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ATWA: ALL The Way Alive!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Manson Haters On Facebook: The Shit List!



I have been gathering names and creating a "Shit List" which ALL the nasty Manson haters will be added to! Here is the most recent list with commentary from me at the end of each foul message:

(Facebook haters added 9/14/2013)

Marg Schumacher commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's photo.
Marg wrote: "I really like this, and had shared it, but will remove it now. I just noticed what page it was sourced from.....Charles Manson = yuk, patooie"

(Oh how mature! I thought "Facebook" had an age limit on who can use their service but apparently, the juvenile delinquents still manage to find a way in just so they can post infantile shit like this. This pathetic Manson hater is a perfect example of what's wrong with our youth of today. Marge made this lame comment in response to a photo which advocates caring for our wildlife that was posted. Just because it was posted in a forum that supports Charles Manson, her ignorance got the better of her and this is the end result.)

Darlene Demren commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's photo.
Darlene wrote: "I did the same and will now remove it from my wall!"

(Another lame comment in response to the same wildlife advocacy photo. These 2 cretins deserve each other!)

(Facebook haters added 8/13/2013)

Anthony Mercader commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's photo.
Anthony wrote: "I'm sure Ms. Zombie would be horrified being tagged with this sad individual"

Anthony Mercader commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's photo.
Anthony wrote: "Don't glorify this asshole"

(I'm not too sure who "Ms. Zombie" is but this Manson hater is clearly what I refer to as a "bang bang loo loo" who has as much common sense as a rock LOL:) This cretin hater was responding to a photo that was posted of Charlie and a crow. Obviously, the deluded Troll doesn't have any self control and figured it would make him a BIG man by spewing this filth about Charlie. The funny thing is, NONE of these haters would dare to say this shit to Charlie's face because they're COWARDS! Another thing I would like to note is the fact this creature looks like John Wayne Gacy with that clown faced profile pic hehehe:) What a LOSER! He removed his profile pic shortly after this was posted by the way because he obviously didn't like being compared to a REAL killer so that makes him a COWARD and a LOSER too.)

Mark Adamiec commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's photo.
Mark wrote: "Would've been nice if he'd held human life in such value..."

(Actually, Charlie DOES in fact hold value on human life but those who play the classic projection role always revert their fears and inadequacies onto HIM because they can't bear to face the TRUTH in THEMSELVES!)

(Facebook haters added 8/4/2013)

Sue Ash (friends with Elvis Proctor) commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's photo of you.
Sue wrote: "fuck the basterd"

(This fascist hater made the above bullshit comment about a photo of Charlie that was posted. Clearly, the bitch isn't just severely misguided but she can't even spell the word "BASTARD" properly LOL:) Well, I say FUCK YOU Sue Ash tray!)

Freddy Moore (friends with Elaina Garcia) commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's photo of you.
Freddy wrote: "manson is shit...not a good singer or cult leader...."

(This asshole is only right about 1 thing in his asinine statement. Charlie wasn't a good cult leader because he NEVER led ANYONE in the first place! The rest of this hater prick's statement amounts to NOTHING except pure jealousy on his part. Him and ALL the other Manson haters only WISH they were as good as Charlie. This fucking IDIOT probably couldn't sing in the shower without making the soap melt LOL:) A true ASS right to the core!)

Telfore Nyte (friends with XXXXXX) commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's photo of you.
Telfore wrote: "what a waste of power and resources...and I mean Manson...he could have done anything, instead he just serial killed by proxy...what a waste to keep such trash alive"

(Another misguided asshole who doesn't know his ass from his elbow! Talking shit about Charlie is all these cretin haters seem to be capable of! Well, in my humble opinion this "Telfore Nyte" creature is a WASTE and a worthless piece of TRASH who doesn't deserve to walk the same Earth as Charlie!)

(YouTube haters added 6/21/2013)

This has been flagged as spam
poor crazy bastard fag old guy, he needs to pass out fast, usa taxes feeding this stupid guy in jail...

(Now, this is REALLY a bonehead comment LOL:) I wonder why so many of these haters slap the "fag" label on Charlie? Perhaps THEY are closeted gays who just can't stand to face the truth in THEMSELVES.)

This has been flagged as spam
stupid americans, they believe themselves the kings of the universe, and still want to see this lunatic and good for nothing guy out of the jail????
Manson burn in hell when you die!!!

