Re: Just Wondering
Posted by: "atwa13x" atwa13x
Mon Sep 14, 2009 5:24 pm (PDT)
I wish there was another active group around with a more even amount of supporters in it.
X (aka Noel)
--- In charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com, "candygramma70"
> -In defense of anyone and everyone- I can guarantee you there are no TROLLS in here. We USED to have a couple but they were shown the back door.
> There are strong differences of opinions here and thats what keeps this group active. One of the best active manson groups on the net. show me another manson active group. LOL
> I do believe in having both sides. and as for sensitivity. far as I can see no one has really got down and dirty. I hate to rag on someone for MINOR infractions Its like pick your battles to rag on.
> If you feel we are too lax/too strict just email the owners and we will se what we can do.
(Really now? CG, Cher, DP (Dumb Puke) and Eran have indeed shown themselves to be "Trolls" but of course CG can't see the truth in HERSELF which is why she can't see it in her favorites either.)
Re: Bruce Davis
Posted by: "candygramma70" candygramma70
Mon Sep 14, 2009 5:36 pm (PDT)
OMG grow the hell up you are much too old to act so childish. Noel chooses to drink . I am NOT going to be her scapegoat to make it right for her to get drunk.
Stop with the slander shit (slander means I talked shit about her - posting is libel and she was not libeled about anything.)- that got old really fast. No one but Eran was libeled
--- In charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com, WHITE RABBITT
> now cg is slanding noel and disrespecting her so know noel has to get drunk o my god
> --- On Mon, 9/14/09, atwa13x
> From: atwa13x
> Subject: [charlesmanson_ and_family] Re: Bruce Davis
> To: charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com
> Date: Monday, September 14, 2009, 4:42 PM
> NO NEED FOR THE CAPS CG! My vision is just fine. Of course you say what I posted is uncalled for. I mean after all I'm just a nothing right and always wrong? I'm going to get drunk now because I'm extremely on edge. Nobody gives a damn about me anyway.
> X (aka Noel)
(Too bad CG can't tell the difference between reality and sarcasm. Of course, common sense ALWAYS slips her mind when she's defending her sweetie Eran. He can do no wrong in her blind eyes after all.)
Cease To Exist/Never Learn Not To Love You
Posted by: "bredlau3" bredlau3
Mon Sep 14, 2009 5:37 pm (PDT)
here are the Manson lyrics
Pretty girl
Pretty pretty girl
cease to exist
just come and say you love me
give up your world
c'mon you can see
i'm your kind, i'm your kind
you can see
walk on, walk on
i love you pretty girl
my life is yours and
you can have my world
never had a lesson I ever learned
but I know we all get our turn
i love you
submission is a gift
go on, give it to your brother
love and understanding is for one another
i'm your kind, i'm your kind
I'm your mind
I'm your brother
i never had a lesson I ever learned
but I know we all get our turn
and I love you
Never learned not to love you
I never learned.
____________ _________ _________ _
here are the Beach boys words
Cease to resist, come on say you love me
Give up your world, come on and be with me
I'm your kind, I'm your kind, and I see
Come on come on, ooo I love you pretty girl
My life is yours, and you can have my world
I'm your kind, I'm your kind, and I see
Never had a lesson I ever learned
I know I could never learn not to love you
Come in now closer
Come in closer closer closer ahhhh
Submission is a gift given to another
Love and understanding is for one another
I'm your kind, I'm your kind, and I see
Never had a lesson I ever learned
I know I could never learn not to love you
Come in now closer
Come in closer come in closer ahhhh
Ahhh-ahhh-ahhh- ahhh-ahhhhhh
Ahhh-ahhh-ahhh- ahhh-ahhhhhh
(Obviously, Aaron decided to pull the same crap as Cher did with the added verse in Charlie's song. The verse: "I'm your mind" was NEVER in the original song! Too bad these losers don't realize it. The Beach Boys totally massacred the song so I guess Cher and Aaron saw nothing wrong with screwing up the words themselves. Charlie's words should NEVER have been changed in the first place!)
