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ATWA: ALL The Way Alive!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

January 3, 2010 Update!

Before I begin, I want to let all my readers know that I'm doing fine in spite of the recent turn of events involving CG's main Troll Linda. I haven't seen her blog since I last stated here that I wouldn't be going back there but of course I have heard things from others who are following that garbage. However, it's old news and nothing more. I don't really care what she or her pathetic cronies say about me and I'm not bothered by what they post about in their blogs either since I no longer read them in the first place. It's a free country after all. I know I'm better than that which is what counts the most. Anyway, here's my main update.

Re: Paul Crockett And The Family

Posted by: ""

Sun Aug 2, 2009 10:50 am (PDT)

Eran~ Wow~ You are impressive! It must have made CM look very weak in his "followers" eyes. Here this old miner outsmarts the great JC! LOL.
I am surprised CM did not kill him, PC must have gotten out just in time.

--- In charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com, "eran.gafni" wrote:
> Both Sanders and Bugliosi depict him as one of the first Scietologists in the U.S. who met directly with Ron L. Hubbard and learned from him. After that he went to Death Valley to look for gold and settled in the Barker Ranch, where he met Manson. Since Manson was also practicing Scientology, Crocket probably noticed he is faking and despite acquiring several controlling tools and analysing from it, he wasn't a real "clear" person so Krocket used that against Manson.
> After PC learned of Manson dominance over his group and his supersticious mind, he "sent" mental and mind "messages" to Charlie and succeeded in concincing him that PC is stroger than he - and it was the first time in almost 2 years that someone managed to move Charlei away from anyplace without using the police or actually threatening Charlie. Also, Crokcet managed to pull away from Charlie some of his loyal members and thus proved he has mote mental strength and influence on people than Charlie.
> Finally Charlie did mamaged to intimidate Crocket and forced him to leave but it was only after the killings when he was well armed and shed all civilized manner. Crokcet left by night and later was a very rich source for the police and for the prosecution, since he was an outsider who was able to watch the Family in its most extreme paranoya situation right before its demise.

(Naturally, a fan of Eran would say he's impressive. I say he's a joke! His bashing of Manson only proves just how pathetic Eran is and how jealous he is of the man. I don't believe for 1 minute that this Crocket character is stronger than Charlie. I say this because HE never had to spend a day surviving behind bars like Charlie has. Charlie has endured more pain and hell than most people in the same situation EVER have! I admire the man's strength in spite of it all.)

Re: Manson & Bobby B.~ What Was Their Relationship Really Like?

Posted by: "eran.gafni"

Mon Aug 3, 2009 6:32 am (PDT)

Manson conradicted himself many times. He used to preach top his flock against owning things or against the establishent but he slept seperately from them and later on go to the Strip to entangle with those same people he preached against before.

That includes blacks also - he dealt drugs with black and while banning his flock to listen to black music, went to hear it himself, and even mixed Blues elements in his music.

--- In charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com, lorriance waters wrote:
> but if manson was so racist, why did he attend LOVE gigs regularly on the strip, with three LOVE members being black, including the lead singer guitrist arthur lee, his attendance at their gigs, is written in a book penned by arthur lee.

(Good question exactly by Lorriance. Personally, I think Eran is just full of crap again and wanting to believe Manson was a racist. Eran's type always have to believe the worst about the ones they're intimidated by to feel important inside.)

Re: Manson & Bobby B.~ What Was Their Relationship Really Like?

Posted by: "eran.gafni"

Mon Aug 3, 2009 7:40 am (PDT)

When YOU start to provide facts, you'll be taken seriousely.

--- In charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com, WHITE RABBITT wrote:
> u dont know that as fact aaron u are talking nunsence

(Even the sicko "White Rabbitt" pegged Eran correctly here. It's amazing how Eran requested that Rabbitt provide facts when in fact it couldn't be done on HIS OWN end! VERY hypocritical!)

Re: Manson & Bobby B.~ What Was Their Relationship Really Like?

Posted by: "Aaron"

Mon Aug 3, 2009 7:42 am (PDT)

again wrong Aaron....Rabbit you are talking to ERAN

(Yeah, I know Rabbitt used the wrong name when posting but the idiot still called Eran out correctly. So, at least he did 1 thing right. Pay close attention to this conversation coming up next.)