(More lame hateful BULLSHIT as usual! I replied to this asshole by saying: "Well now, that's not exactly your call what happens to Charlie when he dies." I'm sure the cretin will reply back with some more shit since that's what these types seem to relish in the most. I'll be really surprised if he/she/it doesn't. That will be a damn miracle in itself.)

This has been flagged as spam
fortunately he will die soon :) cheers!

(Clearly, these nasty mean-spirited Manson haters are so intimidated by a man who is FAR more intelligent than THEY are and spewing shit like this is the only way they can make themselves stand taller. I replied to this fucker by saying: "Fortunately, his legacy will live on even after he dies:) Cheers!" Bottom line, these filthy hater pussies can make all the death wishes they want against Charlie but he will FOREVER live on in the hearts and minds of his supporters who will NEVER stop spreading the TRUTH about his innocence. So, the haters might as well get over themselves and their misguided hate before it devours them completely.)

(Facebook haters added 6/16/2013)

Steeve Rioux commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's photo.
Steeve wrote: "in Canada this fucker allready dead ice pick in the kidney"

(Obviously, this asshole thinks it matters how Charlie is viewed in Canada LOL:) I think Steeve "The Peeve" Rioux has an ice pick up his ass!)

Mustafa Nasir commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's photo.
Mustafa wrote: "leave him in jail forever, him and the son of sam..."

(Oh, I can have some fun with this cretin's name LOL:) He "Mustafa" been up BUGliosi's ass to make such a bonehead statement and he "Mustafa" left his brains back at the turnip patch hehehe:) What a total MORON he is!)

Cassie Harris commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's photo.
Cassie wrote: "He has a nazi symbol tattooed on his face so u know hes bad"

(Well now, yet another deluded tart who doesn't realize that the "Swastika" wasn't always a Nazi symbol and Manson doesn't have it on his head as a sign of any evil. She looks like the daughter of "Pinocchio" in that hideous profile pic too LOL:) Oh Cassie Harris, please get a fucking clue before spouting off your BIG mouth.)

(YouTube hater added 5/28/2013)

This has been flagged as spam
Charles Manson fanboy's are among the most pathetic fucks ever to walk this planet. Devoid of proper education and a laughably bad philosophical grounding. I fucking HATE faggots who comment and then block the person, but since I've noticed you're one of those people - I'm gonna go ahead and first-strike your pathetic ass. Blocked, ya fucking moron.
· in reply to ATWA13X

(Another PATHETIC Manson hater with his head up his pompous ass! Obviously, this cretin thought he/she/it was going to be REAL BIG by "blocking" ME out but the creature FAILED because I couldn't care less LOL:) I "blocked" this IDIOT too so it's no biggie:) I just wish these Manson hating cretins would get a NEW routine and allow opposing views to be expressed without dishing any lame insults back. Obviously, they're incapable of individual thought which is why they can't accept another point of view other than their own.)

(Facebook haters added 5/28/2013)

Jay Anti-Jeehad Burns commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's link.
Jay wrote: "Are you freaking kidding me? You guys support this murdering I have seen it all now. I thought the moslems were bad, this is pure evil."

  • Gsm Colleen Stevens He needs to be in a nut house

  • Rufis Bonkers I wonder if Jodi Arias is going to get this much attention...maybe we should put the two of them in the same cell and give her a knife!

  • Eduardo Pimentel I don't care for this stupid gramps, he can rot in prison forever

  • Christy Berardino R u kidding me? Shame on you. He is C R A Z Y! Post like these hurt so many people. May he also rot in hell!

  • Christy Berardino Nazi sign in the middle of his forehead. Take our flag down he does not deserve to be seen with it!

  • Dominic Twitch Haro This is one of the most stupid post ever it's like basically saying Hitler was innocent cuz he never personally killed someone

(As you can plainly see, ALL of these Manson haters have the same worthless opinions about Charlie and the hatred they express is the same TIRED OLD SHIT that's been spewed for years. It would truly be a miracle if these stagnate cretins opened their eyes and got a NEW routine! Of course, that may NEVER happen because their heads are filled with sawdust.)

(Facebook haters added 5/23/2013)

Jimmy Pudge commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's link.
Jimmy wrote: "Fuck Charlie."

