This update here is going to be a special 1 because it will uncover a lie that CG spewed recently. She claimed that I "Begged" to be let back into her group but I have proof to the contrary. In fact, SHE propositioned ME back in 2006 but I refused to rejoin her group at that time. The name was "manson_and_the_family" back then. In 2009, I joined "charlesmanson_and_family" not realizing it belonged to CG. Here is everything that went down back in 2006 and in 2009:
A few members have requested to invite you
Monday, March 20, 2006 7:41 PM
YOu were a member of this group when it first came to be-- We have White Rabbit still here and a former member of the Manson family using the name now as Raven(you may remember her)
We also have someone that has seen your posts in another Manson group and asked if you were here. Rabbitt said to invite you -
IF you would like to join you must know that we STILL are a PRO/ANTI/NUETRAL group.
We are an active group and have gone thru alot to just be here.
I have NO problem with you joining. I am still the owner here.
YOU are welcome to join......... YOur
Take things ONE DAY AT A TIME
(She obviously sent a copy to both herself and to me which is the reason her e-mail address appears to be the sole recipient of the message in question. I did in fact get a copy myself which I responded to.)
Re: A few members have requested to invite you
Tuesday, March 21, 2006 1:21 PM
Yes we know- Raven knows- we have the real Ravenin the group.
The fake raven has been here. Do you have the group names of the fake raven?? I would like to bust him (it IS rabbit posing as raven)
I understand about not wanting to be here if Rabbit is here. We just tolerate him . We know he is mostly
"X" wrote:
No CG, I don't think that would be a good idea. I don't really need the hassle you know. Being in a group with Rabbitt would not be in my best interest. I don't trust the creep and never will. He has done too much already. Thanks for thinking of me but I'm really not interested in joining your group again. Nothing personal. By the way, I think you should know that someone is posing as Raven and it's not really her. It's believed that Rabbitt is behind it all. Just thought you should know.
X (aka Noel)
(This is my reply. Does this look like I "Begged" CG for anything? I don't think so! I would like to note that "Rabbitt" left CG in the dust recently which in my opinion was a VERY smart move on his part. Also, my feelings towards him back then do NOT necessarily reflect on how I think of him now.)
Re: File - All members and incoming members
Thursday, June 25, 2009 4:54 AM
Uh Oh! I didn't realize this was your group.
X (aka Noel)
--- On Wed, 6/24/09, cg wrote:
From: "cg"
Subject: Re: File - All members and incoming members
To: "X"
Date: Wednesday, June 24, 2009, 12:35 PM
Hi been a very long time of course you are welcoem.
--- On Wed, 6/24/09, "X" wrote:
From: "X"
Subject: Re: File - All members and incoming members
To: "charlesmanson_and_family Moderator"
Date: Wednesday, June 24, 2009, 7:25 AM
I agree with your rules and will abide by them if allowed in the group.
X (aka Noel)
--- On Wed, 6/24/09, charlesmanson_and_family Moderator
From: charlesmanson_and_family Moderator
Subject: File - All members and incoming members
Date: Wednesday, June 24, 2009, 7:53 AM
I shortened the guidelines so it won't be so hard for some to understand..
If you donot have anything civil to say TO someone - then dont POST-
This is a group that is BOTH SIDES-- I dont care if you are FOR
the Manson clan or AGAINST the clan or here just to learn something
IF you are here only to disrupt the group then THIS group is NOT for you.
you can understand
We have no control over what is said in other groups/blogs/
forums nor do we have any responsibilities to those that hound another in emails.
Just because THEY want to act like jerks- doesn't mean YOU have to
(This is the message I sent back to CG once I realized she ran the group. I hardly "Begged" her for ANYTHING as she claims.)
Re: File - All members and incoming members
Friday, June 26, 2009 8:20 AM
I never said I hated you CG. There are just some negative things in the past that I don't care to revisit.
X (aka Noel)
--- On Fri, 6/26/09, cg wrote:
From: "cg"
Subject: Re: File - All members and incoming members
To: "X"
Date: Friday, June 26, 2009, 12:55 AM
why do you hate me so? I have never done anything to you. MY group is a nice active group with very nice people in it. but I guess you can scout around looking for a Manson group that is actually has members that post.
Good luck
Re: File - All members and incoming members-Left group.