Re: Did Mary Brunner Betray Manson?

Posted by: "eran.gafni"

Mon Aug 3, 2009 7:21 am (PDT)

Why, you afraid she'll say she doesn't recall seeing any furry guy with a long, dirty tongue runnign around Spahn?

--- In charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com, WHITE RABBITT wrote:
> Maybe the very fact she did testified (while other Family members
> refused), but I wish we could contact her and ask her about it. I think
> she's one of the most interesting figures in the Family and like Susan,
> she can tell alot about Manson's mind.
> see aaron mother mary does not owe u a explanation, her thoughts on her youth with charlie are non of your bisness
> sewe this is the kind of post by a member of this group that makes me sick, what right does anyone in this group have to wanna bug mary to ask her stupid quistions let her and the other enjoy there privatecy

Re: Did Mary Brunner Betray Manson?

Posted by: "WHITE RABBITT"

Mon Aug 3, 2009 7:45 am (PDT)

becouse she has a right to privatecy and does not owe u squat

Re: Did Mary Brunner Betray Manson?

Posted by: "eran.gafni"

Mon Aug 3, 2009 7:50 am (PDT)

Well, I bet she'll be more happy to speak with me than with you...

Re: Did Mary Brunner Betray Manson?

Posted by: "WHITE RABBITT"

Mon Aug 3, 2009 7:59 am (PDT)

Well, I bet she'll be more happy to speak with me than with you...
eran u got no right to even dars thing anyone from the family should talk to u, your just a dude in israel who got nothing better to do with his time then harrass people like mother mary with stupid insane questions, a life eran leave the family alone

Re: Did Mary Brunner Betray Manson?

Posted by: "candygramma70"

Mon Aug 3, 2009 10:42 am (PDT)

-Rabbit IMO you are over reacting.I doubr anyone has the address of her anyway so it is a MOOT subject. Do they have a right to their privacy? Of course they do. BUT you look at all the other blogs etc Cats, Brett,Mark, Colonel to name a few, you will see they all talk about each and every Manson family member and they have their thoughts and opinions.
THIS group is absolutely NO different.
WE WILL talk about drag up whatever is public knowledge.
We have the RIGHT to our theories of how things went down. This is NOT a legal board this is njust a board of people that have an interest in Manson and the family.
Lets not keep dragging up the privacy card.

(Notice how CG jumps all over White Rabbitt because he dared to challenge her beloved Eran? It doesn't matter to her that Eran started the crap. It only matters that someone dared to come up against her precious Eran. So pathetic on CG's part!)

Re: Did Mary Brunner Betray Manson?

Posted by: "candygramma70"

Mon Aug 3, 2009 10:50 am (PDT)

-Rabbit that is quite enuf- Eran has as much right to post his opinions here as any one else here does.

-- In charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com, WHITE RABBITT wrote:
> Well, I bet she'll be more happy to speak with me than with you...
> eran u got no right to even dars thing anyone from the family should talk to u, your just a dude in israel who got nothing better to do with his time then harrass people like mother mary with stupid insane questions, a life eran leave the family alone

(Notice how CG had to jump in TWICE to defend her God Eran? I guess once wasn't enough for her. She just HAD to put her 2 cents worth in TWICE for the man she worships the most besides her own self! So VERY sad.)

Re: Did Mary Brunner Betray Manson?

Posted by: "WHITE RABBITT"

Mon Aug 3, 2009 2:29 pm (PDT)

this group might not be a court of law but eran andjamie treat it like this group is a court of law and they are the judges

(Good observations on Rabbitt's part. Too bad he hadn't thought of the law when he was harming innocent children.)

Re: Did Manson ever actually meet Elvis Presley or Frank Zappa in pe

Posted by: "eran.gafni"

Mon Aug 3, 2009 7:46 am (PDT)

So let us hear what YOU know about it, or else shut up.

--- In charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com, WHITE RABBITT wrote:
> eran dont post about zappa if u dont know what your talking about
> --- On Mon, 8/3/09, eran.gafni wrote:
> From: eran.gafni
> Subject: [charlesmanson_ and_family] Re: Did Manson ever actually meet Elvis Presley or Frank Zappa in person?
> To: charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com
> Date: Monday, August 3, 2009, 8:40 AM
> Sanders claimed that Zappa refused to produce Charlie's music.