(Really now? LOL:) Obviously, this cretin Manson hater can't do any better than this. Jimmy Pudge go fudge your undies LOL:) From the looks of your profile pic, you must love tacos. I can understand why since you have already shown yourself to be a meat head with the intellect of lettuce capable of only spewing cheesy comments! Perhaps you should lay off the sauce a little hehehe:) Loser!)

Crispin Cortes commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's link.
Crispin wrote: "Then kill him...!"

(Oh, and here's ANOTHER prize-winning jackass LOL:) Check out that name too! I wonder how long this asshole has been "Crispin" in the oven? LOL:) Too long obviously because his mentality is that of a cooked brain.)

(Facebook haters added 5/22/2013)

Mary Ann (friends with XXXX XXXXX) commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's photo of you.
Mary wrote: "Except that he is a killer!!! I think that kinda speaks volumes!!"

(Another misguided Manson hater who has absolutely NO CLUE about Charlie or what he's REALLY all about! From the looks of her profile pic, she looks like poor syphilitic white trash LOL:) I can only imagine what Mary Ann does in her spare time besides banging farm animals and reading "Helter Skelter" while lounging around naked covered in shit on her sofa hehehe:) What a lowlife!)

Raymond Alfamale Karlsen (friends with KRiz AntikRiz) commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's photo of you.
Raymond wrote: ""wisdom of Charles Manson". I did not know he had any"

(DUUUH! This cretin obviously doesn't realize that Charles Manson can dance rings around HIS sorry ass! Charlie has more wisdom than the haters care to admit because they are so damn intimidated by him and also they don't want to face the fact THEY just can't measure up to such a superior mind. If the Manson haters had HALF the intellect that Charlie has, they wouldn't know what to do with it because they have been living in a cocoon for too damn long! Their tiny brains would burst from the overload like a computer running on Windows 3.1 LOL:) This puss sack Raymond Alfamale Karlsen looks like he's on Speed anyway in his profile pic hehehe:) What a DORK!)

(Facebook hater added 4/25/2013)

Patti Poling (friends with Michael Haggerty) commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's link.
Patti wrote: "Don't care to see/hear it! Charles Manson was a very sick, sadistic animal!"

(Patti Poling should take a closer look at HERSELF before referring to Charlie as ANYTHING because SHE doesn't look like a beauty queen her own damn self! She probably makes it with that dog in her profile pic too the whole blasted night LOL:) Woof Woof!)

(Facebook hater added 4/25/2013)
  • Dave Galvan He's a lunatic. Not the savior.
    Yesterday at 5:49am · Like

Dave Galvan sure.....from a man who killed a bunch of peoples....
Yesterday at 5:42am · Like

(Clearly, Dave Galvan is a delusional media zombie with his head up his pompous ass! He should go hop in bed with BUGliosi same as all the other "Helter Skelter" whores who thrive on all the sensationalism!)

Patti Werner-hagen commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's photo. (Facebook hater added 4/24/2013)
Patti wrote: "manson is one evil man sorry, sharon tate would have had grandchildren by now, and he is still in the picture...."

(Well, I sure hope this nasty hater doesn't have any children because they will be just as delusional in their thinking as this DUMB broad once she gets done programming them! I can't imagine ANYONE being willing to walk this dog down the isle except perhaps out of pity because her profile pic is uglier than shit LOL:) "Patti Werner-hagen" needs to go back to whatever kennel she escaped from!)

 (YouTube Hater Troll! Added 4/2/2013)
Reply to your comment on: Charles Manson Followers?: Man Allegedly Tries to Smuggle Phone Into Prison ATTWAT TEE HEE! I've got the TRUTH on my side! And the REAL FAMILY MEMBERS side of the story. CM never killed anyone? Tell that to Leno & Rosemary! He did nothing? EXCEPT tie them both up and demand there slayings. I'm not the one upset at all! I'm actually enjoying tit for tat with a dumb ass bitch. The midget isn't LOCO he 's an angry troll. Because 1 producer rejects your SHITTY WK. Get a different producer, duh! lol LA is filled with them. You should write jokes, NOT! McDonalds needs YOU! :(

This ignorant and most likely impotent bastard came back with more shit so I replied accordingly:


LOL:) Really now! Is all that crap supposed to bother me or something? You already LOST and you're wasting your time trying to get to me because that will NEVER happen hehehe:) I do however have some buddies who might enjoy going a few rounds with you. When I get bored enough, I'll let them know;) Right now, I'm enjoying your lame insults and snotty ways LOL:) You really do appear to be a snotty whiny BRAT who probably lives at home with mommy existing out of the basement. LMFAO!
· 2 in reply to Tommy Chamberlain
(It's funny because this cretin is so STUPID he keeps walking right into the trap I set for him LOL:) The more shit he posts, the more I'll have for this blog so this is yet ANOTHER win for ME;) Tommy Chamberlain, you are a complete MORON!)

