Re: Susan Atkins Denied Parole
Posted by: "Cher Stoll" stollcher
Mon Sep 14, 2009 7:16 pm (PDT)
How do you know this? Where you attached to Charlies side 24-7 in the 60s? Its my opinion. My opinion on much research. I admit there are things I dont recall or have not read but I am still open to research and make an open minded opinion.
Noel, I see that you say that you will but you have excuses. You have not had the time. Well before you continue to defend with our knowing ALL the facts how can you continue to defend.
I believe its your hatred for the police. I do believe something happened in the past to make you feel as you do.
"One of the traditional methods of imposing statism or socialism on a people has been by way of medicine. It's very easy to disguise a medical program as a humanitarian project. . . . Now, the American people, if you put it to them about socialized medicine and gave them a chance to choose, would unhesitatingly vote against it." - Ronald Reagan
----- Original Message ----
From: atwa13x <atwa13x@XXXXX. com>
To: charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Monday, September 14, 2009 8:41:02 PM
Subject: [charlesmanson_ and_family] Re: Susan Atkins Denied Parole
Why do you keep saying he was a killer when he didn't actually commit any of the murders?
X (aka Noel)
(Actually, my hatred for the police have NOTHING to do with my statement regarding Charlie NOT killing anyone. He did NOT kill anyone as a fact but was convicted along with the REAL killers all because of BUGliosi's lust for power. Based on what I have seen from Cher so far, she has NOT been as open mined as she portrays herself to be. She has attacked me several times for my beliefs even though she may not realize it. Those who are locked up in their minds are incapable of seeing themselves for REAL after all.)
Re: Susan Atkins Denied Parole
Posted by: "atwa13x" atwa13x
Mon Sep 14, 2009 7:17 pm (PDT)
Love is whatever you make it.
X (aka Noel)
--- In charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com, "candygramma70"
> -oh granted they call it *making love not war*
> that was free love days.
> I am just saying it really isnot making LOVE because you donot LOVE the person you jus tmet 30 seconds ago.
Re: Who, besides Manson, claims that Manson is innocent?
Posted by: "candygramma70" candygramma70
Mon Sep 14, 2009 7:08 pm (PDT)
-I would sure questiont hat. If this was true it would have come out long before now. It is called with holding vital information.
and as it stands? it is called heresay.
I am assuming everything this Ergot said was gospel? If that is the case why wasn't it investigated . where was this persont ha ttold Ergot? he with held information also. something just doesnt sound right.
-- In charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com, "atwa13x"
> Rabbitt, we can say this until the cows come home but people will continue passing the buck onto Charlie. Something I never mentioned before but should have is Ergot told me Sharon Tate's father had the ranch under surveillance and he knew Charlie didn't kill his daughter. I don't know where he heard that but this is what he told me. It should be real interesting to see what sort of reply this post gets. Probably more of the same crap I have seen before.
> X (aka Noel)
(CG could NEVER measure up to Ergot's wisdom even though she would like to. That man knew more about Manson than CG EVER could! Research makes all the difference which is what he did and CG fails to do.)
Re: Susan Atkins Denied Parole
Posted by: "candygramma70" candygramma70
Mon Sep 14, 2009 7:30 pm (PDT)
-YOU are the driver-- your 4 buddies go into a house -- one of them KILLS someone. YOU the driver goes down for 1st degree just as they do . Guilt by association. now with a good atty he may get you to turn states evidense to keep you from Life or death. in prison.
BUT if you dont roll over you go down just like they do.
That is just the way it is.
You have heroin in your car. you loan your car to someone - they get stopped THEY get charged with possession. Just the way law is.
I refuse to beleive he knew zilch about what was going on and what went down.
-- In charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com, "atwa13x"
> Then the 1st degree murder charge shouldn't have even been smacked on him. This is how I feel about it.
> X (aka Noel)
> --- In charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com, "bredlau3"
> >
> > everyone knows that he didn't ACTUALLY kill anyone.
(Regardless if Charlie knew what was going to happen on the night of the murders or not, It does NOT mean he planned or carried them out! That's the point! 1 thing I can agree with though is the driver was just as responsible as the killers. Linda Kasabian should have been convicted along with the others. Unfortunately, she was able to con her way into BUGliosi's heart which led to her getting full immunity. Now if only Charlie had been an ass-kisser like HER, he probably would have avoided a conviction too. BUGliosi would have seen the REAL truth instead of inventing his own version of events.)
That's all for today. Have a great week everyone!