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ATWA: ALL The Way Alive!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Special Update For November 10, 2010.

This is not going to be a typical update because it's been a busy week for me. Here is a clip I found on "YouTube" and the man in the video gives among the best speeches on Manson's innocence I have heard so far. I hope this gives ALL the Manson haters who are STILL living in the sensationalistic fantasy world that BUGliosi created when he used his pathetic "Helter Skelter" story to send Charlie up the river along with the REAL killers something to think about. If not, then there's obviously no hope for these seriously delusional souls who would rather believe in the media created "monster" that BUGliosi used to invoke fear among the public instead of the REAL truth about the REAL Charles Manson.