Re: Bruce Davis///NOEL
Posted by: "atwa13x" atwa13x
Mon Sep 14, 2009 5:38 pm (PDT)
HOLD IT! Where did you get the idea I blamed YOU for ME getting drunk? I thought we already worked through this anyway. I asked you to disregard the previous post about this. By the way, I don't have pity parties. Too bad people always misunderstand everything I say. I'm going to ignore the rest of your rant because I don't think you clearly understood my previous post in the first place. I'm used to dealing with others getting in my face and flexing their muscles anyway. Like Charlie, I know all too well what it feels like to be a scapegoat. Looks like history is repeating itself here.
X (aka Noel)
--- In charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com, "candygramma70"
> DON'T YOU DARE LAY THIS BLAME ON ME for YOU going to go get drunk. I lived with that growing up until my father, in a drunken stupor and saying it was my fault we couldnt go to his moms house for dinner because I was sick , went out got his shotgun and blew his freaking brains out and I was first on the scene when I was 10 years old? DONT you dare lay that on me. Take responsibility for YOUR choice YOUR ACTIONS to get sloshed.
> I also will NOT be invited to your pity party.
> Sorry if this is harsh but what you just said you were going to do and will be my fault totally pisses the freaking HELL out of me!
(This is carried on from a previous update but I thought my response to CG's original rant should be included here as well. I don't know if I said this before or not but I can see why her father blew his brains out. If I had a kid like HER, I would do the same thing! I feel sorry for that poor man because he obviously couldn't handle the burden of being that idiot's father. I sincerely hope he's in a better place now.)
Re: Susan Atkins Denied Parole
Posted by: "atwa13x" atwa13x
Mon Sep 14, 2009 6:41 pm (PDT)
Why do you keep saying he was a killer when he didn't actually commit any of the murders?
X (aka Noel)
--- In charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com, Cher Stoll
> Yeah I know that but is the legal side of it. I was more or less thinking about the others that he was never convicted of and the ones none one has ever even heard about. He was a killer for many years. I suspect there are many unsolved cases he is responsible for
> Cher
(Cher as usual was misguided when she claimed that Charlie was a killer for many years. He NEVER killed ANYONE and it's only in the eyes of the haters that he is guilty of such a crime.)
Re: Bruce Davis///NOEL
Posted by: "David Paschal" paschaldm
Mon Sep 14, 2009 6:03 pm (PDT)
Oh, god this is getting really tiring. Posts and cross posts. People
with their
feelings all over the place. It is time to grow up. If you don't like
what someone
says IGNORE the post! I have ignored about 30 in the last 2 hours I
have been
reading and rereading this same old story. Those two hours of life I'm not
getting back and they were wasted with all this stuff.
You did blame CG in a previous post, and if it hadn't been trimmed LOL,
it could have been pointed out. You were going to get drunk because of
all the stuff she was saying and doing to you. Then we have a series
of cross posts, factor in time delays in people reading their posts and
some hacker and some of this stuff is worked out and then get stirred up
You have joined a group with over a hundred members of which about 10
are probably Manson supporters. Expect that you are going to be
called out on just about everything you say. If we were in a room talking
then some of this wouldn't repeat because someone else would heard it
said and not comment. Because this is email, people get a post, see a
totally outrageous post and they post back. Then someone else does the
same. Then you come in 12 hours later and see all the posts and feel
your being persecuted.
Let's stipulate NOW, Noel will never believe that Manson is in the least
bit guilty of anything except maybe encouragement. Noel you need to
stipulate that we believe the evidence presented at trail that Manson is
guilty of the crimes for which he was convicted. Now, we all understand
each other. Your not crazy, we are not crazy. Our prospectives are
totally different--- -in vast degrees.
Now, if you Noel make another outrageous claim expect to be called out.
If you think I am wrong and outrageous call me out----believe me I can
take it
and I am not going to get mad or my feelings hurt.
atwa13x wrote:
> HOLD IT! Where did you get the idea I blamed YOU for ME getting drunk?