(YouTube Hater Troll! Added 3/31/13)
He will be DEAD soon and I'll be HAPPY! His so called followers a total of two losers, lol!

My reply:

How you YOU like it if someone said that to YOU Tommy? Would YOU like someone rejoicing in YOUR death or perhaps the death of a loved one? Nobody has to like the man but his death won't change a damn thing and spewing hatred towards him serves no legitimate purpose whatsoever because hate begets more hate. When Charlie dies, he will live on in other ways so his death won't make him go away because there will ALWAYS be those who support him out there despite whatever reality you desire.

Tommy's weak rebuttal:

WRONG! If I kill UR ♥ 1 then you should rejoice in my death. CM is not going to get out! If that is your point, forget it. When that little midget Troll dies the only thing that will live on is SHARON TATE! His death will change alot. WE the TAX payers won't be feeding this loser any more. CM will live on as a sad little footnote at the end of HER story! His obit will read SHARON TATE KILLER DEAD! CM supporters are FOOLS! "He never killed anyone". NOBODY would have died w/o him! He's a CON!

My second reply:

WOW! Such hateful words from someone who doesn't even know the man or the REAL story behind those nights of murders. I feel sorry for you Tommy:(

(Tommy Chamberlain is yet another sad twisted individual who has swallowed up BUGliosi's "Helter Skelter" BULLSHIT! Him and the other Manson haters REALLY need to get a new routine because their current 1 is STALE! The haters can DREAM ON if they think that once Charlie dies, that will solve all their problems because he will live on FOREVER as the father of ATWA and NOTHING will EVER change that:) His words and music will also live on FOREVER! The haters need to get REAL and just ACCEPT it!)

Elaine Stanley Alston commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's photo. (Added 3/23/2013)
Elaine wrote: "I don't thnk a horrible person like Manson ever expierenced love. I have tried my best getting you off my FB from popping up. The man is a sick Satanic killer. Remove me as your friend. I want no part of looking at anything you all post."

(Elaine Stanley Alston is yet another nasty Manson hater with a vicious tongue! In addition, her soul is WEAK and DARK same as ALL the other rotten haters! She doesn't want to see beyond her ignorance and realize all the inner beauty Charlie possesses because that would knock her right off the pathetic pedestal she puts herself on. Elaine clearly believes she's BETTER and more IMPORTANT than Charlie which is why she spews her hateful, filthy drivel in a Manson supporter forum. She's just another sad little troublemaker who so willingly accepts BUGliosi's vision of Charlie without even bothering to take a good look at the flip-side of the whole Manson case because she like the other Manson haters are too LAZY to get their facts straight! Furthermore, this cretin claims she wants no part of anything that gets posted on "The Energy Of The Mansons" but yet she just can't resist posting her crap rather than leaving quietly. What a HYPOCRITE this moron is!)

Marcos Elias Jr. commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's photo. (Added 3/13/2013)
Marcos wrote: "remember the last time people listened to charlie he tried to start a race war? People seem to forget."

(Another prize winning MORON believing in BUGliosi's BULLSHIT story! Perhaps this cretin and ALL the other Manson haters should climb in bed with "The BUG" and worship him as their new Messiah! If a fart was visible, it would look just like Marcos Elias Jr. LOL:) What a miserable little Troll!)

 Hey The Energy Of The Mansons, there's...
Christopher Sak Resmondo (Added 3/13/2013)2:41pm Mar 13
Hey The Energy Of The Mansons, there's something about this photo that bothers me. Would you please take it down? Thanks.

