Friday, February 5, 2010
Announcement Regarding The Purpose Of This Blog!
I have been hearing that certain individuals who shall remain nameless at this time feel it's proper to bash this blog simply because I post archived messages from that low-life Manson hating group "charlesmanson_and_family" here. Well, the reason I'm posting the archived messages from the group in question is simply because I want the truth to be revealed. It doesn't matter how long ago this all took place either because the point and purpose of this blog remain just as relevant as the events which led to it's creation! The messages show how badly I was treated by the Trolls in that pathetic group and it also shows the time frame in which it all occurred. You can clearly see how everything started and how it gradually progressed into 1 ugly mess. I didn't think I could actually create a legitimate blog about such a worthless group without the obvious proof to back it up. I mean, I could have posted things like "This group sucks" or something else of that nature but people reading my blog would wonder WHY I feel this way. The key word here is "WHY" folks. The archived messages from "charlesmanson_and_family" show WHY I harbor such resentment towards them all over there. The messages also display a total lack of respect on their part towards ME even though some idiots claim it was the other way around. Bottom line, I don't want ANYONE else falling victim to those Trolls in that nasty group and this is WHY it's necessary to show a history of abuse which is ongoing in there. I'm doing this for the sake of any newcomers who may want to join them or who have already and don't have all the facts yet. That is the main objective I intend to achieve with this blog! I want to make it clear that I have perfectly good reasons for feeling the way I do about those fools. #1, they disrespected me for no reason at all. #2, they're targeting other innocent people as well whom I am currently in contact with. The sole reason these ignorant Trolls choose to bash my blog is because they can't stand to look at the truth about themselves. The very thought of others seeing this truth as well scares the hell out of them and so they feel coming down on ME is going to solve all their problems. Well, they can feebly attempt to discredit me and this blog all they want to but the archived messages don't lie. The truth is here for all to see and will remain so long as the group still exists. When the day finally comes that the "charlesmanson_and_family" group is gone forever, this blog will no longer serve a purpose because the Trolls will be a distant memory and they won't be able to take anyone else down with them. That being said, I will now conclude this post. Thank you all for reading!