Re: Did Manson ever actually meet Elvis Presley or Frank Zappa in pe

Posted by: "WHITE RABBITT"

Mon Aug 3, 2009 7:54 am (PDT)

i dont care about your bs u post post about zappa u were not there i lived with zappa and i dont have to tell u nothing,

Re: Did Manson ever actually meet Elvis Presley or Frank Zappa in pe

Posted by: "candygramma70"

Mon Aug 3, 2009 10:31 am (PDT)

-So maybe YOU can enlighten Eran about Zappa?

(Notice how CG jumps right in for her hero Eran again? She's obviously so much in-love with him that she will say or do anything to make him shine like gold. Pathetic!)

Re: Did Manson ever actually meet Elvis Presley or Frank Zappa in pe

Posted by: "candygramma70"

Mon Aug 3, 2009 10:44 am (PDT)

Good point- lets hear YOUR theories Rabbit??

(As you can plainly see, once wasn't enough for ol' CG. She just couldn't resist in defending her God Eran again.)

Re: Did Manson ever actually meet Elvis Presley or Frank Zappa in pe

Posted by: "candygramma70"

Mon Aug 3, 2009 10:48 am (PDT)

-and THAT is NOT being a good member of this group.
IF you donot want to discuss anything then I am wondering what is the point? If you LIVED witrh Zappa then you should be ready to post about it. Thing is people just have a hard time believing anything becayse y9ou say you were there but you won't even discuss anything.

-- In charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com, WHITE RABBITT wrote:
> i dont care about your bs u post post about zappa u were not there i lived with zappa and i dont have to tell u nothing,

(I guess CG figures showing favoritism towards certain special members IS being a good member of her lame group. This is the 5th time she has defended her favorite Eran against Rabbitt. She obviously can't get enough.)


Re: Did Manson ever actually meet Elvis Presley or Frank Zappa in pe

Posted by: "WHITE RABBITT"

Mon Aug 3, 2009 2:29 pm (PDT)

if eran wants to know about zappa let him ask his wife gail

(Well, at least the creep defended his own self.)

Re: Manson & Bobby B.~ What Was Their Relationship Really Like?

Posted by: "eran.gafni"

Mon Aug 3, 2009 7:52 am (PDT)

If you sick, go see a shrink...

--- In charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com, WHITE RABBITT wrote:
> look eran u post such crapola it makes me sick reading it, i dont have to prove nothing to u or anyone else i lived in la i was there u were not so get off your high horse eran

(CG naturally let's this go because her favorite Eran is holding the reins.)


Re: Manson & Bobby B.~ What Was Their Relationship Really Like?

Posted by: "WHITE RABBITT"

Mon Aug 3, 2009 8:01 am (PDT)

eran u must be insane to post the same dribble every day get a life u frickin low life

(Now this I actually agree with. Too bad it's just another low life judging 1 of the same.)

Re: Manson & Bobby B.~ What Was Their Relationship Really Like?

Posted by: "cg"

Mon Aug 3, 2009 9:58 am (PDT)

This is what this group is all about- members can post what ever they want-- what might be dribble to you may be somehting important to another.
we just cant kick someone down for wha tthey post. Is better to just ignore if there cant be a civil post ..OK??
Members ask questions,members make opinions. NO one was THERE when all this went on so all WE really know is what we hear,read and think.

(Oh sure, the members can post whatever they want! That's why CG comes down on those her insult her precious Eran for the 6th time! He can basically say whatever HE wants but NOBODY else can speak out in protest. This just goes to show CG's lameness even more. She's obviously not impartial because she only comes down on those who challenge her love God Eran. So pathetic!)

Re: Manson & Bobby B.~ What Was Their Relationship Really Like?

Posted by: "candygramma70" candygramma70@XXXXXcom

Mon Aug 3, 2009 10:45 am (PDT)

-My best advice would be is to just ignore Erans posts if htey bother you so much.

(Sure, that's great advice because it takes all the heat off the almighty Eran.)

That's all for today. Tune in next weekend as usual.