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ATWA: ALL The Way Alive!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Somebody Has Something To Hide!

I was a bit reluctant to post this but in view of what I have just learned, I felt it was appropriate. I want to stress this post is in NO WAY an attack on the owner of the "YouTube" channel in question personally but rather an attempt to get at the truth and expose all relevant facts. While it's clear she is in fact a Manson hater, I'm not condemning her for that alone because she wasn't directly rude to me when it came to MY beliefs on the matter. Although she DID permit my comments to get mislabeled as "Spam", there's a bigger picture I'm concerned with now besides that. I want to know what she possibly has to hide. You see, I asked an associate of mine for help in getting to the bottom of this blatant vendetta being perpetrated against me and his findings are quite interesting to say the least. First, he posted comments on the 2 video pages where I'm being censored and waited for a response. He only got a response on 1 of them and he was accused of being a "Troll" which he is NOT. It went a bit further from there as you will see in the screen captures below:

Now, here's where things get fishy. Check out the screen capture below and you'll see what I mean:

Look at the difference between the first screen capture posted here with comments from "LegalEagle1212" and this 1 above. The proof is right above the comment that starts off with "Report my channel for not supporting Manson?" on her video page. She removed ALL of the comments my associate made and this clearly shows me that she has something to hide! In addition, my associate's inquiry regarding this channel owner having a history of her account being taken down has also mysteriously disappeared but for whatever reason, she left HER response there. VERY dumb move if you ask me because it only shows yet ANOTHER feeble attempt on her part to hide something. I did see the comment before it was eliminated from the page but I wasn't able to save it unfortunately. That's NOT a big deal though because I have more than enough proof here to back up every claim expressed in this update. For the record, the report this channel owner threatened to make is completely frivolous because my associate NEVER claimed to be a "law official" in ANY way. However, he IS in fact a legal advocate and mediator when it's needed which is why I called on him for assistance in this manner. I don't deal with PIGS directly and since my associate doesn't fall into that category, I felt he was the best choice for this sort of thing. Bottom line, I want to make it abundantly clear that it's NOT the personal beliefs this channel owner spouted off about in her "Charles Manson" video that prompted me to take this sort of stance. It was her total disregard for MY comments that started all this. I could only understand her actions if I was posting irrelevant "Spam" and then I would rightfully deserve to get that label slapped on my comments but since I was NOT doing that, it makes NO SENSE for her to have EVER permitted this selective targeting of me period! I also want to state that the other "Troll" who inspired the "Butthurt" video's creation has NOTHING to do with ME in case anyone may have questioned it and he's in fact making it look bad for us LEGITIMATE Manson supporters. This is NOT how ALL of us behave! Now that I have gotten the facts out in the open, I intend to move past this bad experience the best way I can and focus on less trivial things:) Having said that, this update is concluded.