> I thought we already worked through this anyway. I asked you to
> disregard the previous post about this. By the way, I don't have pity
> parties. Too bad people always misunderstand everything I say. I'm
> going to ignore the rest of your rant because I don't think you
> clearly understood my previous post in the first place. I'm used to
> dealing with others getting in my face and flexing their muscles
> anyway. Like Charlie, I know all too well what it feels like to be a
> scapegoat. Looks like history is repeating itself here.
> X (aka Noel)
(DP (Dumb Puke) was WAY out of line here but of course, he just HAD to defend his hero CG! All of the Manson haters stick together regardless of how stupid they sound spewing the same tired old sensationalistic crap at nauseam. The asshole should have taken HIS OWN advice too and "IGNORED" my posts if he didn't like what I had to say. Of course, it's more fun for him and all the other Manson haters to stomp on me for my beliefs. They're so damn pathetic!)
Re: Just Wondering
Posted by: "candygramma70" candygramma70
Mon Sep 14, 2009 6:34 pm (PDT)
-Oh come on you really dont think he didnt know what was going on?
Has he fessed up to anything at all?
-- In charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com, "atwa13x"
> What if there is nothing to fess up to? Do you think it's fair for him to admit to something he didn't do?
> X (aka Noel)
> --- In charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com, "candygramma70"
> >
> > -actually I would have more respect for him if he were to fess up. to his part in all this.
(Another idiotic misguided post by CG. Notice she couldn't even answer my original question? All she could do was dance around it by responding with another question. Charlie DID in fact admit to walking on the edges of the law but he also said that he's been doing that his whole life. It does NOT mean he orchestrated or carried out those terrible murders! Unfortunately, the haters are going to continue believing in the myth regardless of what sort of concrete proof is uncovered.)
Re: Susan Atkins Denied Parole
Posted by: "candygramma70" candygramma70
Mon Sep 14, 2009 6:52 pm (PDT)
-oh granted they call it *making love not war*
that was free love days.
I am just saying it really isnot making LOVE because you donot LOVE the person you jus tmet 30 seconds ago.
-- In charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com, "atwa13x"
> Kasabian may be a liar for the most part but I think she even admitted her own self that it was called making love. She claimed that Charlie and her made love before. Even BUGliosi himself used the term "Making Love" while questioning Kasabian at the trial. Here are links which prove it:
> http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Linda_Kasabian
(Of course, CG thinks she's an authority on "love" but based on everything I have seen from her so far, the only "love" she knows about is what she has for HERSELF and for those that have their head so far up her ass they can see clear to the other side. Bottom line, I believe in "love at first sight" because I have experienced it myself. There are many others who have experienced it too so CG's claim about people not loving each other after just meeting is a load of crap. It doesn't matter if it's 30 seconds or 30 minutes. Love can happen at ANY time.)
Re: Just Wondering
Posted by: "WHITE RABBITT" whiterabbitt83
Mon Sep 14, 2009 6:53 pm (PDT)
but sharon i remember when heaven bashed u and u got pissed
--- On Mon, 9/14/09, candygramma70 <> wrote:
From: candygramma70 <>
Subject: [charlesmanson_ and_family] Re: Just Wondering
To: charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Monday, September 14, 2009, 8:38 PM
Because it is a yahoo group fer gawds sake. You should have been around during the Scott Peterson trial, the OJ Simpson trial, the Michael Peterson trial, Margaret Rudin ,Robert Blake, Michael Jackson. Wait until the Casey Anthony trial comes up. It is just a group you CAN attack the perps not the victims.
Now if this was a strictly PRO Manson group then sure no attacks This is both sides.
How many strictly PRO manson group that are active out there?
--- In charlesmanson_ and_family@ yahoogroups. com, "atwa13x"
> Why is it Ok to bash anyone at all? I mean, maybe nobody should bash Manson, the so-called family, the victims, or each other period. Why make it fine to put only Manson and the so-called family up for slaughter?
> X (aka Noel)
(Excellent point made by "White Rabbitt"! CG lives by a double standard as she has proven MANY times currently and in the past.)
Well, that's all for today. I'll try to keep up with my weekly updates as time permits. Thanks for stopping by!