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ATWA: ALL The Way Alive!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Manson Hater "Don Poe" Has Left The Building! Yaaay!

Well, that's 1 down, many more to go unfortunately. I'm STILL getting ignorantly censored on 2 videos uploaded by "NicotineAndCaffeine" but I'm not really sweating it a whole lot because I'm generally happy with life right now and I consider this to be just more of the same crap I have been subjected to through the years:) The stalker who's targeting me can mislabel my posts as "Spam" all he/she/it wants to but in the end, I'M the 1 who will prevail because at least I'M not acting like a total ass! I have notified "YouTube" about the misuse of the "Spam" reporting system and they are looking into it as I write this. For the record, I only did this to prevent the same thing from happening to someone else. You see, I'm used to dealing with crap like this but others may not be so I'm proud to do my part by helping them:) There is a rule that states the following:

"Please use the "Mark as Spam" feature with extreme caution, as those who misuse it may be prohibited from using the site."

It should be interesting to see what gets turned up here:) It doesn't surprise me that I'm being targeted once again since that appears to be the story of my life. I do feel it would be nice to NOT be targeted for a change but I realize at the same time that Manson haters are EVERYWHERE and as long as I'm a Manson supporter, I will ALWAYS be a target for some loser cretin with no life outside the Internet. I regret that I had to report the channel on which I'm being targeted because "NicotineAndCaffeine" seems to be just a bystander but she REALLY needs to start monitoring her channel better and helping to prevent innocent people like myself from being targeted by scumbags who's only goal is to silence the opposition. They should have realized by now that will NEVER happen as long as there is breath in my body but I guess when your brain is equivalent to a rotten turnip, there's really no hope for rehabilitation and it's clear these Manson haters are dead from the neck up hehehe:) 1 more thing I would like to mention is while I can't be 100% certain, I STRONGLY suspect "Altra Lee" and her butt-buddy "Zack McQuaid" are possibly involved in this game to stifle me. Either that or it's unknown miscellaneous Trolls with too much time on their hands. Only time will tell who or what the guilty party is. Stay tuned for further updates.