(Ok, this appears to be a fake FB user because if you look at the patterns between Renee Rumble Barnwell Stebbed and John Robie, they post the same nonsensical, whiny remark about the Manson pictures "bothering" them. I personally think the previous haters and now this Christopher Sak Resmondo cretin is actually "Altra Lee" who has MANY different aliases. To those who don't know it yet, "Altra Lee" is a HIGHLY unstable individual who thrives on stirring up shit with Manson supporters. She is among the most wigged-out haters I have encountered and with all these different aliases, I doubt this weirdo even knows who SHE is anymore. "Altra Lee" is SO FAR into orbit I doubt she will EVER find her way back home. Someone should definitely lock this lunatic up and throw away the key.)

Wallace Dick commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's photo. (Added 3/13/2013)
Wallace wrote: "I do not understand this comparison to the trees and pollution. Other than that nut bag using those excuses to get his following to commit horrible murders if you need to prove something use the salesman oil barrons, politicians for com Ed or the EPA that isn't doing their job and leave the nut bag in prison where he belongs . War waged that takes life might be a good defense when needed but war is death to some one wage peace first love always."

(Well, this douche bag definitely has the PERFECT name LOL:) Wallace Dick is a total DICK because all he can do is spout off nonsense! He probably sits at home all day thinking up BULLSHIT like this to say! Like the other haters, Wallace DICK is too cowardly to say this crap to Charlie's face! He can only spew his filth in a forum that supports Charlie just to stir up trouble since he has NOTHING else in his sad little life!)

Brandon Balazs commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's link. (Added 3/13/2013)
Brandon wrote: "This bitch is not convincing. Where's her damn proof!"

(This snotty remark isn't about Charlie but about his sweet woman Star who is a STRONG supporter of ATWA and of Charlie. Brandon Balazs wrote this pathetic comment in response to Star's video regarding the media's lies against Charlie. Bottom line, Star is correct and her PROOF is plain as day. The media has been feeding lies to the public right from the very beginning. Charlie did NOT get a fair trial and he was made out to be a villain just so BUGliosi could win his case which was based on circumstantial evidence. If that's not PROOF what Star says is true, then I don't know what is. Star a HIGHLY intelligent woman but like Charlie, she has been given a bad rap by those who fail to comprehend the TRUTH about that damn trial! ALL of the haters need to get their heads out of their asses and LISTEN for a change to something else besides all the sensationalistic crap!)

Ryan Lawhon commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's photo. (Added 3/12/2013)
Ryan wrote: "Crazy bitch!"

Ryan Lawhon commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's link. (Added 3/12/2013)
Ryan wrote: "Dumb motherfuckers!"

Ryan Lawhon commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's photo. (Added 3/12/2013)
Ryan wrote: "Fuck off!"

(Wow, such charming idiotic dialog! LOL:) I swear these Manson haters are getting dumber by the day with their 1 and 2-liners hehehe:) Notice how this cretin had to post his retarded rants 3 times? I guess perhaps he just wanted to make sure his moronic gestures reached the masses. Well Ryan Lawhon, you have just earned the dishonor of being among the most outrageous Manson haters on this blog! Congratulations! Now, go tell mommy to change your diaper LOL:) What a loser!)

Steve Seidman commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's photo. (Added 3/11/2013)
Steve wrote: "If this is that murdering idiot, Hhe can rot for all I care. He's full o shit"

(Actually, the REAL idiot is Steve Seidman because he clearly believes in the same sensationalized SHIT as the rest of the Manson haters. His grammar sucks too which means he's obviously too sexually frustrated to focus straight hehehe:) Well, from the looks of his profile pic, he doesn't have much longer to go anyway so I'm not sweating this asshole.)

 Hey The Energy Of The Mansons, there's...
Renee Rumble Barnwell Stebbeds9:25am Mar 11
Hey The Energy Of The Mansons, there's something about this photo that bothers me. Would you please take it down? Thanks.

 (Another cry-baby wanting a Manson picture removed. These morons must watch "Sesame Street" on a regular basis while suckling their mother's nip hehehe:) They are so weak that even a photo of the man can "bother" them. Gee, I wonder if "Altra Lee" the drama queen is the 1 making all this fuss under aliases? If so, she should get a new routine because her current 1 is wearing VERY thin!)

Randy Green commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's link. (Added 3/11/2013)
Randy wrote: "Wow. She's as crazy as manson"

(Not sure who this goon is talking about but HE probably doesn't know either hehehe:) What a CLOWN!)

 Hey The Energy Of The Mansons, there's...
John Robie3:58pm Mar 9
Hey The Energy Of The Mansons, there's something about this photo that bothers me. Would you please take it down? Thanks.