Friday, June 26, 2009 12:53 AM
thats fine even tho I had done nothing to you but hey your choice. I wa swelcoming you back. oh well. your loss.
--- On Thu, 6/25/09, X wrote:
From: "X"
Subject: Re: File - All members and incoming members-Left group.
To: "cg"
I decided not to stay based on bad past experiences. Like I said in my previous message, I was unaware that you ran this particular group. I think it's best if things remain as they are.
X (aka Noel)
(These are the messages that followed my leaving. As you can plainly see, I was extremely adamant about NOT returning to the group. CG of course tried to make it all about herself again by taking personal offense to my leaving. My reply follows.)
Re: File - All members and incoming members-Left group.
Friday, June 26, 2009 8:22 AM
I don't really consider it a loss actually. I just refuse to go through what I did before when I was in your group. Those days are over. Don't take offense.
X (aka Noel)
(Sure, this really looks like I "Begged" doesn't it? LOL:) CG lives in her own fantasy world as usual. Unfortunately, I decided to rejoin the group later which of course was a HUGE mistake.)
Here is how CG conned me into returning again:
Re: Setting the record straight CG. Please read!
Sunday, June 28, 2009 8:06 PM
good for you on your marriage. glad things ceased with the problem
I have some very good people in Manson group. You probably wont recognize any of them so it will be like a fresh start. and if someone does recognize you? like I said we have a great group.Things are fine with me- the group is mostly run by Aaron. He is a good fair guyl
--- On Sun, 6/28/09, "X" wrote:
From: "X"
Subject: Re: Setting the record straight CG. Please read!
To: "cg"
Thanks for the reply CG. Well, in view of what you have just told me, I will definitely consider rejoining your group. I do want to be part of an active group and I apologize if anything I said offended you. I certainly meant no harm and I hope you will give me a second chance to join the group. If not, I can understand and there will be no hard feelings on this end. The situation with stalker Dennis has ceased finally. Well, at least for the time being. I'm still surviving all he has done to me and I'm doing great so far. I even married my partner Katherine in 2004. The 6th of June made it 5 years that we have been married and 11 years total that we have been together. So, all is well with me right now. How about you?
X (aka Noel)
--- On Sat, 6/27/09, cg wrote:
From: "cg"
To: "X"
Date: Saturday, June 27, 2009, 3:41 PM
I have had over 5000 emails since Michael Jackson ,Farrah Fawcett passed. from the many groups I am in. so your personal emial is probably squished in there somewhere. so I will reply to this.
MY group has chaged alot we donot have that troll Col crap there. Nor do we have the KTS trolls. our group is now one of the best there is. and possibly the only active one.
Anyway I took it as a personal slam because *I* had assmuned we left on good ground.
I hope your *stalker* has stopped his shit and Ialso hope YOU have stayed away from dragging it around.
anyway just so you know I did not have you blocked nor ignored. Just havent found it yet.
If there is something there in that one that is not addressed here I will reply also to that . Other wise just know I harbor no ill will, just took it personally.
--- On Sat, 6/27/09, X
From: "X"
Subject: Setting the record straight CG. Please read!
Date: Saturday, June 27, 2009, 11:11 AM
I sent a response to you yesterday but you didn't reply back so I'm figuring it's either because your blocking me out or perhaps you simply had nothing to say. I'm sending this response to you once more in case you did block me from e-mailing you direct. First, you are under the impression that I hate you but I NEVER indicated anything like that. I don't really hate anybody. I only hate what certain people do. Second, you claim that it's my loss if I'm not part of your group but I don't look at it as a loss personally. As I stated before, there was a lot of negative energy in your group before which is why I originally left it years ago. I don't care to revisit ANY of that. It's not necessarily anything personal against you although we have had some rough spots. The other day, I was looking around for some new Charles Manson groups to join and I didn't know you ran the 1 in question. Had I known this, I would have skipped over it to avoid going through what I did before when I was part of it. Please don't make this about you. It's about me and protecting myself from any negative vibes that could jeopardize my recovery. I have come a long way and I don't want to back step. So, I hope I have cleared everything up for you. If not, at least it can't be said I didn't try.
