Saturday, February 19, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Brief Update For February 17, 2011.
Anyone defending or supporting Manson is an "idot" huh? Nice spelling LOL:) Now, MY response:
I guess talking all that trash makes you a BIG person right? Do you honestly think you can threaten or intimidate ANY of us supporters into converting to YOUR weak side? Honestly, what is all this bullshit you spew supposed to prove anyway? The only morons I see are the Manson haters who are so scared of the truth that they will say and do anything to avoid having to face it. ALL of you need to get over yourselves and realize other opinions count too besides YOUR OWN.
I ended up blocking the asshole out and reporting him for his ignorant crap so hopefully it will be the end of this Manson hating JERK messing with me. I want to make it crystal clear that it's perfectly fine for others to have a difference of opinion but when they choose to be disrespectful, it is ON! I draw the line at such idiotic behavior and I WILL take on ALL those who dare to treat me in a fashion that I do NOT deserve! Bottom line, I respect EVERYONE so long as they treat ME with the same courtesy! I define respect as simply agreeing to disagree without things turning ugly. Unfortunately, the Manson haters are afraid and unwilling to do so because of their deep misguided hatred for someone who has NEVER done a damn thing wrong to them. They would rather threaten and intimidate the Manson supporters into submission without even bothering to ask us WHY we see him in a positive light. Well, I don't give a damn how much they threaten or use weak intimidation tactics on ME because I will NEVER convert to the side of the Manson haters so they're wasting their pathetic time trying to achieve that goal! They can also preach BUGliosi's "Helter Skelter" bullshit till the cows come home but I STILL won't cave in to the madness! I hope the other Manson supporters remain strong in their beliefs as I have and NEVER surrender to the Manson haters. I'm sure CG (Crusty Groaner) and her little Manson hating co-conspirator will have a field day with this post but I say more power to them! I realize they MUST obsess over me since they have nothing else to fill their empty lives with and I'm certainly not 1 to begrudge them that. Those 2 old hags are running out of time anyway hehehe:) I will be posting those e-mails I mentioned here before from CG (Crusty Groaner) and her Manson hating crew sometime this weekend so stay tuned.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Urgent Update! February 6, 2011.
Kelebrinlith has posted a comment on your profile:
See how rude this prick was to me? He had NO damn good reason for spewing this crap because I was 100% civil to HIM! If ANYONE is a psychopath, it's HIM! Here is the link for the video I was responding to:
If you look at all the comments made by myself and the bastard, you can see how this mess got started. There was NO damn need for his behavior but at least I have the option of reporting him to "YouTube" which will happen first thing Monday when I call them and thanks to freedom of speech, I can expose the idiot on this blog. So, I feel quite good knowing that everyone who reads this will see just how asinine that bastard is and at the same time, I'm able to give a "heads up" to all the other Manson supporters so they can avoid this NASTY creature:) Hopefully, the report I file against the prick will be just as successful. I'll keep everyone posted.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Special Update! New Manson Haters On The Loose!
(This is my original post which was not kindly received.)
(The only sickos I see are the ones carrying on the Manson myth and condemning those who won't bow down and kiss ass.)
(Sure, violent speech is ALWAYS the perfect solution for the Manson haters. It's obvious they can only talk trash anyway.)
(Charlie is still alive because he is ALL THE WAY ALIVE! Too bad the Manson haters can't say the same for THEMSELVES.)
(This character should have been aborted at birth!)
(More violent speech from another Manson hating asshole. My response to the cretin follows.)
(I didn't really get a response from the asshole but 1 of his whores decided to jump in with her petty crap as you will see in the post that follows.)
(Not a very intelligent response but I suppose not much better can be expected from a whore. Another response from me follows.)
(I feel I delivered a logical rebuttal to all the negative comments but unfortunately, the Manson haters are incapable of understanding anything reasonable.)
(Same tired old reply from the whore. I have a hunch she may be suffering from "Tourette Syndrome" as the following post appears to show.)
(Yeah sure! I bet those outbursts just came out of nowhere same as the condoms from her top dresser drawer LOL:) This whore is about as clueless as the rest of them.)
(Actually, Charlie NEVER had any "followers" and this idiot is a complete JOKE! It's sad these types of ignorant fools exist in the world only to spread hate and lies to others.)
(I can't imagine why this cretin would post TWICE like that but I can only assume the bitch was having a manic episode which rendered her unable to have any self control. A reply from me follows.)
(Yes, I definitely gained some interesting new material for this blog and I have the ignorant Manson haters to thank for it all:) Thank you morons!)
(I can't even begin to imagine what an ignorant individual like this hopes to gain by slamming Charlie and those who support him. This fool's question for me is equally as ridiculous as the misguided comments. I did however have a good response for this moron but first the whore had to chime in with her nonsense.)
(Old, tired, and boring. She must have had the day off from her prostitution activities today.)
(At this point, I became BORED with all the crap and decided to leave some parting words.)
(I was unable to finish in this post so I had to complete my thoughts in a separate post. The "opinionated73" bitch couldn't resist getting in another cheap shot before I got the chance to post my final set of comments though.)
(Yeah, it's REALLY funny how this stupid bitch makes all these snide comments but yet posts something entirely different in her profile. I will be posting the content of her profile at the end of this update.)
(The nasty whore posted also before I could finish my final thoughts but at least this time, she spoke some TRUTH for a change. My final thoughts follow.)
(This is the last thing I posted before I left all that rotten anti-Manson crap in the dust. I'm sure the idiots are still talking about me but I don't really give a damn at this point. They're ALL completely lost inside the prisons within their own minds and they will remain that way until they open their minds to the TRUTH.)
Now, I would like to show what a pathetic hypocrite "opinionated73" truly is. Check out this statement in her profile:
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About Me
I am a very socially-liberal mother of two. I am not very religious, but God loves me and I love him, so I am set. I don't like people who are disrespectful. I have fought hard for everything I have and in my short time on the planet have accomplished more than most, but not as much as I would like. I am currently a student, both of the world and Sac State, but consider the former to be more important. My motto to live by is so cliche, but words to live by none-the-less, do unto know the rest.
Yeah right! She claims not to like people who are disrespectful but yet this mean-spirited bitch who's kids are most likely retarded same as HER saw fit to disrespect ME and my opinions at every turn as the above posts from her clearly show! Do unto others my ass! This bitch is among the most hypocritical I have EVER encountered next to CG (aka Crusty Groaner) who has about as much brain activity as a half dead ant. I feel sorry for them both and I also pity the other Manson haters who feel THEIR opinion is LAW and EVERYONE else be damned. Too bad NONE of them have the guts to spew all of their negative crap to Charlie's face. Don't get me wrong, I STILL believe in diversity but when the comments reach disrespectful proportions, that's where I draw the line. These idiots could learn some important things from Charlie's wisdom if only they would open up their crippled minds and LISTEN for a change! Unfortunately, these types will forever exist because they refuse to face the TRUTH.
@ATWA13X You ... are a moron. Anyone defending Manson or supporting him is an idot. If you are one of those eco-terrorists or were "into" Manson back in the day, now you are just an old, pathetic loser burn-out. I wish I could find all you 'family' jackasses and beat the living crap out of you, one by one.