[Saturday, March 20, 2010
It Takes All Kinds...
Since starting the first TLB related Blog I have long encouraged others to follow in my footsteps. Some have done a good job. Most have brought the crazy in a big way. Long time blog students will remember JimNY Savage. His blog was full of self pity and stupidity, with delusions of relationships with lying murderess Leslie Van Houten. He also got the Col's Youtube account torn down. So I hope he is locked up somewhere.
I just discovered this blog. I know, but seriously how can I keep up with everything. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has got one.
The blog reads like the Col's retarded third cousin. I have outlined my position often enough that I find it creepy and scary when I see it repeated here, and incorrectly.
There is NO doubt that the BUG was not interested in the truth. There is no doubt that he invented the motivation of Helter Skelter. There is no doubt that Charlie never killed anyone.
These are all true, as any real student of the case will tell you.
This does NOT mean that Charlie didn't get a fair trial. He did. He COULD have played the game better and gotten a better trial. But he CHOSE not to. The law doesn't protect you from your own idiocy and being your own counsel is idiotic.
This does NOT mean that Charlie is some innocent naif. He was present at Hinman and cut his ear. He was present at Shea and orchestrated that murder in many ways. He shot Lotsapoppa. He WAS the leader at Spahn's despite AC's nonsense.
So when I see a blog like the one linked to above, I get depressed. Because the crazies make it harder for the rest of us.
Labels: General Site Business
posted by ColScott @ 6:18 PM]
Here is what I have to say to that fool who obviously knows NOTHING about ME. I tried posting this in the comments section but unfortunately, only "team players" can do so. How convenient! Anyway, this is for the "Col" jackass:
"Col, you are truly a deluded soul! Your claims that Charlie was allegedly the "leader" at the ranch and he supposedly got a fair trial is a joke! I followed your blog thinking that you at least understood the TRUTH about Charlie but it's obvious that you DON'T! You don't know a damn thing about ME either! Well, now it's MY turn to turn the tables back onto YOU! I hope you enjoy being the subject of MY blog today! Bottom line, I was screwed over in a Manson hating group called "charlesmanson_and_family" and I decided to start a blog to insure that no others would suffer the same fate as I did while being a member of that pathetic, puke group. I honestly feel the truth needs to be told about what happened to me and that's all there is to it. It does NOT mean I have "brought the crazy in a big way" as you so lamely put it. I don't really owe you or anyone else an explanation in the first place but at least now you know the truth regardless of whatever you think about me. I'm not even going to follow your stupid blog after today because there's no longer any point. The way I see it, you are a total joke! Another thing, I'm thinking that you probably deserved what "Jimny" did to you since it's obvious you have no problem starting trouble with others. Good riddance"!
By the way folks, I have screen shots of this ignorant prick's handy work just in case the actual blog post disappears for any reason. For now though, I will only provide the link here:
What a total ass! LOL:) Well, I definitely got my entertainment for the day. 1 more demented and delusional idiot that I would like grant dishonorable mention to here is "FrankM" who saw fit to pervert the truth with his own bullshit:
[FrankM said...
Just had a look at that 'Manson Haters' blog - and can save the rest of you the effort.
Reading through a few pages shows nothing but semi-literate, uninformed drivel.
But if you want to read posts from White Rabbitt and Candygramma (whether they are actually the same people or not I don't know), or from Ruth Ann (clearly not Ouisch) that's up to you.
Dunno where to go any more for anything inteligent about Manson et al. Any ideas?
5:18 AM, March 23, 2010]
Semi-literate, uninformed drivel? Well now, the only individuals who are guilty of this infraction are those whom I have posted about here previously. All those who spewed their nasty hate about Charlie in "charlesmanson_and_family" and denied ME the right to express my own opinions freely are certainly deserving of having those words being directed towards THEM. Unfortunately, once again a fool is trying to stand in judgment of me when in fact he doesn't even have a clue about who I REALLY am. This statement applies to the "Col" also. In the words of Charlie: "They're only judging a reflection of themselves". It's too bad that "FrankM" and the "Col" in all their misguided wisdom can't see that. Of course, I have to consider the source from which this garbage originated from. Take a look:

There you have it! Saddam and 1 of Hitler's henchmen together at last! LOL:) Oh yeah, check out this final bit of laughable drivel from the "Col" Nazi on his pathetic blog:
Official Tate-LaBianca Murders Blog
...Truth has not special time of its own. Its hour is now — always and indeed then most truly when it seems unsuitable to actual circumstances. (Albert Schweitzer).....the truth about these murders has not been uncovered, but we believe the time for the truth is now. Join us, won't you?
Truth? You got to be kidding! LOL:) This high and mighty creature is supposed to be focusing on the Tate/Labianca murders but yet he takes time out of his busy schedule to talk crap about ME who has NOTHING to do with the original topic of discussion! I wonder how the "Col" likes the same being done in return? Of course, I'm a lot closer to being on topic than HE is. The way he insists that Charlie was the "leader" at the ranch sounds very much like the same crap being spewed by the Manson haters whom I have been posting about here from the beginning. I forgot to mention that the "Col" brazenly snuck the link to my blog within the text of the original post in question just to stir up trouble for reasons I can't understand. At least, this is what it looks like to me. I truly have no idea why this moron decided to set his sights on me but I can only assume it's as a result of severe repression, boredom, or perhaps he simply thought that disrespecting ME was going to make him go higher on the approval scale. Pukes like this often do such things for self importance so this may very well be 1 of those times. Only he knows for sure sadly. In any case, my feelings regarding Charlie's innocence I believe are very well founded. I have been told the truth by others who know the REAL facts and I have seen several interviews conducted with Charlie as well. The man's own words speak truth. In addition, the book that I have often given high praise to titled: "Crucified: The Railroading Of Charles Manson" holds a great deal of truth within the pages. Unfortunately, it seems that the "Col" hasn't even read that book nor has his pet sheep "FrankM" because if they had, my words wouldn't appear like "Semi-literate, uninformed drivel" or "crazy" in their blind eyes. If only their eyes were open completely, they would see the TRUTH for what it is period! Charlie was NOT the leader, NOT the orchestrator of the murders, and he did NOT get a fair trial either! There are only 2 things I can agree with that the "Col" wrote in the original post and it's the following statements:
"Opinions are like assholes, everyone has got one".
"There is NO doubt that the BUG was not interested in the truth. There is no doubt that he invented the motivation of Helter Skelter. There is no doubt that Charlie never killed anyone.
These are all true, as any real student of the case will tell you".
Yes, opinions are definitely as the "Col" said. I feel exactly that way about everything he and "FrankM" posted in reference to me. I do however find it rather impressive that the "Col" would actually speak the truth about BUGliosi especially after reading the rest of the nonsense that was spewed in the same post. I'm also surprised that he would slam "AC" who is a contributor of the damn blog. I have read her blog before and I think she has some wonderful insight into Charlie despite what the "Col" snidely said about her. Why she has associated herself with a PIG like the "Col" is beyond me because she doesn't appear to be anything like him. As far as I'm concerned, the "Col" and his pet sheep "FrankM" can go straight to hell! Well, this concludes my update and rant for the day.