X (aka Noel)
(How I wish I had stuck to my original decision to NOT rejoin. Unfortunately, I made a HUGE mistake that can NEVER be undone. All I can do is continue exposing the truth about what happened to me in the hopes that nobody else will be subjected to the same crap that I was. I should have known better than to let that witch con me back into a situation that I left for perfectly legitimate reasons! Now, CG got confused obviously when I stated: "
In addition to this con game, CG has a VERY bad habit of spying on other discussion groups. Back in 2005, she was spying on another group I was in. She literally went psycho when she saw other people were talking negatively about her. Even though this happened a while ago, I still feel it's relevant to post the message here to show another side of CG that is much different from the calm demeanor she portrays on the side. The message in question was sent off-list to me.
Re: in your Manson group with Diane-Back Off CG!!!
Sunday, October 9, 2005 10:54 PM
EXCUSE ME?? Lets not threaten me.. OK// I really wouldnt go there.. I have posts from Doanes group where YOU have stated things about MY group.. YOU want to stay out of it?? Great-- then quit responding to posts that are cutting our group down..
SPIES?? They are in MY group..
And if YOU beleive I did what YOU say they claim then YOU really DONT KNOW ME AT ALL>
I am tired of being your peoples butt of jokes..
I also can say whatever I want and so far I have been very nice and at least I DONT have to resort to threatening people.. DONT try threats with me..
You know what?? You go ahead and report me and my group-- because you know what?? I will report your group..YOU obviously have NO idea what is going on.. YOU beleive everything your friends tell you.. I have even went to bat for you recently telling others that YOU are not involved with any of this.. BUT YOU beleive what your friends tell you.YOU want that friendship so bad you go right ahead and listen to their shit.. BUT when you go down with them dont blame me.. Blame yourself for not listening to me ..Like you-- I can be your best friend or your worst nightmare and I can do it legally because I have access to an attorney and I can turn this matter over to him becaus eI am being dragged into shit that I can prove isnot any of my doing.. YOu friends Pistoll pete or whatever the hell his name is, and Diane have really gont over the edge and they are being reported .. No if you want to join them that is your choice--I really dont care anymore. Never again will I stand up for you..
I will never again tell people that you are a decent person and not involved in this shit that is going on..
AND YOU are full of shit missy-- THIS ALL started when YOUR CRONIES started messing with my group after YOU LEFT as being a moderator here. I still have emails and posts from all that shit--even the ones from that shitty group that asshole pistol pete or whatever was in charge of and accusing me of shit that was proven to not hav eben me at all.
SO missy isf you really want to stay out of this then stay out of it-- or as like with YOU-- I can say whatever the Hell I want to say .. IT IS NOT MY GROUP tha ti scausing this shit-- its your friends. I have proof of all of our posts that we have not bashed those groups and for a short while-- all was quiet until some idiot started a blog site and started cutting us down and infiltrating OUR group..
YOU try taking down my group and you will have a war.. I can prove that YOUR firends started it-- I can alsop prove that your friends have tried infiltrating the group with their stink..
Look in your own house before you look in mine..
That one member was right in Jeffs old group.. You are not to be trusted-- YOU fall wherever you feel the most power at the time.. and you think its Diane and her group.. well that person was right..
I will not be associated with anyone that talks out of both sides of their mouth..YOU are no longer my friend and I refuse to be yours..
Someday YOU are going to find you made the WRONG choice as to who your friends are who is not..
YOU had your chance-- I can be very loyal and a good friend or I can be a worst nightmare. and NO I wont STOOP to others level-- I dont have to---MY integrity will prevail..
IF I hear of ONE false complaint-- one lie about me or my group again-- HELL will hhave to be paid..
TROLLS in your group?? Yes we know-- and we know WHO is doing it and it aint one of us...
Look closer to your own back ass yard... Maybe from a group that is no longer around ??????
I really feel sorry for you-- I really misjudged you and I thought I was a good judge of character even here on the net.. MY priorites now is to make sure your cronies stop this stupidity and leave us the f*n hell alone..
Wanna know what is going on?? read the blog site..or LOOK for truth..
I do feel sorry for you.. What will happen when they throw you out?? You wil have burned all. bridges..
DONT wanna be dragged int ot his?? SHUT YOR TRAP then--quit chiming in on posts that are cutting MY group and me down..!!!!!!!!!!!
