[Approval required for comment on Happy Birthday Charlie
Any more contact from you, or anyone prompted by you to harass me, will be pursued as cyberharassment, immediately and without delay. (And this channel is one I created solely to send this message, so I will know that further contacts were prompted by you--and you are blocked.)] Really Davey Poe Boy? Hiding behind a weak alias won't protect you so give it up hehehe:) Trust me, I'm NOT someone you want to tango with;) Go away quietly or deal with the backlash. The decision is YOURS! Just so there's no misunderstanding, this is NO threat, it's a PROMISE! I'm NOT afraid of you because in reality, you're just a sick joke LOL:) I'm not even sure what the hell you're talking about because I don't harass people like you Manson haters do. You're definitely barking up the WRONG tree creep! Oh, and YOU are blocked now too;) To everyone else reading, here is the cretin's "YouTube" channel page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLC594Rs3d3bFz5QZrx1QrQ These moronic Manson haters will NEVER learn unfortunately so I guess it's up to me to show them the error of their ways hehe;) Stay tuned for further updates. |