says it all. The comments from "Lone Wolf" are presented here to demonstrate how to properly express an opinion. There were no reprisals from the opposing end after this so obviously, the "Lone Wolf" comments hit the mark which is a good thing. I only wish everyone was capable of stating their point of view without permitting things to get ugly. That's all for now but I'm sure more haters will surface in the coming months. Until then, I hope 2012 is positive for all who deserve happiness in life.