Until then -you missy are involved and right in the middle of it because of your replies from what was sent to me-- wanna see what you said?? Oh heck-- look in your own group-- read what you posted .. then ask yourself.. if I dont want to be involved why did I do such a stupid thing and reply to a post that was flaming-- maybe I should check out TRUTH...................
I'm sick of you and your cronies spying on the group and being dragged into this mess! I'm also tired of my words being dissected by people who obviously don't understand anything! I can say whatever I want! Do you understand that? Some pathetic Trolls came in yesterday and posted some vulgar things all of which are getting reported and they claimed YOU sent them there. So, if anyone is getting reported, it's going to be YOUR group and EVERYONE in it who came and invaded Diane's group. I'm not the 1 you should be trying to intimidate CG! I'm sick and tired of being pushed in the middle of this mess between you and Diane. Just give it up! If Diane's group gets taken down because of the Trolls you sent there, YOUR group will also be taken down because that is where this all stems from. Remember CG, I can be your best friend or your worst enemy. I would rather not be your enemy. Please just keep me put of your little feud OK? FYI, if you MUST know I said what I did in Diane's group because if there's any truth to you sending those Trolls into the group, it makes me sick enough to heave my guts out! Now STOP spying on the group NOW and leave ME out of this mess!
X (aka Noel)
I dont care if you beleive me or not-- I have never lied to you and dont plan to now.. YOUR group members are coming over to our group and infesting it with garbage.. Now I will say this-- it may NOT be the group members but it is members of a forum that is run by someone named Dennis. I think.. or he is involved.
NOW I have been shown a bunch of shit that came thru your group today..
I am planning to report that filth and vulgar garbage to yahoo abuse.. My name is mentioned htere and so I ahve the right to file a formal complaint.
IF Dinae doenot get this stopped immediately it is possible your gorup will be taken down by yahoo for TOS violations..
If you dont think I have posts from your group I will be ever so happy to show them to you and YOUR post where you felt like puking at the mention of MY name in the subject line.
I could care less what you and the rest of your ,members think of my group.. You made your point very clear about my group.
THIS insanity needs to stop.. They all need tog row up.. You have your group, the forum has their skanky group--
That is where the problems are originating..
We have had enuf of the scumbags trying to infiltrate our group.
I am just letting you know that I plan to report the group for those posts.. Why your group allows such vile and vulgar talk is beyond me.. I know my group has enuf class that they wouldnot talk or allow anyone to talk like that..Apparantly Diane does allow it.. Well with her being the owner she is responsible for her members.. I am reporting her and the group.
At least MY group nor any of its members can be reported for anything because we have a life and we dont give a rats ass about Dianes group..
Leave us alone ..
"God, give us the serenity to accept what cannot be changed; Give us courage to change what should be changed; Give us the wisdom to distinguish one from the other."
and Take Everything in life-*One Day at a TIME!*
(See how crazy CG got? In my humble opinion, someone should have put that psycho in a padded cell years ago. What's really puzzling is why a year later, CG HERSELF "Begged" for ME to rejoin her group. In this message, she's clearly unhinged but yet later on, she tries to play all nice with me in a feeble attempt to sway me over to HER side. Who's the 1 that "Begged" here? It's obviously CG!)
Here is what CG had to say about me yesterday in her puppet Linda's pathetic blog. I have to warn you, it's mostly a madcap tirade which holds absolutely NO MERIT whatsoever:
"Heavenly81969 said...
To Noel- I am sure someone will forward this and I am keeping a copy so no one can *EDIT* anything as they email it to her.
and I will post this in my blog just so I know it will be the same.
Ok now if I knew Noel actually would be reading this. Talk about a horrible life you had.
Hun? You have NO CLUE what a horrible upbringing even is. You may think you had a rough what did you say 2 and 1/2 years? oh boo hoo. I could tell you horror stories.not only about myself but others that have suffered REAL abuse as a child.and I can tell you aboutr a child that was beaten to death from repeated abuse. YOU are not dead are you?
I have,on several several occassions thru myself and thru others to contact you because of what I may have been mistaken about and because I am a very good person I was willing to apologize if i was wronmg about some things said and done.