(Awwww........poor little baby brat John Robie:( A photo of Charlie "bothers" widdle old YOU? Too bad ASSHOLE! Suck it up and move on!)


Diego Armando Calderon commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's photo. (Added 3/9/2013)
Diego wrote: "Twisted fucks"

(Yep, that's what ALL you miserable Manson haters are! Just keep the crap coming! You're making it REAL easy for me to nail your asses to the wall hehehe:) Sad little cretins.)

Seven Factor commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's photo. (Added 3/9/2013)
Seven wrote: "I'm all about killing and mass murder. But lets not pretend this guy is anything but a mentally ill, homeless dude with a below average IQ Unless its to motivate you as to what NOT to do. I don't see him inspiring much The dude is a wing nut"

(Wow! Another prize winning ASSHOLE! Personally, I think ALL of these idiotic Manson haters should congregate in the same damn hole and fuck themselves LOL:) I'm sure they'll keep the lame hateful BULLSHIT against Charlie coming so I'll be busy for quite some time.)

Thomas James commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's photo. (Added 3/9/2013)
Thomas wrote: "Fuck manson"

(Oh yeah, REAL BIG MAN! I bet this cretin wouldn't even THINK of saying that crap to Charlie's face. Too much of a damn coward! These typical asinine 1-liners never cease to entertain me because it's clear the FOOLS who take time out of their pitiful little lives to post them have the intellect of a turnip LOL:) Just a bunch of clowns with NO life whatsoever.)

Brandon Lowe commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's photo. (Added 3/8/2013)
Brandon wrote: "Too bad he was a serial killer"

(Too bad Brandon Lowe is just another clueless moron who for whatever reason can't grasp the TRUTH that Charles Manson is NOT a serial killer because he killed NOBODY! I wonder if Brandon tortures and kills animals like the 1 that's in his profile picture? Perhaps he does and that's his BIG bad problem! Then again, maybe he's just an ASSHOLE! Either way, false accusations can cut BOTH ways and I'm sure HE wouldn't like being called an animal killer which is why it's NOT advisable to throw stones in glass houses.)

Grace Helen posted in Manson Haters Exposed (Added 3/7/2013)
I do not even know the man but I have the...
Grace Helen7:33pm Mar 6
I do not even know the man but I have the ultimate contempt for him. My last name was Manson and I grew up in the SF Bay Area and was in the grade schools in the 60s and 70s and there were other children who TORMENTED me about this man. I didn't even know who he was or what he did. When a clerk asked me my last name I told them "Manson" and other customers would turn around quickly and look at me. Just because I shared the same name with this man I was tormented & teased by no fault of my own. I couldn't wait when I got married to LOSE
 (Oh, you poor fucking baby Grace Helen MANSON! You should be HONORED to have the last name "MANSON" but instead, you criticize it like a high and mighty ASS! Perhaps you should get your UGLY head out of there before shit starts to come out of your nose LOL:) You are a SAD individual and you definitely did LOSE when you got married but then again, so did the poor soul who exchanged vows with you.)

Dakota Sheppard commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's photo. (Added 3/6/2013)
Dakota wrote: "Fucker has a swatstika however u spell it"

(Oh this 1 is a REAL smart cookie LOL:) This cretin hater not only can't deliver a good insult but he/she/it's not even sure the word "swastika" was spelled correctly! I will state for the record, this hater actually did spell the word correctly but was wrong for criticizing it. I can only assume Dakota Sheppard did this because he/she/it sees the symbol as evil. As a matter of fact, I'm going to give a brief history lesson on this for those who don't know the TRUTH of the matter. The swastika was used at least 5,000 years before Adolf Hitler designed the Nazi flag. The word swastika comes from the Sanskrit svastika, which means “good fortune” or “well-being." The motif (a hooked cross) appears to have first been used in Neolithic Eurasia, perhaps representing the movement of the sun through the sky. To this day it is a sacred symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Odinism. So take THAT and chew on it for a while those of you who don't understand the TRUE meaning of the swastika symbol! Hitler took something good and perverted it plain and simple! Another thing, Charlie doesn't have the symbol carved in his forehead because he's a Nazi lover! He has it there because of what it ORIGINALLY stood for period!)

Matthew Hebert commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's link. (Added 3/5/2013)
Matthew wrote: "I will admit I didn't watch this but am I wrong in thinking that Manson was a psycho path piece of dung? Why would you like this?"

