This is the first asinine post from "dilligaf689" that I felt was uncalled for. If he/she/it doesn't agree with my support of Charlie, so be it! Discrediting me by claiming that the "Manson Direct" website is as hollow as my arguments and saying that I live in a fantasy world was completely out of line! For the record, I do NOT look at Charlie as a "Martyr" as "dilligaf689" so ignorantly implied. I see Charlie as a severely misunderstood man and I have made my feelings quite clear on this several times! Unfortunately, certain individuals only see what they want to see regardless of what the REAL truth of the matter is.
Here is the second foolish message that was sent by the Manson hater in question. He/she/it just didn't know when to stop obviously. Of course, that's the way it is with these types. THEIR word is LAW and to hell with the rest of us who don't agree!
This is my reply to the nonsense "dilligaf689" was spewing at me. There are some typing errors but that's only because the jerk really got on my nerves. Thankfully, I was able to maintain enough composure to fire back without sinking to that idiot's level.
Yet another misguided response from that Manson hating fool! I didn't really let this message bother me a whole lot though because I carefully considered the source it originated from. The words of a fool like this are quite typical after all.

After some deep thought, I decided it was time for me to get out of the snake pit so I departed with dignity. There are no other Manson supporters besides myself in the group that I'm aware of so staying there under the current circumstances didn't seem all that sensible anymore. If there had been at least 1 other Manson supporter in the group, I definitely would have considered extending my stay since it is my firm belief that someone needs to speak out against the Manson myth being spewed by the haters all the time. Unfortunately, there was nothing more I could do in the group in question to make any kind of real difference so I feel confident that I made the right decision by leaving. That being said, today's update is concluded. I will post a regular update next weekend. Happy Easter!