Now as for the manso haters- No *I* have no problem with your neting sh*t there. WHAT I DO resent is you using names. you should have XX'd out the email name- yes on occassion you did x out the address but the name was still there. some were peoples real name. THAT and your added oput downs about me were my cpmplaint. I have stuck up for your blog saying as liong as you donot *edit* anything in the posts I feel you have the right to blog them, I have checked several and they have been right on. NO editing.
YOU want to be the victim. Always the poor victim.
You want me to stop well hun all you need to do is just leave me alone and I leave you alone.. Stop your sh*t comments . I had asked someone to relay somethings to you but according to HER you wouldnot listen.
*I* had never DONE anything at all to you except stick up for you ,taking the heat for you many many times. Even with members asking me if I was retarded for allowing a troublemaker like you join in the first place.I had so many email and bitterly complain.
I told them that you had the right to be there. ONLY thing I ever ASKED you to do was just not use BUG with liosi. because to get manson respect you had to respect Bugliosi.
Give to get.
You would have gotten far more shit thrown at you iof it had not beenm for me working behind the sense FOR you. I am just so tired of your LIES. I let you come back after you begged me and said you would be good.
YOU KNEW I was very hesitant . But I relented and let you in.
a couple moderators thought I was in severe need of mental health care.
I felt sorry for you. I felt you had the right to your own opinions. You just got too angry when confronted.
I am moving on. first up having the law take care of legal stuff on the net. If you are truely not involved then you should be able to pass a poly.if asked by law enforcement or my atty.
Truely innocent people will jump at that chance
IF truely innocent then you have no clue as to what I am enduring and several say you are doing it.
I am done with you. No more feeling sorry for you. But i will say this ,as long as YOU continue to post about me in your troll blogs (all 3 of them) that means YOU want this to continue. I moved on- but saw you hadnt so I started up again. now I am closing my blog .YOU are of no importance to me. jealous? Oh God I would rather kill myself .
Like I told you thru your friend jamie ,once before- the ball is on your court. stop all shit about me ,stop the blogs about me or in reference to me- Post the manson psts- edit out the author period.
Donot mention MY name anywhere and I will not mention yours. Plain and simple as that.
This sh*t has gone on since Oct 20th and for the longest time I let it slide.
I had even apologized .But alas you only want to be the victim. so be it. YOU are the victim . *I* am NOT
CG was right about 1 thing. The message was forwarded over to me. Now, I would like to point out the portion of this rambling message that mentioned how I supposedly "Begged" CG to be let back into her stupid group:
"I let you come back after you begged me and said you would be good".
HA! That's a laugh! LOL:) Another thing I would like to point out is this portion of the ramble about how other members supposedly felt with me being in that rotten group:
"Even with members asking me if I was retarded for allowing a troublemaker like you join in the first place.I had so many email and bitterly complain".
What??? Before all this, they supposedly requested that CG invite me in. Then all of a sudden, they have an issue with it. This is classic flip-flopping for certain! I realize that "White Rabbitt" and "Raven" were the 2 that CG mentioned in the original message who wanted me back in but she did indicate that a "Few" members asked for my return which is more than just 2. I'm fairly certain at least some of the same idiots that I dealt with previously were part of the group back then even though CG claims there were all new members in the group. Probably just another lie. You know, It's truly interesting how CG tries to push all that "Poor Victim" crap on ME when it's clearly the other way around. Here is the text in question:
"YOU want to be the victim. Always the poor victim".
Sure! CG can keep telling herself that until it's credible enough to REALLY believe.
Bottom line, SHE likes to be the victim and SHE plays the role very well. Anyone who has ever seen the REAL CG knows this. She likes to play a good game but in reality, she's losing the battle every day that she obsesses over me. Of course, I meant what I said yesterday in my "Trolls Exposed" blog. I decided to grant CG and her Trolls permission to obsess over me all the want to because they obviously have NOTHING else in their pathetic little lives worth living for. They can consider it my gift to them. It's the least I can do after all for those low-lives. Since they are all Manson haters, it's fitting that I mention them here. I could go on more about this but it's complete garbage so I won't even waste my time. NONE of what CG posted in that idiotic blog holds any weight at all. The legal crap and the other lies CG spews is pathetic! Certainly not worth dignifying with any decent response. Anyway, this is all for today's update. I will post a regular update next weekend with the usual "charlesmanson_and_family" stuff. Thanks for reading!