 (Another misguided cretin with his head up his ass. It's a shame these types breed because the world is already full enough of idiots.)

Michael Rowe commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's link. (Added 3/5/2013)
Michael wrote: "Manson is as gay as a three dollar bill!"

(This fool clearly has issues about HIS OWN sexuality which is why he slaps the "Gay" label on Charlie.)

Martin F O'Brien commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's photo.  (Added 2/24/2013)
Martin wrote: "I hope you're sharing this because the money goes to someone other than an unrepentant murdering scumbag. I dearly hope it hasn't become fashionable among liberals to support Charlie. You know, like they support Castro, Chavez, and Che."

 (Another deluded soul who lives and thrives on slamming Charlie with sensationalized BULLSHIT! If only this cretin could see past his ignorance and get off his mama's nip long enough to see the TRUTH, there would be hope for him. Unfortunately, he's among the other sexually deprived, miserable Manson haters who so willingly accept BUGliosi's Hollywood horror tale as reality. Perhaps ALL of these cretins who adore BUGliosi so damn much should get together and suck the bastard off LOL:) They're truly pathetic!)

Jesse Reich commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's link.
Jesse wrote: "Manson haters? I guess im ignorant to i just dont get why people think a murderer is cool and i dont really care if im exposed as a manson hater and you dumb fucks were the ones were the ones that put stupid shit on my goddam wall. Maybe i should talk about the energy of my ass on your wall"

(Well Jesse, you better change your name to "Polly" because you're just another "parrot" cracker who doesn't get it. Charlie NEVER killed ANYONE therefore he is NOT a "murderer" but if that's what sort of reality you want to swallow, I hope you CHOKE on it! Take that guitar you're holding in your profile pic, shove it up your pompous ass, and spin around on it for a while too since you appear to be so sexually deprived LOL:) Obviously, your street corner bimbo Julie Mcclure isn't doing quite enough for your sorry ass. What a sad little cretin.)

Brenda Aho Root commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's photo.
Brenda wrote: "ok..i was guys are delusional! he has been in jail 40 years because he's doesnt take much reading to figure out this man is must be a 'follower' sad for you.."

 (This hater REALLY doesn't have a clue and probably NEVER will! How sad for her:( She can't see the forest for the trees.)

 Charles Manson is a psychotic murderer. Remove...
Derek Brown2:40pm Jan 5
Charles Manson is a psychotic murderer. Remove this page in the name of decency.
The Energy Of The Mansons
This is a tribute page for Mr.Manson & ATWA.
The goals of this page is to share Art, music, and arti...

(Another clueless hater just parroting what the media and others have been spewing for years about Charlie. The page in question is necessary to help spread the TRUTH about Manson in hopes people will eventually wake up from their hate induced coma. Derek Brown is BLIND and IGNORANT not to see or understand that!)

James Estrella commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's link.
James wrote: "Murderer!! "

(The measly 1 word comments are the most amusing because it just goes to prove these cretins can't form a legitimate thought of their own. They can only "parrot" what they hear from the media and other negative sources.)

Leo Loeb (friends with Linda Jasmine) commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's link.

(This hater can't even spell and hers/his/it's insult towards Charlie is PATHETIC! LOL:) What a sad little joke.)

Audrey Miller commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's link.
Audrey wrote: "get off it Charlie u r a bad lier as well as a fucking sick loser creep....just fucking die will ya!!!"

Audrey Miller commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's link.
Audrey wrote: "if u didn't have a family to begin with its cuz they realized what kind of sicko was n abandond u hoping u would just suffer n die all alone"

(Another cretin Manson hater who can't spell LOL:) Poor little Audrey Miller can't even come up with anything better to say and is another "parrot" just like all the others:( She's clearly so twisted and consumed with hate that she just HAD to post her filth TWICE in order to release all her inner pain towards herself. Pure classic projection on her part.)

Major Peterson commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's link.
Major wrote: "Face book has fell to a new low ..The Mansons..GTFO ! I'm old enough to remember Charles Manson and his Deeds !

Major Peterson commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's link.
Major wrote: "Your deleting of opposing views..Says it all ! "

(Notice how this hater put "Major" before his name in a feeble effort to look more important? Posting nasty comments twice is not beneath him either. He must have some deeply seated issues too. He claims he's "old enough to remember Charles Manson" but in reality, he probably isn't old enough to remember "Watergate" LOL:) Another prize winning idiot!)

