What you didn't know about Eran adn I think you should before
Sunday, November 1, 2009 9:38 PM
Sunday, November 1, 2009 9:38 PM
you continue your vendetta against me and my group and USING Eran.
ERAN and Susan Atkins hubby were in a book bio together. He knew more about Manson and the family then anyone ever did. He got it first hand.
because of Susans death and taking it so hard he took himself off the net. I can only hope he someday returns .
You could have learned alot.
he KNEW what he was talking about.
anyway.you and your blog doesnot bother me ,in fact I am glad you have an outlet for your anger.
I stuck up for you so many times I had finally learned my lesson.
But this isn't about me or you this is about Eran who cannot defend himself because he is no longer ont eh net and that YOU didn't know how close to Susan he was.
I hope when you post this to your blog that you post this whole email to you intact.
you say you are only posting fact so that is why this one and only email to you. Facts posted about Eran by you is wrong,.
Hmmm.........it appears like CG was in a rather manic state from the looks of this e-mail. The spelling errors alone and lack of space between certain words indicate that the message was written in a rather hurried manner. Perhaps she had to finish the paragraph before her Prozac kicked in and she snapped back to reality for a moment. The way she defends Eran is disgusting to say the least. I suspect that they may be involved in a romantic relationship but this is only my theory of course. It sure does look like a twisted love affair though from the way CG glorifies him. Isn't it something how she accuses ME of having a vendetta when it's clearly the other way around? Also, it's rather ironic that CG would claim I'M using her precious Eran when SHE used ME for her own personal gain. That's the only reason she appeared to stick up for me in the past. She wanted to keep me on the line so she could use me forever. Fortunately, I broke free from her nasty grip and started this blog to expose her dirty deeds along with the rest of her little cronies who by the way don't even realize they're being used yet. Unfortunately, all the other non-cronies who are tangled up in CG's deranged "charlesmanson_and_family" group don't know they're being used either. I say this because I doubt they would still be in there if they knew what was REALLY going on. It should be quite interesting to see what happens when all of them finally wake up. I also find it interesting that Eran was so close to Susan Atkins and her husband. I just bet they had many great Belladonna trips together too LOL:) Of course, I don't believe in speaking ill of the dead so that's all I'm going to say about Susan aka Sadie. Regardless of what CG says, Eran knew NOTHING about Charlie which I have proven many times here. He spewed so much misguided garbage in "charlesmanson_and_family" and it ALL came from either the foul mouth of BUGliosi or the media sensationalism. If this is what CG considers valid knowledge, then there's truly no hope for her now or ever. As long as CG continues to act in this crazy deluded manner by harassing me and accepting all the misguided words about Charlie as the gospel which vile creatures like Eran spew from within their nasty polluted brains, she will forever remain a pathetic shell of what could have been a decent human being. It's only natural that CG would claim I'm "Wrong" for posting facts about Eran since it's obvious she worships him in the same manner as she does her own self. It seems to me that in CG's little world, her and Eran are Gods who know it all. The rest of us are just peasants that can be used for CG's and Eran's personal amusement. I'm glad to hear that Eran is offline now because there's already enough whack jobs floating around the web without HIM being added to the mix. CG is 1 of them and among the worst I have EVER encountered. Bottom line, all Eran knows how to do is criticize and challenge all the Manson supporters who don't fall in line with him. In my opinion, he's better off gone and I hope he stays that way for the sake of common decency. CG should consider following suit. At least then she can be closer to her idol while the rest of us decent people recover from all the trauma and nausea we have suffered as a result of her constant mania. Unfortunately, this is all just a far away dream because CG wouldn't have a life if she wasn't trying to ruin someone else's. The day she actually gets a REAL life will be a miracle in itself.
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