Judi DiMartino commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's link.
Judi wrote: "Charles Manson does not deserve the respect this article portrays. He is a MURDERER with no remorse. This artcle proves he is still the great pretender and can fool people with his supposed charm. I lived during his time of mayhem and I can say that. I am all for prisoners being reformed and "saved", but this man and all he stands for and has done with his life still scares the crap out of me. Please, do not glorify him."

(Well, at least this cretin has the ability to post with fewer spelling errors than the previous haters. However, Judi DiMartino is yet ANOTHER "parrot" without a clue as to the man Charlie REALLY is. She claims Manson "scares the crap out of her" but somehow, she find the courage to post garbage in a forum filled with Manson supporters just to stir up trouble. Personally, I think she's just "scared" of leaving her nice little comfort zone where Manson is the "devil" and she never has to face the TRUTH abut him. Accepting anything else other that what she and other haters have been trained to believe would be a MAJOR blow to ALL their pathetic egos.)

Donald Fisher commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's photo.
Donald wrote: "He needs to fashion a recycled noose and hang himself with it!"

(Oh yeah, that's REAL mature Donald Fisher LOL:) It's hard to believe these cretins who wish death on Charlie actually think that will solve anything. Charlie's death in reality will NOT erase him or what he stands for because his soul is eternal same as the rest of us walking the Earth. Charlie's legacy will live on through his words, music, and passion for the environment regardless if the haters want to accept that or not. Charles Manson is here to stay in life and death so get over it haters!)

Frederick Sherron commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's link.

(I'm not sure who this jerk thinks he's talking to but he's only another "parrot" anyway so I guess it doesn't matter.)

Thomas Couch commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's link.
Thomas wrote: "the media didn't convict him and his social life while locked up is of no concern to me. what you cant change is that he is a crazier than a loon"

(Thomas Couch has the brains of a potato which is why his last name is so fitting LOL:) The only reason he thinks Charlie is "crazier than a loon" is because he doesn't understand that Charlie only plays the "crazy" card for certain reporters and in reality, he is NOT mentally ill by ANY means. Perhaps if Thomas and others like him took the time to check out other interviews like the 1 with Schreck on "Charles Manson Superstar", they would see that Charlie can talk openly and rationally without acting up. Unfortunately, they just want to see him as "crazy" and nothing else matters in their little world.)

Jeremiah Panagopoulos commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's photo.
Jeremiah wrote: "All you people are fucked in the head.. js"

Jeremiah Panagopoulos commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's photo.
Jeremiah wrote: "He ain't ever getting out haha"

(Oh yeah, REAL funny Jeremiah LOL:) What's TRULY funny is how this leech can find time to post infantile crap while taking a break from being home schooled by his mommy in his basement bedroom hehehe:) I think his mommy needs to start teaching him how to form complete sentences because all he seems to be capable of is baby talk. Little Jeremiah obviously doesn't realize that Charlie is more "out" than most people who aren't in jail. At least Charlie isn't locked inside himself like all these haters appear to be.)

(I just received word about this hater today. Judi Townshit (I misspelled her last name on purpose to reflect how I see her) is quite pathetic to say the least. She posts all that misguided hatred I think because she's jealous of the love Star has for Charlie. Judi probably doesn't have that sort of love in her sad little life and she absolutely HATES seeing others happy. Either that or she just wants to stir up trouble with the Manson supporters simply because she's insecure with HER OWN self and wants to pass the buck to someone else so SHE doesn't have to face the TRUTH about HERSELF. Judi isn't really any different than the others and she only sees what she wants to.)

Gonzink Art commented on The Energy Of The Mansons's link.

(WOO HOO! Such tough talk from a LITTLE cretin Manson hater LOL:) He must be sexually deprived to post such filth. I can imagine a million sex toys in his basement all of which can't seem to satisfy his urges because he's too engrossed in bashing Charlie so that he can relieve himself of all that suppressed negative energy. I truly feel sorry for him:( His mommy must not have given him enough attention when he was a baby brat.)

Well, that's all for now. I'm sure more Manson haters will surface in the near future and when they do, they will be exposed here as the cretins they TRULY are. Stay tuned for further updates.